DEAR GOD: Happy You Love Me Now & Always~


With 2021 coming to a close, it’s a welcome relief to some that the year is behind us.  Still others, may be looking forward to 2022, to bring miraculous changes for the world, or within their own scope of life.

And others are appreciative they’re in fact able to see another year come into place, thereby giving thanks for the grace of God for that opportunity.

Or…perhaps it’s all of the above for the vast majority, but for those of faith, the equation is the same…God is in control, and how blessed we are to embrace Him, while welcoming the New Year. While ushering out the old, tattered year, there in its place, a brand-New Year of countless possibilities, and endless ways to praise God! Amen!

Through it all, as we take inventory of this past year, no matter our circumstances, it’s a good exercise to acknowledge that through it all, God was with us.

He was there in moments of loss.

He was there for boundless joy.

He was there when doubt crept into our minds over situations that we faced.

He was there when we were at our weakest.

He was there to strengthen us and our resolve.

He was there with arms open wide, with a one-of-a-kind love that supersedes any other kind of love we’ve ever known.

Think about previous issues, or circumstances we may have faced. The pandemic, the repercussions due to it.  The senseless arbitrary lines of division, resulting in many broken or shattered relationships.

Ostensibly, think about relationships that have grown closer, thereby bringing new beginnings that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

Whatever it is that you went through, regardless of what they were…God was there the entire time, of that we can be sure.

Hold memories close in hearts.  Yet let’s prepare for new ones to fill the vacant lots in our mind, heart, body and soul. There is always “Ample space” for new treasured moments.  New friendships, new pathways or roads to navigate, new gains through loss, and new ways to honor God in every conceivable way.

However, there is one relationship that never gets old.  And that is the one we have with Jesus Christ. That connection is perpetual, infinite, unmovable, and impregnable.

It’s a relationship that will harness dark webs from our minds, and one that invariably enlightens our soul with joy.  It’s one that keeps on giving, and one that is represented by peace, and inexpressible joy.

This New Year, if you haven’t already done so, turn to the LORD of lords, and King of kings, then begin to explore a quintessential relationship like none other, and fully embrace the love of a lifetime. And it all begins by inviting Him into your heart of hearts.

Have you read His word?

Do you know Him? 

Do you have a personal relationship with Him?

A Brand-New Year is about to begin… what are you waiting for?


“Father my God, thank You for another year, thank You for giving me the gift of a new year, another season, and additional time to love and praise You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Hidden in the Cleft of the Rock~


cleft of the rock


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my Rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14 (NLT)


The picture above is highly representative of us, hidden and protected by the cleft of a rock.  The Dove, which has become known as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, sits comfortably and has an unobscured vision of everything in front of him.  The dove isn’t trapped, or hopeless…instead he has a grasp of good things to come, and a future unthwarted because of that rock. He can see clearly straight ahead and knows who His master is.

Our Rock is our protection, and He is our reason for hope in our future, and for every second we are alive here on earth.  Irrespective of moments that are exceedingly difficult, and times where we can hardly breathe due to circumstances that overcome us that can change our lives instantly.

However, while hidden in the cleft of our mighty Rock, Redeemer, and King of kings, we are assured safe passage through the most painful, or extenuating days of our existence. We get through it, only because of Him.  We can nestle in His arms and lay down our cares before Him, and know He will bind our broken hearts, and fortify us with His strength and love.

Some non-believers may think it’s silly to have such great faith, while evil is surrounding us in the news, media, internet, and in our own neighborhoods.  It’s foolish to those in the secular world, but to those who believe…we realize who is invariably in control, and who is watching over all of us.

Evil will always exist, until we are all one day in the presence of the LORD.  The Bible states in Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” In other words, the fight is not against governments or people or companies or circumstances.” The real battle—the unseen battle—is our struggle in prayer, and we already know that Jesus is victorious, and overcame death.

Just as 1 John 4:4-5 states so eloquently:  “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Some ask, “How do you hear from God today? We don’t see Him or hear anything.  Why do you believe?”

My answer has never wavered: “Because I know it’s the truth, and His word speaks to my heart and soul.”  

Holding the Bible in our hands is of itself a miraculous work of God Himself. It’s a true living account that is recorded, and doctrine that has spoken to His followers since the beginning of its origin.  It still speaks this very day to all of those who are followers of Christ.

God is the Author, who had scribes write an account of His Words, actions, commandments, promises, and plans for His children.  The Holy Spirit living within us, continues to use those Words to do miraculous works all around us, and in our minds, hearts and soul.

