DEAR GOD: Reality & Eternity~




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The reality is, “yes, there is quite a bit of angst in this world.”

The reality is “yes, there is quite a bit of pain in this world.”

The reality is “yes, there is quite a bit of chaos in this world.”

But the biggest reality is… “yes, there is not our eternal home.”

We could all do well with refreshing our thoughts and clearing our mind, while taking in the inherent reality of “Jesus is preparing a room for us in His Father’s mansion.” 

John 14:1-3:

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

It is our permanent home, one in which we will thrive and live under the Reign of the LORD forever!

Do what we must, no matter the reality, submit to His will and seek His Kingdom and face daily, and all things shall fall into place, Amen!

The reality of the “world” is overwhelmingly suffocating at times, but with Christ, we can breathe easier, and rest in Him knowing He is ultimately in control. No matter how harsh the current views of society may be, or the climate of the world, or the derisive stance of the population…CHRIST is in control.

As country singer super star Carrie Underwood sang several years back, “Jesus, Take the Wheel.”  

And so, the reality is…“JESUS, You are in control now, tomorrow and for all Eternity…take the wheel Jesus, Amen!”


Father, You are in control, and I thank You for Your unwavering love, protection, guidance, and I submit myself to You fully, all glory and honor are Yours, in Jesus name, Amen.”


Jesus, Take the Wheel
Carrie Underwood
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati on a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her mama and her daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go, and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It’d been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind, and she didn’t pay attention
She was going way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn’t even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
‘Cause I can’t do this on my own
I’m letting go
So give me one more chance
And save me from this road I’m on
Jesus, take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said, “I’m sorry for the way
I’ve been living my life
I know I’ve got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
‘Cause I can’t do this on my own
I’m letting go
So give me one more chance
And save me from this road I’m on.”
Oh, Jesus, take the wheel
Oh, I’m letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I’m on
From this road I’m on
From this road I’m on
Jesus, take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh, why, oh
**Songwriters: Cornelius Brett James, Lindsey Hillary Lee, Sampson Gordon Francis (C)
**All  exclusive rights and ownerships  for “Jesus take the Wheel” belong to  all the above parties, and not the property of this website.

DEAR GOD: Closer & Closer- Higher & Higher~


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James 4: 8 says: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” the author also goes on to state, “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

So, when we turn away from sin and open our hearts, while seeking God, He WILL draw near.  The message is clear, concise, and extremely powerful.

Accepting Jesus into our hearts, and recognizing Him as the Son of the Father, is one of the first ways to draw closer to the LORD.

Having the Holy Bible in hand, and reading it daily, is another way to get “closer to Him” — When we make time for Him, it allows our hearts to connect to Him, and we will grow deeper in our faith, likewise our love for Him will grow exponentially.

Just referencing the Bible isn’t enough to draw higher and closer to the LORD. When we read His Word, pray, meditate, and talk to the LORD with contrite and loving hearts, the prosperity and change is overwhelming in terms of our spirit, countenance, and life overall.

And when we draw nigh to the Lord, He will draw nigh to us, and the devil will flee!  He doesn’t like when we glorify and love God. He hates when we worship the LORD, and most especially, he doesn’t like us “praising the LORD” in all we do and all we say.  Talk about fleeing for the hills! Amen!

Personally, I love the morning with God.  It’s quiet, peaceful, and the noise of the world is “shut down” and all I hear is my heart beating with love for God.  Yes…how I love Him and spending time with Him, there is nothing in the world like it!

Grab a few minutes in the am with the LORD, those of faith know it’s time well spent. It’s precious time to grow closer to Him, when we read His word and hear His voice. When we do, we are equipped for the tumultuous tasks ahead, the bumpy roads, and noisy circumstances of the world.

You can’t run your car without gasoline, and what happens when you don’t have enough?  Your car stops working.

So too, when we don’t prepare and spend time with the LORD each day (some do morning and night…or in between…it’s up to you and your schedule) Our spiritual bodies will be running on empty should we not “feed it daily”—until we don’t have the energy or wherewithal to operate fully in the world of today.

Read, pray and listen to the LORD’s voice, fill your inner spirit by visiting with Him, and thereby enabling a closer and higher relationship with the LORD!

Don’t deplete your spirit, instead replete it with God!   Then go out, and face the world like a warrior, of the One True Living Royal God!

