DEAR GOD: In Touch 24/7~




Always there for His Own

In this day of technology and robotic overtures, isn’t it a welcome relief to have a 24/7 access line directly to the LORD?

It’s calming and self-assuring to know that He is always with us, no matter what the time, or the place, He is there. Lovingly watching over us, patiently seeing us through obstacles, dilemmas, and guiding us unto paths of righteousness. When we seek Him.

This bit of knowledge was glaringly apparent this morning, as I was attempting to get in touch with my insurance company, yearning to reach a “live voice”—which is obsolete these days—and after endless prompting instructions, the phone disconnected!  Yikes!   Hey! I was on hold with the prompting and music for over twenty minutes. Are you kidding me?  Seriously?

After a second cup of coffee, I laughed aloud.  Oh well, I’ll try again this afternoon. It was at that moment I smiled up at the LORD, and said, “My Father, thank You for never disconnecting me. I can always get a hold of you, 24/7. Thank You!” 

Blessed Assurance from His Word

The Bible is my number one “go to” in all things pertaining to LIFE, organization, understanding, and significance.  His Word is a powerful tool in this world, and a must have in ” my wardrobe” as I dress in the morning.  For to be clothed in His Word, the Gospel Armor, is to be prepared and undefeated in everything I do or attempt to endeavor.

His Promises

 Deuteronomy 31:6, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

When I read that unprecedented passage, it catapults me into “full blown peaceful mode” knowing He is here!  He is with me! That affirmation settles into my soul and encourages me to get on with whatever I have to do.

Reality Check

Can anyone of us stand up and say we have never been disappointed?  

Can anyone of us stand up and say, we have never had a broken heart?

Can anyone of us stand up and say, no one has ever shattered a dream by breaking a promise?

Can anyone of us fully trust someone knowing they will never let us down no matter how much they love us?

I’m thinking that the answer has to be “no” to at least one of those scenarios. Because after all, we are humans encased in flesh bodies, and prone to make errors, and break promises along the way, or let people down here and there, intentionally or otherwise.

But consider this, “Can you trust God above all else?” 

The answer should be an undeniable and emphatic YES!

Trusting in God might at times be challenging, when a decision turns out to be less than appealing, disappointing, or confusing.

Or a certain situation turns out to be unexpected.  But this is when “trusting” God becomes critical in the passage of life.  When we surrender to Him, knowing His will for us is the best option, even when the outcome isn’t what we’d have chosen for ourselves, is when our lives become solidified and saturated in His love. It’s quite frankly, when we experience spiritual growth.

Trusting Him, knowing He is there 24/7 for those of faith, is a “life-line” that inherently keeps on giving in ways that no one else can.

Proverbs 3:5-8

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean …  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.”

Knowing that He is with us, and will make good on ALL OF HIS PROMISES, is one of the greatest joys in life!

The next time you’re waiting desperately for someone to respond to your needs, look up and take comfort knowing there is instant access to the Greatest of all time.  He is available, willing and able. And just waiting for you to connect to Him!


“Father, I thank You for Your untrammeled protection and love, there is none like You, may I be ever mindful of Your Word, Your promises, Your blood, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Voice Alone~

See the source image

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 KJV

 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:



Christians, or those of faith can sometimes get lost in preconceptions about God thereby influencing what we “think” we might “hear” from Him.  For an example, when we think of God as a perfectly wise and loving Counselor, (which is what He is!) we will most assuredly be open to His Word and His Promises.  Irrespective of the adversities or calamities we may be facing, we know that He will undeniably help us, when we believe and trust in our Rock.

On the other hand, some who may believe God is a vindictive Judge, might expect punishment on a daily basis, and perhaps relentlessly waiting for Him to extract due to our follies in harsh penalties.

Simply put, the depth of our relationship with the LORD, will be instrumental in how we “hear” Him.  When we approach Him, knowing we are serving a living God, and under the auspices of His grace, we are filled with assurance that He will “talk” to us. And we then “hear” what it is that He’s saying to us.  Even if they might not be exactly what we “want” to hear.  Nonetheless, His will not ours.

When we have an intimate close-knit relationship with Him, we will turn to Him for all matters concerning our lives, and believe everything He says, everything He promised, and every commandment He issued.

It comes down to this.

Do you know and love Him?

Have you judiciously applied all the foundations of His doctrine and His will for your life on a daily basis? 

You see, our personal view of the LORD has to remain accurate and perceived Biblically. By being fully acquainted with God, and His character, we will truly know who He is.

We will know Him as the God of love (1 John 4:8) who wants us to approach the throne of grace boldly (Hebrews 4:16). It is by knowing Him, we will grow closer to Him, and become embedded enabling our Spirit to take root, growing deeper and more profound.

The next time you think you “hear” what the LORD is telling you, make sure it isn’t some preconceived thought of your own mind, luring you and leading you to the wide path of the world.