The Gift of Christ…our Savior, born to take away our sins, and to save us from ourselves…What a joy and reason to celebrate daily.

Safely nuzzled in the cleft of our Rock, our provider, our ultimate One and only, everything and forever…now that is what I call living!

“Father God, thank You for providing the protection, safety and love for Your children, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Slipping but Falling into Your Arms~





Falling short of perfection is not an unknown phenomenon concerning those of the “flesh.”  After all, as we have been informed and are acutely aware, there is only ONE who is perfect, and so it is and always shall be, the LORD Almighty!

The thing is most Christians are particularly hard on themselves knowing they fall short or slipped, albeit temporarily, into a place that is less than acceptable in walking the path of righteousness.

What most of us fail to remember is God’s promises and words to us. In Isaiah 43:26 He is telling us to put Him in remembrance and plead our case, so He will be fast and apt to forgive us.

He also is the One who promises Isaiah 44:22 to “blot out our transgressions.”  When we repent, He will blot them out…the slate is wiped clean. He loves us that much.

Jesus died for us, so that sins may be forgiven, and He will forgive us.  He knows out heart and our intentions. We cannot fool Him, He knows that essentially, that the flesh is weak.  Our Spirit is within, but as it is stated in Matthew 26:41The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak…”

When we slip up, we shouldn’t condemn ourselves, but instead be joyful knowing we have a loving understanding Father, who will catch us when we fall.  He will hold us while we are weak, and He will provide the vision for clarity when we can’t see the forest for the trees.

Next time a mess up comes your way, and it will…remember the Father, who is there at all times, guiding, directing, touching, healing and providing for all things. God definitely, and unconditionally forgives with His compassionate heart every single time we fall short of perfection. Amen!

“Father God, thank You for catching me when I fall, providing a steady path when I slip, and for providing me with Your love and grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Fresh Touch Seasoned with Grace~



Psalm 85:6

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”



How many have had moments desiring and needing a “fresh touch from God?”  A moment when things in life have become weak, and life is less than it should be.

This could be a moment that God is dealing with us about something that needs to be revived, restored, and refreshed.  It might be related to health issues, relationships, or a lack-luster walk with God and/or a sign of faith waning and cooling off.

No matter what it may be, how can we really know when a fresh touch directly from God is warranted and needed?

First things first. Honestly is essential and crucial to a deep connection with God. We need to tune into the microscope within our souls and crank it up exponentially, and scrutinize where we are in our walk, relationship, trust and confidence in God overall.

Have we waned in our belief because scenarios or issues have begun to suffocate us and stagnate to the point of becoming apathetic in our walk with God?

We might need a fresh touch from the LORD when life no longer blesses us.  When walking with Jesus has become less than an overwhelming joy.

We need a fresh touch when our enthusiasm has become “comfortably settled” and routine or ritualistic while speaking about Jesus.

Remember how we felt the day we were saved?

The jumping for joy? The peace?   Remember the existential peace that only emanates from the Holy Spirit?

Some of us might be laboring under the misapprehension that lack of “newness and freshness” is only for those who are not saved.

Or only from those outside of our church family.  But that isn’t the case. The lack of freshness can be in my life, your life, or perhaps even something that is of concern for God too!

The Holy Spirit is constantly convicting us, if we are not moved by Him to action, then there is something fundamentally wrong.

We are in need of a fresh touch from God, when we are not living for Jesus in every single aspect of our lives. And not putting Him and our love for Him first.

Remember this, Christ is coming back, and looking for those who are really seeking His face, for those who seek the higher ground, for those who are honoring Him, obeying Him, and undeniably consumed and filled with LOVE, and LIFE for Him.
In need of a fresh touch from God?

Then call upon God, to help.  And then really seek Him, for a fresh touch, while being cloaked in a Spirit of humility in all things today, tomorrow and always, in Christ name, Amen!


“Father, help me to be abundantly aware of Your presence, Your love, Your grace, and Your ability, to bring boundless joy to me all the days of my life, may I seek You nonstop, may I speak of Your promises, and Your gospel, all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.


  • Psalm 80:18-19 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.”
  • Isaiah 57:15 “This is what the high and lofty One says, he who lives forever, whose name is holy: I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”


DEAR GOD: Every Day Begins with Your Will~

See the source image




God has a plan for each of us, and it’s always for our betterment. He wants us to be successful and prosper.  It is in the Word of God showing us and telling us and guiding us what to do all the days we live, here on earth.

