DEAR GOD: Standing in Faith~



So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.”

Daniel 6:16 (NKJV)


Our Faith in the LORD Almighty Father is the crucial component that enables us to experience stability in the middle of instability.  When life feels out of control, we feel comfort in realizing and believing that God is in control.  Daniel’s life provides so many pertinent examples of true stability in the face of instability in the Bible.  And we all recall what happened to Daniel who embraced that belief of the LORD in control.  He was brought out of the Lion’s den fully unharmed, and his friends were saved from the furnace, and emerged fully unscathed.  Not even their clothing was singed after the furnace was turned up to the maximum potential of heat.

Now that is FAITH!  And that is the kind of faith that comes from knowing God, trusting Him, and believing in Him. Fully. Unconditionally, and embracing His love and grace.

When we realize that in all of our circumstances, and scenarios, we are NEVER ALONE and that God accompanies us all the days of our lives, we can then live confidently and peacefully, because He is with us always. He never leaves us (Matthew 28:20)

To walk and live in faith is a blessing sent from above, for it is God who opens our eyes, and ears…and knocks on our hearts. It is through His love that we are given the opportunity to follow and love Him.  It’s our choice…but it is He who gives us that choice.

Listening to Him and knowing He is God (Psalm 46:10) is a feeling that’s difficult to explain, unless you experience it first-hand.

Placing trust (Psalms 118:8) and surrendering to His will, is the best thing we will ever do in life.

Don’t trust man, trust God….

Then enjoy life in a way that can only be accomplished fully and completely in applying that trust, Amen!

“Father God, may I be ever mindful that it is YOU and YOU alone that is in control at all times, morning, noon and night. That You alone are the One that will be able to sustain us, provide for us, and bring us through adversity, and that it is You alone that will never let us down, nor leave us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



 It’s better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Psalms 118:8


17A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles, so that Daniel’s situation might not be changed.

18Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night without eating and without any entertainment being brought to him. And he could not sleep.

19At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’ den.

20When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?”

21Daniel answered, “May the king live forever!

22My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”

23The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.

24At the king’s command, the men who had falsely accused Daniel were brought in and thrown into the lions’ den, along with their wives and children. And before they reached the floor of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.

Daniel 6:17-24 (NKJV)

DEAR GOD: Giving Thanks Always~





Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

Psalm 107:1 (NKJV)



Thanksgiving for the USA is coming up this Thursday. For most, it means a warm family gathering, surrounded by a sumptuous feast. Laughter, memories of those no longer in attendance as we gaze at the empty chairs where they once would sit.  And so on and so forth.

This year, let’s give thanks to the LORD God Almighty, for who He is and what He is, today, tomorrow and always.

Those who are no longer a part of our lives, are enjoying a feast beyond our mortal comprehension.  They are seated at the Lamb’s table, after enduring the trials of life, and after doing good works, and promoting the gospel of truth.  And they are not dead, but LIVE on in Christ.

So too, will we be there one day, after our jobs are done here on earth. We too, will find our names written in the Lamb’s book of life, and we will take a seat at His table, and taste the love of Christ, for all eternity.

Let’s enjoy His Omnipotence and glorify Him in all we do, this day and always.  Giving thanks to the Living God who is with us non-stop, during the day, at night, and always.  He is there through good times, bad times, hard times, lean times.  He is with us through the plagues, and sickness, and keeps us from evil, through Christ our LORD.

What an amazing God we serve.  Not matter what we face, and no matter where we are at this particular journey in life, we know we are never alone!  Amen!

“Father God, thank You for Your light, truth, and love, I trust in You and serve You with humility and honor You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Mercy & Strength Sustain Me~




God and His glorious Light is always shining down upon us.  His warmth and capacity to love us is beyond our understanding.   “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”          

1 Corinthians 9:22 (NKJV)



Adversity, is a benign enough word, but the true course of its meaning, can be staggering to many. Most individuals, will face trials and adversity, at some point in their lives. And, the Christian  whose roots are strong in the Lord, will find it easier to cope, than the ones without a belief system.  God, and His arms, and His love, along with His all consuming fire, will sustain and provide, for what we need.  In Jesus’ words,

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” Matthew 7:7 KJV 

During adversity, an individuals true light and character will be exposed.  It is at that time when the rubber meets the road, and true signs of the inner spirit will either emerge…or submerge.  People can disappoint, but God never will.

People will invariably disappoint us, but God NEVER will. When we realize that, we are able to assimilate into a life of acceptance, to face head on whatever it is that comes our way. Sometimes individuals can be vile and mean tempered, or unable or not able to heed the word of the LORD. That’s when we must realize it’s not this person’s time to “accept” the LORD, or interested in what the LORD has to say.

