DEAR GOD: Checking Spiritual Health~


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And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13


The world seems to grow “colder” by the second, and the elements of inhumanity and discourse appear to be ravaging so many. It’s rare to see good news on the news any longer. It’s like an ongoing twilight zone marathon at times. But I stand with God!  And no matter what I’m seeing or hearing…I know God is in control. So, what do we do in the meantime?

Don’t lose your voice around “ungodliness” or forfeit your inherent rights as a child of God to agree with “the masses.” Don’t be sucked up into a vortex of wrong deeds, ideology or evil doers.  Don’t silence your love of God by getting immersed with the daily grind of “the popular crowd” or the “current thread of societal norms.”

Instead, opt for the “TRUTH” and stand for what’s right and what’s good and what’s pleasing to God.  After all, He’s the One that truly matters, it’s His Holy Word, and commandments, that ultimately counts in the whole equation of “life.”

Now more than ever, we must be aware of what’s happening in this world. Evil forces are in place, forces beyond our own capabilities or abilities. We must acknowledge Spiritual forces are at play, here and now. There never was a time more profound to be in touch with our discerning spirit.

No political party will fix this chaotic world. Sinning is a spiritual disease. Spiritual disease is serious and ravishing many at this time. And it can be contagious!  Yes, from exposure to seeing evil behavior and discourse. Seeing individuals fighting each other, hurting each other. Witnessing it and listening to it can devastate the spiritual health of any given individual. It can unwillingly pull you in from overexposure to it.

The way we keep our heart healthy by exercising, eating right, so too must we do the same with our spirit. Being exposed to ungodly things can proliferate and deteriorate the spiritual health.

It truly makes a difference who we mingle with, listen to, converse with. Yes, we are supposed to offer and spread the good news and sow seeds to those in the dark.  But we must heed Jesus’ warning in Matthew 10:16,“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Feed your spirit with food from above, keep your spirit healthy with prime choices from a “one-of-a-kind-menu of His Holy Word.”  Keep your eyes on Him and do all things that align with the LORD, and you will experience Spiritual health, today, tomorrow and forever!


“Father God, may I continue to focus on You and Your Word, help me to live in the world, and not let the world live in me, I realize that You are the One in control, and only You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Unrelenting Unity Sealed by Your Love~



Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence. (Psalm 140:13 KJV)

I was reminiscing with a friend about “pre-Covid days” and how things were taken for granted.  Most important, the large crowds, or groups of people in these so called, “normal” gatherings.

Normal gatherings meaning, no pointing fingers at random groups of “non-vaccinated” versus “vaccinated” — or political ideology preferences, etc., etc., etc.

My friend and I recalled a certain wedding we had attended about ten years back, we both said simultaneously, “remember the groups and table arrangements?”

Within the groups were disparaging ages and backgrounds.  There were ten of these groups, and it wasn’t designed as such, it just happened that way.

You know how it is while attending such gatherings, people will invariably drift off and “self-group” with those in which they could relate.

There was a lot of “table swapping” going on so people could mingle with those they had things in common with. It was an unusual wedding in that this was allowed, it was free flowing and went smoothly, no discourse just seeking a good time celebrating the couple’s union.

I couldn’t help but think about the “eternal presence” of God.  When we are called home, we will not be broken into “groups” –instead we will be gathered around the Light of the world.  We will all share a purpose as we worship our Lord and Savior…our King.

There will be no groups of five or ten…only a common thread cohesively formed by the cord of Christ. Our Father will be the reason and purpose, and we will all have things to do. Consequently, it will be a meaningful and peaceful gathering, at all times. Amen.

All those who surrender their lives to Christ will be rewarded.  We can still be blessed during our time here on earth, while in our “flesh bodies.”  We can come to the Lord, and He will sustain and provide for us here and now…and eventually lead the way into Eternity.

Doing His Will, as we go through life, will be the key to pleasing God, and He will bless us accordingly.

A good man obtaineth favour of the Lord: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn. (Proverbs 12:2 KJV)

Our Lord is wise and powerful. He loves us dearly, and wants us to follow His ways, so we might share the full course of eternity with Him. If He didn’t want us with Him, He wouldn’t have sent His Son, Yeshua the Messiah, to save us from sin. (John 3:16)

He created us and all things f for His pleasure.

