DEAR GOD: Hidden in the Cleft of the Rock~


cleft of the rock


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my Rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14 (NLT)


The picture above is highly representative of us, hidden and protected by the cleft of a rock.  The Dove, which has become known as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, sits comfortably and has an unobscured vision of everything in front of him.  The dove isn’t trapped, or hopeless…instead he has a grasp of good things to come, and a future unthwarted because of that rock. He can see clearly straight ahead and knows who His master is.

Our Rock is our protection, and He is our reason for hope in our future, and for every second we are alive here on earth.  Irrespective of moments that are exceedingly difficult, and times where we can hardly breathe due to circumstances that overcome us that can change our lives instantly.

However, while hidden in the cleft of our mighty Rock, Redeemer, and King of kings, we are assured safe passage through the most painful, or extenuating days of our existence. We get through it, only because of Him.  We can nestle in His arms and lay down our cares before Him, and know He will bind our broken hearts, and fortify us with His strength and love.

Some non-believers may think it’s silly to have such great faith, while evil is surrounding us in the news, media, internet, and in our own neighborhoods.  It’s foolish to those in the secular world, but to those who believe…we realize who is invariably in control, and who is watching over all of us.

Evil will always exist, until we are all one day in the presence of the LORD.  The Bible states in Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” In other words, the fight is not against governments or people or companies or circumstances.” The real battle—the unseen battle—is our struggle in prayer, and we already know that Jesus is victorious, and overcame death.

Just as 1 John 4:4-5 states so eloquently:  “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Some ask, “How do you hear from God today? We don’t see Him or hear anything.  Why do you believe?”

My answer has never wavered: “Because I know it’s the truth, and His word speaks to my heart and soul.”  

Holding the Bible in our hands is of itself a miraculous work of God Himself. It’s a true living account that is recorded, and doctrine that has spoken to His followers since the beginning of its origin.  It still speaks this very day to all of those who are followers of Christ.

God is the Author, who had scribes write an account of His Words, actions, commandments, promises, and plans for His children.  The Holy Spirit living within us, continues to use those Words to do miraculous works all around us, and in our minds, hearts and soul.

The Gift of Christ…our Savior, born to take away our sins, and to save us from ourselves…What a joy and reason to celebrate daily.

Safely nuzzled in the cleft of our Rock, our provider, our ultimate One and only, everything and forever…now that is what I call living!

“Father God, thank You for providing the protection, safety and love for Your children, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”