Instead, follow the sage advice of 1 Thessalonians 5:21, and quickly test whatever you “hear” alongside the truth of Scripture.  It is only then that your barometer of Christianity, will register reality, which will let us abandon the shrill “fictitious” sounds of the world!

“Dear God, thank You for Your Word, which is an immovable anchor in my life, may I always hear Your voice through the noise of the world, and may I always apply Your Word in all aspects of my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 




DEAR GOD: Amazing Promise-Amazing Love~





In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago…

Titus 1:2


We can confidently depend on our eternal King because He Himself is truth (John 14:6), and His promises are true. According to Titus 1:2, God cannot lie, and never makes a promise that He won’t keep. And He certainly has the power to keep His word, for “nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

His promises are manifest in His Being and His Word, which is to say, Jesus Christ who is the Living Word. When we are given to daily frustrations, or intermittent valleys of turbulence, we are subject to inherent emotional storms due to the circumstances. However, with His promises, and His Word, and most especially His love…we are assured guidance and a way to get “through” whatever it is we are battling.  He is the solitude of peace in which we can maneuver effortlessly, and the One who give us the ultimate strength in which we can then accomplish what it is we need to do.

His Word.

His Promises.

His Love.

As faithful followers and believers, we’re instructed many times in the Bible not to worry. Instead, “Be of good cheer, and be encouraged” for we know the LORD our God is near and will uphold us.

We are told to “be encouraged” numerous times in both OT and NT. We are told that God will never forsake us, and that He will love us through it all.

We’re encouraged by His Words, and promises, we are to seek God’s kingdom and therefore rely on Him for all of our needs. Ostensibly, the polar opposite of what the “world’s” philosophy is, which suggests we rely on “ourselves” and/or other individuals for security/wants/needs.

Rejecting the world’s ideology and seeking Him for everything, and anything, is a process of dutiful compliance to His commandments, Word, promises, and foundation of His love.

How blessed we are to know we serve a Living God that is aware of needs, and His provision in matters of all things in our Universe.

Rejoice, be exceedingly glad, and embrace Him. He provides for birds, flowers, and even more so for His beloved children.

How amazing is our God? 

How amazing that He is so in tune with His children.  He is aware of our needs and desires before we have any conscious awareness of what we ourselves are in need of.

Believe God, seek His kingdom, and rest in His peace which truly surpasses all human comprehension or understanding (Phil 4:7).

His promises are given, His Word is accurate and sustainable.  The choice then becomes yours.

Do you wish to be a part of an extended family of royalty?

Our Father, the King of kings waits patiently for your choice and   acceptance of Him, His promises, and His love.

The choice is rather obvious, wouldn’t you agree?


“Thank You for the promises which are apparent in Your Word, thank You for Your love, and grace which is in abundant supply in all our needs, and thank You for being so amazing in every way, may we always be in awe of Your Omnipotence and Sovereign power, and may we always seek Your kingdom today and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.” 

DEAR GOD: Love & Life Eternal~



“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 NIV

John 3:16 is the quintessential gem of all gems in terms of meaning and reality, and our inherent passage of certainty upon leaving this world, after following and believing, and accepting Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.

God gave us a gift in His Son, the unblemished Lamb, so that we could be saved. We will be ensured of “Life Eternal” and not perish, that is to say…we won’t be destroyed, but live forever, thanks only to the LORD for the sacrifice of His Son.

The Gospel and Doctrine of Christ is in large a great responsibility to those of faith, presenting thoughts, and His words, to a lost and dying world.  Christianity is a reality, not an idea. We should be keenly aware of choices, and obedience to the LORD.

An invitation from the LORD to understand the grace of God in sending Jesus Christ, along with our obedience, love, and baptism in Christ is required to be saved from an eternal death.

The LORD warns us in Matthew 10:28—And be not afraid of them that kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” 

But the joy of knowing Christ, and to be the recipient of such love and grace is beyond explanation, it’s a feeling of excitement and peace that bubbles deeply within our souls, along with a steadfast security in realizing we will live forever through Him, and Him alone.

His love and the invitation to accept Him in our heart and surrender to His will for our lives, is one of the greatest gifts we could ever have received. It is from the Father of lights. This isn’t through anything or anyone, other than our Father. He alone saves!

Do you know Him? If you don’t, please take the time to get to know the Greatest of all time, the One and only Great I Am, and the One and only who loves you more than anyone ever has or ever could.

Open your heart and accept His invitation.  It’ll be the most rewarding experience of your lifetime, Amen!


“Father, thank You for the Greatest gifts of my lifetime, Your Son, Your love, and the passage of Eternal Life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Wisdom of Your Word~




 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

James 1:5

James’ message is quite clear. Trusting in the LORD’s wisdom as we journey through life, is a mainstay tool that He uses to measure and test our revered faith in Him, thereby enabling us to produce fruits of the Spirit; that is to say patience, and endurance which is essential to the growth of the Spirit.

