DEAR GOD: Fresh Touch Seasoned with Grace~



Psalm 85:6

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”



How many have had moments desiring and needing a “fresh touch from God?”  A moment when things in life have become weak, and life is less than it should be.

This could be a moment that God is dealing with us about something that needs to be revived, restored, and refreshed.  It might be related to health issues, relationships, or a lack-luster walk with God and/or a sign of faith waning and cooling off.

No matter what it may be, how can we really know when a fresh touch directly from God is warranted and needed?

First things first. Honestly is essential and crucial to a deep connection with God. We need to tune into the microscope within our souls and crank it up exponentially, and scrutinize where we are in our walk, relationship, trust and confidence in God overall.

Have we waned in our belief because scenarios or issues have begun to suffocate us and stagnate to the point of becoming apathetic in our walk with God?

We might need a fresh touch from the LORD when life no longer blesses us.  When walking with Jesus has become less than an overwhelming joy.

We need a fresh touch when our enthusiasm has become “comfortably settled” and routine or ritualistic while speaking about Jesus.

Remember how we felt the day we were saved?

The jumping for joy? The peace?   Remember the existential peace that only emanates from the Holy Spirit?

Some of us might be laboring under the misapprehension that lack of “newness and freshness” is only for those who are not saved.

Or only from those outside of our church family.  But that isn’t the case. The lack of freshness can be in my life, your life, or perhaps even something that is of concern for God too!

The Holy Spirit is constantly convicting us, if we are not moved by Him to action, then there is something fundamentally wrong.

We are in need of a fresh touch from God, when we are not living for Jesus in every single aspect of our lives. And not putting Him and our love for Him first.

Remember this, Christ is coming back, and looking for those who are really seeking His face, for those who seek the higher ground, for those who are honoring Him, obeying Him, and undeniably consumed and filled with LOVE, and LIFE for Him.
In need of a fresh touch from God?

Then call upon God, to help.  And then really seek Him, for a fresh touch, while being cloaked in a Spirit of humility in all things today, tomorrow and always, in Christ name, Amen!


“Father, help me to be abundantly aware of Your presence, Your love, Your grace, and Your ability, to bring boundless joy to me all the days of my life, may I seek You nonstop, may I speak of Your promises, and Your gospel, all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.


  • Psalm 80:18-19 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.”
  • Isaiah 57:15 “This is what the high and lofty One says, he who lives forever, whose name is holy: I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”