DEAR GOD: Checking Spiritual Health~


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And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13


The world seems to grow “colder” by the second, and the elements of inhumanity and discourse appear to be ravaging so many. It’s rare to see good news on the news any longer. It’s like an ongoing twilight zone marathon at times. But I stand with God!  And no matter what I’m seeing or hearing…I know God is in control. So, what do we do in the meantime?

Don’t lose your voice around “ungodliness” or forfeit your inherent rights as a child of God to agree with “the masses.” Don’t be sucked up into a vortex of wrong deeds, ideology or evil doers.  Don’t silence your love of God by getting immersed with the daily grind of “the popular crowd” or the “current thread of societal norms.”

Instead, opt for the “TRUTH” and stand for what’s right and what’s good and what’s pleasing to God.  After all, He’s the One that truly matters, it’s His Holy Word, and commandments, that ultimately counts in the whole equation of “life.”

Now more than ever, we must be aware of what’s happening in this world. Evil forces are in place, forces beyond our own capabilities or abilities. We must acknowledge Spiritual forces are at play, here and now. There never was a time more profound to be in touch with our discerning spirit.

No political party will fix this chaotic world. Sinning is a spiritual disease. Spiritual disease is serious and ravishing many at this time. And it can be contagious!  Yes, from exposure to seeing evil behavior and discourse. Seeing individuals fighting each other, hurting each other. Witnessing it and listening to it can devastate the spiritual health of any given individual. It can unwillingly pull you in from overexposure to it.

The way we keep our heart healthy by exercising, eating right, so too must we do the same with our spirit. Being exposed to ungodly things can proliferate and deteriorate the spiritual health.

It truly makes a difference who we mingle with, listen to, converse with. Yes, we are supposed to offer and spread the good news and sow seeds to those in the dark.  But we must heed Jesus’ warning in Matthew 10:16,“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Feed your spirit with food from above, keep your spirit healthy with prime choices from a “one-of-a-kind-menu of His Holy Word.”  Keep your eyes on Him and do all things that align with the LORD, and you will experience Spiritual health, today, tomorrow and forever!


“Father God, may I continue to focus on You and Your Word, help me to live in the world, and not let the world live in me, I realize that You are the One in control, and only You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”