Amen and Amen!


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“Father, I am Yours and Yours alone, I adore You and will do all things for You, and truly because of You, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”





DEAR GOD: Another Day Closer to Home~

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For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

2 Corinthians 5 (NIV)


Each moment that ticks away, is a moment closer to “our Eternal home in Heaven.” Some might suggest that this is a maudlin way of thinking, however, the faithful followers know this is real, and a source of comfort.   When we are through with our flesh bodies, the LORD calls us home, and we receive our eternal rewards, it will be a time of jubilation, and exhilaration!

So, while we’re here, we ought to realize that the Spirit from within, is guiding and bringing us through, whatever it is we have to ‘go through.’

The world can be a disturbing, and noisy place more times than not, watching empty lost souls barreling through life in calamitous fashion. There is nothing more unsettling that to observe a human soul disintegrating before your eyes, I’m speaking about humanity.  And it can be disruptive to the very core...IF we take it in.

We have the Spirit within us, who defeated the world. And knowing this, we’re encouraged, filled with peace, because through Christ, we’re victorious. (1 Corinthians 15:57) 

When we take in the nuances of the world, we are stunting the growth of our Spirit.  We have to view it through spiritual eyes, and keep on with the running the race, until we enter Heaven, the ultimate goal, our permanent home.  (Hebrews 12:1)

So, no matter how it sounds, we are each second getting closer to our expiration date, but…we must push on, and continue the job of the Father, and adhere to His voice, and direction. To do so, elicits days of understanding, of tolerance and compliance with the Word, specifically aligning to “His will.”  (Matthew 7:21)

Athletes, in training, in the middle of competition keep their eyes on the prize that’s set before them. This helps them to persevere and discipline themselves to finish the race and obtain the prize. (Philippians 3:12-14 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

We are spiritual athletes in training, every single day we are getting stronger, more proficient, completely and deeply entrenched in the LORD, and our growth will continue exponentially until we are called home!

So today, this very second know we’re in training, and all we do, all we say, and all we accomplish…is part of the “training” that will eventually lead us home, as faithful warriors in Christ, ready to receive our prize!

The seconds are ticking away…ultimately, it’s how we use the seconds that truly counts!

Father, guide me, lead me, direct me, touch me, heal me, as I go through the rigors of life here on earth, before I am called home to my eternal rewards, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Long Time No See?”



A friend of mine spoke in earnest about “wanting to see God” and not an “illusion” of who He is.  This friend believes, but almost like the people of old, such as the Pharisees, and Sadducees, is “wanting signs” and proof that He does exist.

This was followed by a long discussion of scripture and God overall.  The person was vehemently stating “I believe, but I never see Him. I don’t hear Him.  And I never get signs from Him…”  This went on for about an hour.

After my friend and I closed our dialogue for the day, it got me to thinking about how many others probably echo the sentiments of this individual.

People want signs from God.  So many don’t even look for a sign believing He “doesn’t exist.”

Properly interpreting any isolated verse of scripture requires an adequate understanding of its context, requiring reading, and meditation of the entire Chapter. Verse by verse, precept upon precept, ultimately brings pieces of the “puzzle” together, to form the entire picture of what God is saying.

Believing is an inward spiritual acknowledgment of who Christ is.  It is our inherent roots of Christianity, that adhere to the “Vine” branching out in truth and affirmation of Christ.

Thankfully those who do not seek a sign and believe are truly blessed as Jesus confirms in John 20:29  “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Blessed indeed! Seeing with one’s heart and soul, is the key to truly unlocking spirituality.  To magnify the LORD in His glory, and fundamentally proclaim “He is alive in me and with me always” knowing this is true, is the pinnacle of realization of His existence and the essence of our being.

We see Him everyday, when we adhere to His commandments, and love each other, pray, meditate and honor Him all the days of our lives.

We see Him in the face of a newborn, in the sunrise and sunset, in the stars, in the formation of clouds, in the face of adversity, and in the aftermath of peace. We see Him during trials, during transitions, in family and friends, or people we encounter along the highways of life. We see Him during sickness and health. He bears us up during turbulence and guides us to the ports of safety.

We hear Him through the raucous roar of the world, we can hear His soothing voice speak verses, assuring us of His promises in the Bible.  We see His brilliant light shining through the darkness and feel His presence when we are alone.

