DEAR GOD: Slipping but Falling into Your Arms~





Falling short of perfection is not an unknown phenomenon concerning those of the “flesh.”  After all, as we have been informed and are acutely aware, there is only ONE who is perfect, and so it is and always shall be, the LORD Almighty!

The thing is most Christians are particularly hard on themselves knowing they fall short or slipped, albeit temporarily, into a place that is less than acceptable in walking the path of righteousness.

What most of us fail to remember is God’s promises and words to us. In Isaiah 43:26 He is telling us to put Him in remembrance and plead our case, so He will be fast and apt to forgive us.

He also is the One who promises Isaiah 44:22 to “blot out our transgressions.”  When we repent, He will blot them out…the slate is wiped clean. He loves us that much.

Jesus died for us, so that sins may be forgiven, and He will forgive us.  He knows out heart and our intentions. We cannot fool Him, He knows that essentially, that the flesh is weak.  Our Spirit is within, but as it is stated in Matthew 26:41The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak…”

When we slip up, we shouldn’t condemn ourselves, but instead be joyful knowing we have a loving understanding Father, who will catch us when we fall.  He will hold us while we are weak, and He will provide the vision for clarity when we can’t see the forest for the trees.

Next time a mess up comes your way, and it will…remember the Father, who is there at all times, guiding, directing, touching, healing and providing for all things. God definitely, and unconditionally forgives with His compassionate heart every single time we fall short of perfection. Amen!

“Father God, thank You for catching me when I fall, providing a steady path when I slip, and for providing me with Your love and grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”