DEAR GOD: Grounded in Faith & Your Peace~





With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26 


Each decision we make is important, and each decision we ultimately choose, makes “us” who we are overall as people.

The decision to follow Christ, and endeavor to embrace His commandments, is a decision that is sure to be returned to overflowing joy, and prosperity, in depths of our countenance.

Listening to the “wrong voices” can prove detrimental in life.  Ostensibly, not trusting God, is diametrically counter to life itself.

When we adhere to the rudimentary teachings of Christ, and God’s overall plan for His children, we aspire to a greater depth of understanding, as to what our purpose is while here on earth.

Tuning in to His “voice,” and being on course with Christianity itself, is rewarding not only to ourselves, but to those we encounter, who will no doubt want to know,” what we are so peaceful and confident about.”

Don’t listen to voices that lack faith. Nor apply principles to those less than pure and obedient, towards God’s providence, significance, Sovereignty, and Omnipotence. To do so would invite unnecessary hardship, and open a door to the noise of the world, inviting in chaos.

With God in our corner, and on our side, all things are possible. To put our trust in God, is to assure passage on tranquil seas, for nothing is impossible for God to handle. Nothing too big, nor too small.

God is phenomenal, all the time.

There isn’t anything He wouldn’t do for His children—Jesus on the cross for us is the biggest example of pure unadulterated love—and He has demonstrated it, over, and over, throughout the course of time.

Remember, we all will go through adversity, at one time or another. But it is through Jesus Christ, that we are able to get through it. He limits the pain, and enables us to seemingly catapult through our trials.

God will allow storms, in order to transform us into His image. (Isa 55:8-11)  But He is at the Helm, in full control of all happenings, and events. Eventually leading us into the port safely, unscathed…however we will be richer in faith, have grown spiritually, be firmly entrenched in Him, more than before the storm.

What a magnificent God we serve!



“Dear Father, thank You for Your Presence in my life, and for Your glory, which is evident in the Universe,  if we just take the time to look, see, and hear Your voice. Thank You for being the Captain of my ship, and keeping me safe. I thank You, for Your love, promises, and patience, to lead, guide, touch, direct, and heal in adversity, and for the joy of loving You, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”