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11 KJV)

When we are called home and view His magnificence, we will be worshipping and bowing and proclaiming His Glory in unison, as we live in accordance with His promises and His will forever.

Saying in a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.” (Revelation 4:12 )

What a beautiful and peaceful assurance, to know that we will all live on forever in His love, and His glory.

What an awesome God we serve! Concentrate on Him, and His love, no matter what it is you may be going through, or experiencing…the end result is the reward that brings all things into perfect harmony and clarity of body, heart, soul and mind…

Amen and Amen~

“Dear Father God, how worthy are You as we bow to Your omnipotence and glory, thank You for Your provisions over our lives, and for never ceasing to care for us through good times and bad, from our first breath to our last, may we do all to honor You, today, tomorrow and forever, in Jesus precious beautiful name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Greater Are You Who Set Me Free~

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“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

1 John 4:4


He reigns victorious!  He defeated death! (1 Corinthians 15:55)

We have moved from the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Light. Our filthy covering of sin has been replaced with a robe of righteousness. Amen!  

An important message you might want to hang onto that supports that prolific verse is…”Although we live in the world, we must be careful not to allow the world to live in us!” 

Jesus’ great loving sacrifice is truly beyond the scope of our mortal mind and understanding. To fully comprehend the reality of what Jesus did for us at the cross, and His resurrection, eventually leaving us with the “Comforter” His Holy Spirit, simply defies the bounds in which our minds can grasp.  But the message from His heart is abundantly clear,  “He loves us with a fiery intensity that supersedes all else.”

Today take the time to thank Him from your heart and realize that although the world is filled with evil, debauchery and violence, we are children of the Light, and we do not walk in darkness.

We are children of the LORD and inasmuch, we corroborate daily with a cohesive narrative that supports His doctrine.  The world will not swallow us, instead we will walk in the Spirit and take delight in knowing He is with us, no evil or plagues will come near us. (Psalm 91)

The world is a place we live in, albeit temporarily, it is not our permanent home.  The reward of His Kingdom is the final destination and purpose of what we do today, as it will be what we ultimately reap tomorrow.

So go about your business today and always.

And remember, “Live in the world, don’t let the world live in you.”


“Father God, thank You for Your love at the cross, the sacrifice you endured for me, and for Your resurrection that set us free, You that live in me, is far bigger and better than anything that lives in this world, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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Hosea 13:14
I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.




DEAR GOD: Exciting & New Only With You~

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Someone was boasting about knowing all aspects of the Bible and there wasn’t anything new.  Going deeper the individual exclaimed, “I know the Bible so much it doesn’t matter if I read it daily, once a week at church is enough.” 

Well, no one is here is ever going to “judge” that comment, after all we are not to judge at any time.  However, I do have some thoughts concerning this kind of thinking overall.

Personally, I can’t get enough of God’s Word.  His Word is always fresh, exciting and new.

The LORD’s Word is an ever-growing fountain of knowledge, that will continuously download into one’s soul, heart and mind.  The very foundation of God’s purpose is in His Word, for His children to build upon, and is there for all of us to enjoy.

And although we may know Chapter and verse, it is never the same each time one reads it.

For example, when I read from the Bible, there is another aspect, or thought I walk away with.  It may be something that touches my soul in a way it didn’t before.  Or it may be a verse that I needed to “hear” due to circumstances that loom large.  Or…it may be a “new concept” that suddenly jumps out and makes me say, “Wow!

Reading the Holy Bible is to “hear God’s voice” speaking succinctly and directly to me.  It’s feeling His Spirit guiding me, as I seek His wisdom and peace.

It is learning how to understand life, and all of the nuances it encompasses.  His Word is akin to God’s breath, that catapults me into realms of reality, that assures me that I’m protected and loved.

So maybe for the individual that “only reads God’s Word weekly,” That’s okay for you, but not for me.

I want to feel connected and grow deeper and expand my roots of spirituality to the LORD, Jesus Christ…and His Word.

After all—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…” – John 1:1

Father, thank You for the Word and Your voice and wisdom, may I be ever seeking Your face and Kingdom, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’s name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Repentance and Your Love~




From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven [is at hand.”