We are to be reminded to stand unequivocally in the LORD, who bought and redeemed us with His most precious blood… and eventually honing us through our trials and tribulations, where we will emerge shiny as gold sharing in eternal rewards.

We as those of faith, wish to fulfil and finish the work that the LORD has given to us, while learning valuable lessons along life’s highway.  We will continue to prosper and grow in grace, while our knowledge will increase by the LORD, who presents this to us with His heart and mercy of love, and ultimately as a gift to His children.

When we submit and surrender to the will of the LORD, and His wisdom from above, we are solidifying the message from our Father, as He cultivates our hearts and spirit, that will remain unruffled by life’s adversities…but only if we stand strong in His word, and our belief and trust and in Christ.

There are those who have degrees in various subjects, some who even love to boast of them, unabashedly.  Now there is nothing wrong with earning degrees, after all…we need certain degrees for very important aspects in life overall.  For example, who would go to seek medical counsel from anyone other than a doctor?   And when in a hospital, the nurses holding your hand, or hovering over you caring for you, they need degrees for that correct?

However, there is none more essential to the soul, or vitally fulfilling to the heart, than receiving a degree in CHRIST and His word.

Each day is yet another day to delve into His word, His doctrine, His glory, and grasp each verse, each concept, each chapter in heights of expectation and fulfillment, in pleasing Him…and growing in our spirit.

The knowledge of His word is akin to a thousand degrees and more; the wisdom of His word, is akin to a thirst that can only be satiated by His living waters and love; to bring forth His message; is an honor that only those who are His sheep can fully comprehend.

Although I myself have made a career from the degrees that I earned in college, (sooooooooo long ago, and have since retired,) doing what I was called to do, working in the nursing home industry; there is one bit of knowledge and wisdom which supersedes my college degree, that’s the irrefutable knowledge and wisdom of His word!

Yes, that “degree” is priceless… which when coupled by an intimate relationship with our LORD, well my beloved sisters and brothers…. there are simply no words to describe the fundamental happiness of holding that precious degree in my heart! Hallelujah, praise God!


“Father, my God and King, thank You for wisdom from above, thank You for providing the tools of knowledge offering the opportunity for a degree in loving You, that will never cease, and for guiding me all the days of my life, before time began, during my time here on earth, and for future rewards of eternity with You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

1 Corinthians 1:30

DEAR GOD: You’re My Clarity in Uncertainty~

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105



There has been many a debate about the Bible by naysayers, and those of faith. Some may say, “it’s open to interpretation” or “it was written so long ago.”  And still some might lament, “It was written in a way that is not very clear or simple to digest.”


Well, to that I’ll say this. When it comes to the LORD’s Word, many might get confused at first. But as one begins to read chapter by chapter, verse by verse, precept upon precept…something invariably happens, it becomes apparent as to what is being expressed. As one day the veil is pulled from our eyes, and we have a clear and concise clarity that only comes from a vested interest in getting to know our LORD, through prayer, meditation, dedication and the distinct and overpowering need to form a relationship with Him.


From Genesis the beginning, to Revelation the end, the theme is evidently and abundantly clear, it’s all about God and His dominion, design and desire for us, and His plan for all of us as His children.


The more I explore and open up to God’s Word, the more God’s Word gets into me, the more I understand that I am commissioned to worship God, serve Him, and love Him unconditionally, putting Him before all others.


In life we are compounded daily with responsibilities; whether it be family, children, grandchildren; jobs, friends, addressing medical issues, taking care of a sick loved one, volunteering, helping someone through a crisis etc., etc.


However, through all of whatever it is we are doing, God should always be at the center of it all. He should be touted number One in all we do, seek to do, and aspire to do…it should be done with Him as the centerpiece each and every day of our lives. Amen,


I simply cannot understand how individuals can walk this earth and not be in awe of its Creator, or the Sovereignty of His Character.


Every sunrise and sunset, every cry of a newborn baby, every star in the sky, every majestic mountain peak, every adorable furry little creature, pristine white snow falling softly to the ground, a fabulous rainfall on a hot humid summer day, beautiful lilies in the field, these all remind me of the One that made it happen!  Can people not grasp that everything made and created was made and created by the LORD?  Is that not clarity?


In an uncertain world, one thing is profoundly certain, the LORD, His Word, His promises, and most especially His love.


The clarity of God’s Word brings irrefutable comfort in times of trials and troubles and intensifies peace and joy.  (Psalm 23)


I’ve great satisfaction in the fact that our Lord is with us! Oh, the promise of God’s Word!


Don’t understand it as of yet?

You know what?

Ask the sweet LORD to bring wisdom and clarity about His word, and guess what happens?

You’ll get it!


“Father thank You for being the One constant in my life, in darkness, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, You are at the center and forefront of my life, today, tomorrow and always, may I be ever thankful for You, Your Word, Your promises and Your love, in Jesus’ name Amen.”


Psalm 91:9-10

 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most  High, thy habitation;

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.