God’s predestined will, happen no matter what is happening in the world.  His will cannot be changed, no matter what.  It will happen because it is His predestined will, and nothing can interfere with it. It is unchangeable. A great example of this is Jesus Christ and the Cross. This was predestined before it was even here.

Then there is His moral will, “Exodus 20:13-17″ which was written in stone.  These are still in place today. These are the 10 commandments, which we are all familiar with. It’s part of morality and it’s specific in all He states. It’s apparent in all we do today, in civility and honorable paths in which we walk.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-5″   This is the sanctification of the Living God, that we are to follow all the days of our lives.  It’s the will of God to live a Holy life, abstain from immorality, and keep His will in all we do, which is contrary with what’s happening in the world. Immorality lives all around us, but it’s our duty as Christians to be an example to others, and most especially a commitment to God to follow, and surrender to His will.

God is with us, and will never leave us, and He is our strongest defender in all we are and do. He watches over us no matter how much we may fail or fall.  The important thing is “He will always love us, and He will catch us and bring us through stormy seas.”

When you open your eyes every morning, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Is it— “oh boy, I have so many things to do today?”

Or is it– “Thank You LORD for another day, I pray that You will give me the strength to do all I have to do today, and always.”

Hopefully, it’s the latter scenario and for most Christians, it usually is the latter.

To give Him thanks for another day, which is a gift, and then to ask Him to take us to what we need to do, will bring about an ease of passage into our existence, that wouldn’t be there without HIM.  Amen!

“Father LORD, thank you for this day, I surrender to You this day and always, show me where I need to be, and what I need to do, and may I do it all for Your glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Soundscapes in My Heart & Soul~




My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

John 10:27 (NASB)



Hearing God’s voice in our hearts, mind and soul comes from prayer, and openly surrendering to the Holy Spirit who WILL speak to us.  One of many gifts and grace that the LORD gives us is the innate and inherent character of discerning the “voice of God.”   You may ask, what does that mean in simple terms?   Well, it can be described in three powerful words, “Peace, joy & love.”

In the Bible there are many places to solidify “the Voice of God” and the comprehension of the full impact of knowing Him, loving Him, and being completely convicted in the Spirit.

One such passage is from John.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).  

The Word is “God” and is with God, and has been since the beginning, and always shall be. “The flower may fade, the grass may wither, but the word of God shall stand forever…” (Isaiah 40:8)

Listening to the Word brings a cohesive formation of fine tuning in terms of belief, trust, and wisdom.  The more we hear it, the more we ascend to higher realms, bringing us closer to Him, in our studies, our plans, and our mission to serve Him.  “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  (Romans 10:17)

We blossom with each verse, with each Word…we are then able to navigate through life in a way that those without faith cannot.

Hearing the His voice/word within our heart, body, mind and soul, we are able to relegate matters of discord in a fastidious way, that will never disturb us, instead will strengthen us by Christ.

We are able to reach the pathway of life that is available to those of us that “seek it.”

God is an Amazing God, now, tomorrow and always.  He has the ability to save, set us free, and we can rejoice in Him forever! Amen!

“Father God, thank you for Your word, Your heart, Your love,  for setting me free, saving me, and never failing me, or forsaking me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

 O God, You, are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh faints for You, in a dry and thirsty land with no water.
Psalm 63:1-5




DEAR GOD: Never Ending Prayers of Thanks~



So much to give thanks for, each day of our lives.  What do we have thanks for you may ask?

The fact that you are breathing, blood pumping through your body…and for another day of “life” at this very moment.

Each breath is a blessing, each day we are here on earth, is a blessing.  Our family, our friends all a blessing.

In everything we do…give thanks. Don’t complain, don’t murmur…instead, be thankful.

When we truly think of Philippians in the above verse, 4:6-8…it is in EVERYTHING we give thanks.  For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in each one of us.

No matter what is going on in your life…give thanks.

It might seem difficult when we are going through issues, or feeling sick, or in chronic pain…or experiencing a major loss.  But…again, give thanks and praise…and He will continue to hold you up with His right hand of righteousness.  He will give you strength and enable you to continue on the path, irrespective of the adversity…He is with us.

When we give thanks for everything.  Including a half loaf of bread, or half a bank account.  Or the ability to pay bills and have a “little left over.”  Give Him thanks.  And He will multiply and give back onto you…and sustain and maintain you all the days of your life.

Have you thanked Him today?

“Father God, may I be ever mindful of doing all things in praise and thanks to You and You alone, in all I say and experience, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”