Matthew 4:17 NKJV


Repentance is a recognition of our sin, and a commitment about that sin, to turn from it, and applying our concerted efforts going forward, onto a fresh path, after having been remorseful, for going outside the parameters of God’s Word.

We are turning from the sin, and have a complete change of mind, and change of heart, resulting in a change of conduct and direction resulting in a new path, having been forgiven by Christ.

Faith and repentance go hand-in-in.

We must firmly and wholeheartedly believe that Christ forgives us, be truly contrite, filled with remorse over our sin, and firmly adhere to turning from it.

But being human, we may therefore “slide” back into ” familiar sins”-and once again, we are called to repent. Our conviction by the Holy Spirit, will entreat us into realizing the error of our ways.

When we confess to God, we are in agreement with His Word, and realize it’s wrong and against Him.  So, we confess, and He is faithful and just, and He will forgive. Is that it? Well, there is more to confession than acknowledging what we did.

We need to truly apply those feelings of remorse, which is truly grieving the Holy Spirit, then fully turn from it, and walk away from it. Working hard to getting whatever it is “out of your life” and going forward with a clean slate. Amen!

The sweetest joy comes through sincere repentance toward God, for the transgression of His law, and through faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, as the sinner’s Redeemer, and personal Advocate.

Let’s not forget a particularly crucial factor, concerning our repentance. It is Christ’s love that allows us to repent and brings forth the conviction to do so. Without that conviction and love, we would be in dire circumstances.

Keep in mind that God loves us, even when we sin. His unparalleled love for us is truly undeserved, but we are important to Him nonetheless, and He sincerely loves all of us, irrespective of our actions.

God’s love has a purpose, and He loves to claim sinners and change their lives, thereby culminating into a close and beautiful relationship with Him, by altering their behavior, or honing it, according to His purposes, and will in our lives. So, we can share in the eternal rewards when we are called home.

Christ died for us, and that love prompts us to follow His path, not our own. We become new creatures as we are called to love others. To love God fully and completely and love our neighbors.

God gives us the strength to turn away from sins, the opportunity to do so, and the perspective and wisdom to understand why we should.

God will never turn from His children, instead He wants us to “turn to Him” for all of our needs, through good times and bad. And most important, His hands of grace are easy and gentle, and quick to forgive.

“Father, thank You for sending the Comforter to convict us, and to bring us closer to you, and allowing us to see the error of our ways, when we sin, Your love, and forgiveness are truly a gift, may we always turn to You in all things, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Growing in Love With You Daily~


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And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him,

Which is the first commandment of all?

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 

Mark 12:27 -30 KJV


When the scribe inquired about the “first” commandment, Jesus answered swiftly, and responded with authority and assurance.  To love the LORD fully and completely, is not just about “loving” Him per se, but rather, it’s also about “choice.

It’s one thing to read His Word, and recite some passages here and there, but it’s quite another thing to “fully endorse” the LORD, in all things, and include Him in all of the equations in our lives.

In other words, overtly choosing Him every day, while adhering to His Doctrine, and applying those standards to what we do. How we act, and what we say is an integral part of our Christianity, and crucial to our growth in the Spirit.

If we half-heartedly do things because we feel “obligated” because of our faith, then that really isn’t what the LORD is referring to with His answer about the “first commandment.

To love wholeheartedly and unabashedly, is to pronounce and proclaim this continuously, no matter the circumstances, 24/7.

When we love Him unconditionally, it is a prolific statement in our hearts, and in our deeds.  It is a reflection of “His countenance” when we apply that kind of love, and dedication in all aspects of our lives.

It’s not to say we won’t experience adversity or painful scenarios and circumstances, after all…no one is impervious to sorrow or discourse of some nature.  However, we will be able to overcome with a buoyancy, that we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to navigate quite so easily, if we didn’t have the LORD, and all that encompasses, every single day, in which we live here on earth.

The glorious rewards, we shall reap when we are called home, will far outweigh anything that we’ve been through in the past, now or tomorrow.  Eternal bliss is priceless, and to clarify it while embracing the love of GOD, and the love we have for Him, makes all things bearable and sustainable.

A favorite passage of mine that really pertains to all of us is 1 Corinthians 10:13, the message is abundantly clear.  “There isn’t anything that we are going through that someone else hasn’t gone through before, and the LORD never gives us more than we can handle, and most important, He will always provide a way out of it.”

