DEAR GOD: You’re My Clarity in Uncertainty~

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105



There has been many a debate about the Bible by naysayers, and those of faith. Some may say, “it’s open to interpretation” or “it was written so long ago.”  And still some might lament, “It was written in a way that is not very clear or simple to digest.”


Well, to that I’ll say this. When it comes to the LORD’s Word, many might get confused at first. But as one begins to read chapter by chapter, verse by verse, precept upon precept…something invariably happens, it becomes apparent as to what is being expressed. As one day the veil is pulled from our eyes, and we have a clear and concise clarity that only comes from a vested interest in getting to know our LORD, through prayer, meditation, dedication and the distinct and overpowering need to form a relationship with Him.


From Genesis the beginning, to Revelation the end, the theme is evidently and abundantly clear, it’s all about God and His dominion, design and desire for us, and His plan for all of us as His children.


The more I explore and open up to God’s Word, the more God’s Word gets into me, the more I understand that I am commissioned to worship God, serve Him, and love Him unconditionally, putting Him before all others.


In life we are compounded daily with responsibilities; whether it be family, children, grandchildren; jobs, friends, addressing medical issues, taking care of a sick loved one, volunteering, helping someone through a crisis etc., etc.


However, through all of whatever it is we are doing, God should always be at the center of it all. He should be touted number One in all we do, seek to do, and aspire to do…it should be done with Him as the centerpiece each and every day of our lives. Amen,


I simply cannot understand how individuals can walk this earth and not be in awe of its Creator, or the Sovereignty of His Character.


Every sunrise and sunset, every cry of a newborn baby, every star in the sky, every majestic mountain peak, every adorable furry little creature, pristine white snow falling softly to the ground, a fabulous rainfall on a hot humid summer day, beautiful lilies in the field, these all remind me of the One that made it happen!  Can people not grasp that everything made and created was made and created by the LORD?  Is that not clarity?


In an uncertain world, one thing is profoundly certain, the LORD, His Word, His promises, and most especially His love.


The clarity of God’s Word brings irrefutable comfort in times of trials and troubles and intensifies peace and joy.  (Psalm 23)


I’ve great satisfaction in the fact that our Lord is with us! Oh, the promise of God’s Word!


Don’t understand it as of yet?

You know what?

Ask the sweet LORD to bring wisdom and clarity about His word, and guess what happens?

You’ll get it!


“Father thank You for being the One constant in my life, in darkness, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, You are at the center and forefront of my life, today, tomorrow and always, may I be ever thankful for You, Your Word, Your promises and Your love, in Jesus’ name Amen.”


Psalm 91:9-10

 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most  High, thy habitation;

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.