Jesus is here. Right here!  Always has been, always will be!

So, to those who seek a sign—I say this—how about starting at the Cross?

For truly the Cross elaborates, demonstrates, and emphatically illustrates, a crystal-clear sign, and prolific message of God’s presence.

In fact, there is no need to clarify further.  Amen!


Father, I thank You for Your presence, Your love and Your promises that fill Your Holy Word, may I be ever grateful, and ever mindful of Your sacrifice, and Your Omnipotence, in all that I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Loving Mercy & Grace~



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Hebrews 4:16

Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Our Almighty Father is a righteous and just God. Therefore, when one considers just how powerfully Omnipotent, and Holy our Father is, we’d have to concur, we’re truly not worthy to be in His presence.

God abhors sin. It is an abomination in His eyes. And the way His children were sinning, we were destined and doomed to eternal separation from Him, if not for His Son, Jesus.

In His infinite love and mercy, He made a huge sacrifice so that we could be with Him for eternity, thus sending His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus, experienced hardship, temptation, and things common to all, yet—He never sinned. He chose to die a painful and brutal death, taking our place, and therefore paying the penalty for our wrongs.

We must agree that there is no other love, as Scripture states, than to give up life for a friend (John 15:13.) Jesus would have undoubtedly done the same for only “one” person, that is how much He loved/loves us.  And how much our Father showed us Grace, Mercy, and Love.

Those of us who believe and follow Him, are blessed indeed. When we trust in the LORD, and surrender to Him, we’re readily adopted, and redeemed by Christ’s blood. His indwelling Spirit will guide us, lead us, and infuse us with joy, peace and endless love.

We’re always welcomed before the Throne of Grace. We can converse with the Father at any given time.  He promises to neither forsake  nor leave us. In fact, He’s with us always, even until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20.)

He listens to us, hears and responds to our repentant hearts, and knows our very thoughts. Jesus intercedes for us, and prays on our behalf.

Do we deserve the LORD’s invitation to have an intimate relationship with Him? No, we do not. But thankfully His Grace and Mercy say otherwise. It is in His infinite Grace and compassion that brings us the “gift” of forgiveness, and eternal rewards.

What an honor and privilege to be able to approach our King’s throne, knowing He cares for us, understands us, and patiently waits for us to seek Him in all we do.

When we rest in God’s Mercy and Grace, His love flows from within, and we can settle into a sweet fellowship with Him, all the days of our lives, and beyond.

Isn’t it astounding belonging to this “Royal Kingdom?” Isn’t it a gift to be loved by Him?

That would be an affirmative —Yes! & Yes!

“Father, thank You for the gift of Your Mercy and Grace, without Your sacrifice we wouldn’t have the glorious opportunity to approach Your Throne, and enjoy such an intimate relationship with You, may we be ever mindful of Your love, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”





DEAR GOD: Still Believe in You, Always~






This special bulletin, a shooting in a mall, several people killed.”

“This special bulletin, a house of worship was burned to the ground this pm”

“This special bulletin, a new variant of the Corona virus should be coming soon and has been showing up throughout the country.”

“This special bulletin, human trafficking is on the rise, and proliferating as we speak.”

“This special bulletin, gas prices are rising and so is food prices, and items sit on ships in California.”

“This special bulletin, Ukraine under attack….”



Dear LORD, I still believe in YOU.

I know You are in control, and You and You alone, can put a stop to all of this, but we realize it is happening for a reason.

Evil exists in the world, has always been in this world, since the beginning of time. But You defeated death!

And circumstances are being recycled in terms of wars, prejudicial actions, control and power mongering, which is apparent in the media, in the news, on our computer screens, all around us.

Pain, crying, despair…but, no matter what,  Dear Sweet LORD, You are our Rock.

Now more than ever we must SHOUT GLORY to YOU!

I believe that we will get through anything with You. as our umbrella of protection, and as our provider and supplier, of all things needed to sustain and gain, and You remain in our Midst as we pray and say,

“Hallelujah! Christ is LORD!

Hallelujah!  He is above all!

Hallelujah!  You love Your children!

Hallelujah!  You Reign Victorious!

Hallelujah!  We belong to You!

Hallelujah! We surrender all!

Amen! Amen! and Amen!