To be a special part of a “royal family” of the LORD, we must love Him, because we “want to,” choosing consciously to be with Him, on all levels in spirituality, and formulating it constantly.  It’s a valuable part of living.

Quite frankly, it’s seemingly easy to “love Him.”   

on the other hand, are not that easy to love, and yet…He loves us more than we could ever possibly imagine, or comprehend, and for that alone…isn’t He worth loving with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength?

“LORD, we thank You for loving us, for providing us with all that we need on a daily basis, Your strength reinforces our paths, Your promises ignite our souls, and Your love sustains our hearts, may we, Your children, find favor in Your eyes today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Your Orchestra of Eternal Love~


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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


Eternal love, what do those words mean to you? 

John 3:163:16 comes to mind when I see or hear the words “Eternal love.” After all, that kind of love supersedes all else, it is a symphony led by the Maestro. That is to say, our Master, the One and only LORD.

We’re all part of His symphony, each with our own distinct sound, and overall contribution to His orchestra of life. Each of us are different in shape, and sound. Yet together, it becomes one unified harmonious crescendo, that culminates into one accord, signifyingto our love for Him.

God sent His Son, on a mission to heal, preach, teach— and most specially to love–– so that we would be saved.  Sacrificing His Son, so that we would be forgiven of our sins, in order to share in the rewards of “Eternal love.”

The significance of what God has done for us, transcends anything and everything.

His kind of love is unparalleled.

He is offering us a chance at Eternal love, when we accept Him as our LORD and Savior.

Powerful! Astounding! Amazing!

Parents, think about how much God loves us. Now, think about your children, and the capacity in which you love them. Of course, you love them unconditionally and wholeheartedly, correct?

Well…now think about how much more our Father, in heaven loves us. So much more, that He would send His only begotten Son to save us from the depths of sin.

WOW!   It never GETS OLD!

The realization and affirmation of God’s love and sacrifice for us!  It is renewed each day, as we go through our routines and duties. The knowledge of His love is a magnificent gift and should be reflected in all we do.

All I can say is, “Thank You LORD, Abba Father.”

Traditional love, in and of itself is spectacular, and comes in the form of many different relationships.  We love according to the aspect in which they represent. For instance, we love our parents differently than we love our children, likewise, as we do our spouses/significant others.  We love our beloved fur babies.  We love friends, extended family, pastors, neighbors and colleagues. The list goes on and on, but you get the general idea.

Although we love, and well we should.  The most important relationship of all is the one we form with the LORD Jesus Christ. It is from that relationship in which we grow and thrive.  It is from that relationship in which we LOVE. It is from that relationship we are loved, fully, completely, totally, and beyond all human comprehension.

God’s plans for our journey here on earth, is comprised of a foundation in which we subscribe to, while following His will, and purpose all the days of our lives.

No one person is better than the other. No one is holier than another.  He sees us all through the same untrammeled vision in which He alone can see.

We are His, and He is ours.

Family, and a great love formed by a cohesive thread, of the body of Christ.

Eternal love?

Oh yes! 

Thank You LORD!


“Thank You for the promises in Your Word, for the boundless joy of loving You, for the blessings You bestow upon me daily, You alone are my LORD, thank You for the depths in which You love, may I do all things according to Your will, and purpose in my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Wisdom & Love is Priceless~



The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding.”

 Psalm 111:10


God’s wisdom spurs godly decisions. When we lack wisdom, our decisions ultimately will bring about circumstances that could be devastating, or shallow in terms of life overall.

There isn’t any among us who haven’t been faced with challenges, many beyond our control, just take a look around our world and country, and most of what we face are of our own making and choices.

In college we had an acronym ABC, which meant…”action, behavior, consequences.”  Which is to say, our actions promote behavior that will invariably have consequences.  And those consequences can go both ways. They can produce repercussions that can be life altering.

These actions concerning our behavior, can either be favorable ringing out truths, and wisdom of God. Or they can be insurmountable in disfavor for all parties concerned.

