DEAR GOD: Your Orchestra of Eternal Love~


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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


Eternal love, what do those words mean to you? 

John 3:163:16 comes to mind when I see or hear the words “Eternal love.” After all, that kind of love supersedes all else, it is a symphony led by the Maestro. That is to say, our Master, the One and only LORD.

We’re all part of His symphony, each with our own distinct sound, and overall contribution to His orchestra of life. Each of us are different in shape, and sound. Yet together, it becomes one unified harmonious crescendo, that culminates into one accord, signifyingto our love for Him.

God sent His Son, on a mission to heal, preach, teach— and most specially to love–– so that we would be saved.  Sacrificing His Son, so that we would be forgiven of our sins, in order to share in the rewards of “Eternal love.”

The significance of what God has done for us, transcends anything and everything.

His kind of love is unparalleled.

He is offering us a chance at Eternal love, when we accept Him as our LORD and Savior.

Powerful! Astounding! Amazing!

Parents, think about how much God loves us. Now, think about your children, and the capacity in which you love them. Of course, you love them unconditionally and wholeheartedly, correct?

Well…now think about how much more our Father, in heaven loves us. So much more, that He would send His only begotten Son to save us from the depths of sin.

WOW!   It never GETS OLD!

The realization and affirmation of God’s love and sacrifice for us!  It is renewed each day, as we go through our routines and duties. The knowledge of His love is a magnificent gift and should be reflected in all we do.

All I can say is, “Thank You LORD, Abba Father.”

Traditional love, in and of itself is spectacular, and comes in the form of many different relationships.  We love according to the aspect in which they represent. For instance, we love our parents differently than we love our children, likewise, as we do our spouses/significant others.  We love our beloved fur babies.  We love friends, extended family, pastors, neighbors and colleagues. The list goes on and on, but you get the general idea.

Although we love, and well we should.  The most important relationship of all is the one we form with the LORD Jesus Christ. It is from that relationship in which we grow and thrive.  It is from that relationship in which we LOVE. It is from that relationship we are loved, fully, completely, totally, and beyond all human comprehension.

God’s plans for our journey here on earth, is comprised of a foundation in which we subscribe to, while following His will, and purpose all the days of our lives.

No one person is better than the other. No one is holier than another.  He sees us all through the same untrammeled vision in which He alone can see.

We are His, and He is ours.

Family, and a great love formed by a cohesive thread, of the body of Christ.

Eternal love?

Oh yes! 

Thank You LORD!


“Thank You for the promises in Your Word, for the boundless joy of loving You, for the blessings You bestow upon me daily, You alone are my LORD, thank You for the depths in which You love, may I do all things according to Your will, and purpose in my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”