Just wanted to give the LORD a special SHOUT out to proclaim His glory, His Divine Holiness, His Eminence, and Omnipotence.  And all the people say, AMEN!

Go ahead, and shout praise to Him, that is worthy, and to Him, that is LORD.

He defeated death.

He reigns victorious.

He is in control.

And remember that no matter what is happening in the world, in our neighborhood, in our life, that GOD is always at work, and He will make good on all of His promises in the Bible. And He will never leave us, nor forsake us.  Come together brothers and sisters and cry out to the LORD and believe in Him. Praise Him and shout to Him.

Proclaim His Glory, Omnipotence, and Power.  Today and always!




“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20



“Please pray for Ukraine, may God sustain them, and bring them through this horrific dark time, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”


DEAR GOD: Your Way is the Only Way~





This God—His way is perfect;
    the Word of the Lord proves true;
    He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.

Psalm 18:30 (ESV)


Psalm 18 speaks to the heart, it is exceptionally clear and instrumental to the daily grind of our lives.  It is about a very “active God in heaven speaking to King David a man on earth, who longs to eagerly seek His face and carry out God’s will in all He does.

The LORD has not changed one iota since the beginning of time, and He will continue to take care of us as He did all those years ago, today and tomorrow.

God is not partial to any particular individual, the only thing that truly matters is how that we have Him in our hearts, and that we seek Him in all we do, all the days of our lives.

Seeking Him continuously, is not an “old fashioned thing of the past,” but an integral and essential part of who we are.  It is the very foundation of our Christianity.  It is our inherent duty as followers of the LORD to proclaim His glory, and to be obedient to His Word, and representative of Christ in all we endeavor.

When we do all of which He expects us to, with a sincere and contrite spirit, in addition to an overflowing heart of love, we are essentially aligning to His will and purpose for our lives, and the rewards will resound prolifically all the days of our lives.

When we do things God’s way, we act on “command” and His timing, and not on our own instinct or our own timing.

When we do, He will show us the righteousness paths to walk upon, and in so doing, will lead us to the “green pastures.”  His way is always the ONLY way, and the best way.


Have you read His word today? 

Do you know Him?

God is waiting for You to make the first move.

Open His book and begin to know what life truly is all about!

Father God, thank You for guiding me, leading me, touching me and healing me, without You I am nothing, for it is Your grace and love that provides all of my needs today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 18:1-2







Isaiah 48:17 ESV 

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.

DEAR GOD: Lead Me Onto Paths of Righteousness~


“He restoreth my soul and leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake…”

Psalm 23:3 (KJV)


Imagine this scene, you’re traveling to an unknown area and are lost. You pull over and start doubting the GPS directions.  And sitting looking around like a deer frozen in headlights, you’re unable to move because you are unsure which direction to go.  You’re totally and unequivocally lost!


That scenario is akin to our souls going down a path of unknown territory.  We’re stuck and unable to move, unsure of which way to go. Frozen, stuck, stagnating, and reticent about going forward, because of being held in an abyss of uncertainty.

God is the universal navigator for all times, for all souls.  He is the procurer of decency and significance.  He alone can guide our paths, if we “allow Him” to, by tuning in to His voice and His will for our lives.

Psalm 23 is a perfect example of His faithfulness and love for His children. He will restore our souls and lead us on paths of righteousness.

Proverbs, 3:5-8 Our LORD again reassures and promises us, that He will “guide our paths” when we trust Him and acknowledge Him.  This will bring health to our soul and nourish our bodies in the process, as He states.

Countless individuals suffer unnecessarily due to obstinance or lack of faith. Adhering to His Word and commandments and surrendering to His will, is a supreme choice that will alter our lives for the better. It will enrich our spirits and ignite our passion for living.

Are you lost?

Have you a lack of direction or guidance?

Trust in God,

and place yourself into His hands of love and grace, and then watch what happens in your life.

You’ll never be lost again, that’s a promise the good LORD will keep, and He will never let you go in the process.

Wow it doesn’t get any better than that!


Thank You my Father, I trust You with all my heart, all my soul, and all my might, I lean not on my own understanding, in all my ways I will acknowledge You, You will direct my paths, I am not wise in my own eyes, I love You and keep from evil, it shall be health to my navel and marrow for my bones, in Jesus name, Amen.”

(Proverbs 3:5-8)