When we don’t surrender and acquiesce to the LORD our God, but instead seek to follow our own path and our own ways, we are then foolish.  Proverbs 1:7 states, ” The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Being equipped with the wisdom of God is a gift from God who supplies that supernatural protection all the days of our lives. His Omnipotent power is prolific and lies within all of us. The Holy Spirit is wise, kind, resolute in providing the best outcome for us at all times.

Proverbs 3:58 solidifies further that being wise in our own eyes is foolish, but instead to trust God at all times, and He will guide us, and keep us healthy as well.

Today as we handle “life” and all that it entails, whatever it may be, let’s focus on the One that can provide a sea of tranquility to allow us to sail on the stormy seas. The One who is in control, the One who loves us more than anyone or anything.  He alone can bring “our ships safely to port.”

God wants to give us His wisdom. He wants to supply all of needs, and He is standing by the ready to do so.

He is just asking “for us” to allow Him to do so.

“LORD, please provide Your wisdom in my life, may I be wise in all my decisions as I seek Your counsel daily, and may Your will be done this day and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”








DEAR GOD: You Never Forget Your Children~



Psalm 94:18-19

I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.


There might be days when we keep falling down emotionally, there is only One Being that can catch us, and keep us standing straight upright.

When we feel as if we’re under water and drowning, there is only One Being that will pull us from the depths of the ocean.

When we feel as if all hope is gone, there is but One Being that will provide light and inspiration to keep forging ahead with confidence.

The LORD coats us with the balm needed for our very souls. He rejuvenates our Spirit, allowing us to adjust and become stronger still in His love and His grace.

Jesus, precious King of kings, and LORD of lords.  The very lifter of our embodiment and foundation for LIFE.

It’s okay to feel weak in the face of adversity, because that’s when God is the strongest.  It’s okay to feel reticent about life and its uncertainty, because we have a God who is constant, and every faithful.  It’s okay to feel pain and sorrow, because that’s when God will heal us and provide comfort.  It’s okay for us to cry, because that’s when God will wipe our tears with His hands of grace.  It’s okay to be human, because He made us, and knows we fall short of perfection; although we strive toward Spiritual growth, we still are encased in flesh.  And because of our flesh, is the very reason why we need to saturate ourselves with His Word, His commandments, and His love.

He promises us, that His promises, will never be broken.  That in and of itself is a rewarding and refreshing guarantee in this journey called life. However, eternal life, and its rewards will be spectacular, and to grasp His promises on a daily basis, is to arm ourselves with His truth, His light, and His love.  His promises, promise to keep us contained, and secure under His wings of protection, which enables us safe passage in an otherwise “dangerous” world.

Knowing He never forgets us, is tantamount to spontaneous and explosive joy within our souls, during every single aspect of our days, and all the days of our lives.

He never will forget us, it’s clearly apparent in His Word, in His promises, and in His love and mercy.

The question then becomes, “Knowing He loves us unconditionally, and is with us always, why is it then, that so many of His children have forgotten Him?”


“Father, thank You for endless love, and Your promises today, tomorrow and always, all glory and honor are Yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Daily Worship~




A Psalm of David

Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

Psalm 29:1-2 (KJV)

Heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) and those who are created in His very image are called to do the same (Genesis 1:26.) As children of God, we are to worship, and acknowledge His infinite glory, His Sovereign nature, and Omnipotence, in all aspects of our daily existence.

Christians and those of faith are part of an extended family, all serving one God, and processing life through the lens, hearts, and mind of Christ.  As a new day begins, we invariably will face many given issues in a 24/hr. time frame.

A sense of responsibility catapults each of us into a daily grind, that is to say, routines. Within this time frame can come challenging circumstances, and perhaps frustration, and or pain as well. But with God as our nucleus of all things, we can handle obstinance, frustrations, pain, defiance, darkness, good times as well as bad times. He alone will provide a cornucopia of ways to handle matters, because that is who He is…our faithful, loving Father. Through Him all things are made, and through Him all things are possible.

With hearts of love and appreciation, we realize without a smidgeon of doubt, that He is our eternal Jehovah, loving Father, and Creator.

In so doing, our Spiritual growth will intensify, as will our blessings from above.

Finally, eternal rewards, and His promises, will be fulfilled when we are called home.


Have you harnessed the magnificence of the LORD in your life?


“Father, may I always give You all the glory, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”