DEAR GOD: In Touch 24/7~




Always there for His Own

In this day of technology and robotic overtures, isn’t it a welcome relief to have a 24/7 access line directly to the LORD?

It’s calming and self-assuring to know that He is always with us, no matter what the time, or the place, He is there. Lovingly watching over us, patiently seeing us through obstacles, dilemmas, and guiding us unto paths of righteousness. When we seek Him.

This bit of knowledge was glaringly apparent this morning, as I was attempting to get in touch with my insurance company, yearning to reach a “live voice”—which is obsolete these days—and after endless prompting instructions, the phone disconnected!  Yikes!   Hey! I was on hold with the prompting and music for over twenty minutes. Are you kidding me?  Seriously?

After a second cup of coffee, I laughed aloud.  Oh well, I’ll try again this afternoon. It was at that moment I smiled up at the LORD, and said, “My Father, thank You for never disconnecting me. I can always get a hold of you, 24/7. Thank You!” 

Blessed Assurance from His Word

The Bible is my number one “go to” in all things pertaining to LIFE, organization, understanding, and significance.  His Word is a powerful tool in this world, and a must have in ” my wardrobe” as I dress in the morning.  For to be clothed in His Word, the Gospel Armor, is to be prepared and undefeated in everything I do or attempt to endeavor.

His Promises

 Deuteronomy 31:6, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

When I read that unprecedented passage, it catapults me into “full blown peaceful mode” knowing He is here!  He is with me! That affirmation settles into my soul and encourages me to get on with whatever I have to do.

Reality Check

Can anyone of us stand up and say we have never been disappointed?  

Can anyone of us stand up and say, we have never had a broken heart?

Can anyone of us stand up and say, no one has ever shattered a dream by breaking a promise?

Can anyone of us fully trust someone knowing they will never let us down no matter how much they love us?

I’m thinking that the answer has to be “no” to at least one of those scenarios. Because after all, we are humans encased in flesh bodies, and prone to make errors, and break promises along the way, or let people down here and there, intentionally or otherwise.

But consider this, “Can you trust God above all else?” 

The answer should be an undeniable and emphatic YES!

Trusting in God might at times be challenging, when a decision turns out to be less than appealing, disappointing, or confusing.

Or a certain situation turns out to be unexpected.  But this is when “trusting” God becomes critical in the passage of life.  When we surrender to Him, knowing His will for us is the best option, even when the outcome isn’t what we’d have chosen for ourselves, is when our lives become solidified and saturated in His love. It’s quite frankly, when we experience spiritual growth.

Trusting Him, knowing He is there 24/7 for those of faith, is a “life-line” that inherently keeps on giving in ways that no one else can.

Proverbs 3:5-8

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean …  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

Knowing that He is with us, and will make good on ALL OF HIS PROMISES, is one of the greatest joys in life!

The next time you’re waiting desperately for someone to respond to your needs, look up and take comfort knowing there is instant access to the Greatest of all time.  He is available, willing and able. And just waiting for you to connect to Him!


“Father, I thank You for Your untrammeled protection and love, there is none like You, may I be ever mindful of Your Word, Your promises, Your blood, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”