That’s when we have to step back from this person, albeit with a heavy heart, but there is no other recourse.  Because even Jesus said, And who ever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”  Luke 9:5 (NKJV)

Individuals disappoint, however,   “Be of good cheer, know that GOD WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN, and GOD WILL NEVER DISAPPOINT.”

For He is the same as He was from the beginning, and never shall change, He is on the throne and in control.  That in itself, is reward for our souls, and our very foundation of life.

We live in the great day when God is pouring out His Spirit, on all believers in Christ, filling them, and empowering them, to serve Him in holiness and great joy.

Have you asked the Lord to fill you today?

Do so, and believe…because when adversity knocks on your door, you’ll be filled with His Light, and peace to help you through.


“Father, may I always be mindful of Your love, strength, Omnipotence, and ability to do all things, at all times, and realize the depths of Your love, and mercy, have no limits, I need You, my LORD, now, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved, For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance.  As the Lord has said, Among the remnant whom the Lord calls.” 

Joel 2:32 (KJV)


The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

John 1:29 (NKJV)


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of  the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14 (NKJV)








DEAR GOD: My Choice is You~


“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” 1 John 7:16 (KJV). 

Listening to the news one can see that there is angst and sorrow all over the place. It is difficult to watch events in the world, seeing evil perpetrators, while viewing the horrific repercussions of their deplorable, and reprehensible actions. God is not doing these evil things, man is! (1 John 7:16)

Families are grieving, children are being molested, elderly are being abused, puppies are being tortured unnecessarily in laboratories, the list is endless. It becomes exceedingly difficult living today, while adhering to the law,  to even try to comprehend such heinous activity. But the worst of all is to hear people say, “where is God?” while these things are happening. That brings out my righteous indignation.  God is not doing these things, man is!

There has always been Spiritual warfare going on since before the beginning of time.  There was a great battle even before the earth was formed by God’s hands. Spiritual warfare is something real, and ongoing.  It will be going on until Christ returns with His army, and battles the evil forces to make His Kingdom here on Earth.  And, it will be beautiful, peaceful, idyllic- blissful for all eternity. When Jesus Christ establishes His rightful place, all knees will bow, and every tongue will proclaim, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Those of us who choose to have real fellowship with Him, experience His grace, and feel His love. When we walk in the light, it means we believe God’s truth as revealed in His word.  We continue to make a sustained effort to follow in His word and deed. We are all sinners, and we must try to formulate our existence in what He expects from us, His children.

If we claim that we have never sinned, we are in essence saying, we do not need the efficacy of Christ’s death, and therefore making a mockery of what God has accomplished for us. We all try to live without sin, but we are all susceptible to sinning. If we do fall into sin, repent, and forsake that particular sin. Jesus’ death is the propitiation for our sins, and His heavenly ministry is our advocate, and the basis and foundation, for our assurance of forgiveness.  He cleansed our sins.  Jesus intercedes before God, on our behalf, on the basis of His atoning death.  His blood washed us clean.  His death and resurrection, and our active faith in Him, is all we need to live forever. We can walk boldly into the inner courts of God because of Jesus’ blood.

God sent His son to cleanse us.  We choose to either accept the living waters, and the Lamb of God-in order to live forever… or we don’t.  For those who choose not to accept Him, look around, it is clearly apparent in the news, on the streets where we walk and live. Not believing or accepting Christ, one can see where that might lead many, leaving devastation in their wake.

So don’t say “where is God?” when horrific things happen in the world. God is and always will be here.  God’s is waiting to embrace you with His love and protection.  You might be going through a difficult time, but it’s easier with God in your corner.

For me, I will serve Him and Him alone,  the choice has is simple.  How about you?


“Abba Father, Thank You for protecting me and guiding me through the abysmal times surrounding me in this world, and leading me through the trials and tribulations, with Your hand holding me up, I can get through any valley, and I am sustained by your light and love, I choose You now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 7:15 (KJV)

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:8-9 (KJV)

“He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of god perfected: herby know we that we are in him.”  1 John 2:4-5 (KJV)

“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is not lie, and even as it hath ttugh you, ye shall abide in him.”   1 John 2:27 (KJV)

DEAR GOD: Grounded in Faith & Your Peace~





With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26 


Each decision we make is important, and each decision we ultimately choose, makes “us” who we are overall as people.

The decision to follow Christ, and endeavor to embrace His commandments, is a decision that is sure to be returned to overflowing joy, and prosperity, in depths of our countenance.

Listening to the “wrong voices” can prove detrimental in life.  Ostensibly, not trusting God, is diametrically counter to life itself.

When we adhere to the rudimentary teachings of Christ, and God’s overall plan for His children, we aspire to a greater depth of understanding, as to what our purpose is while here on earth.

Tuning in to His “voice,” and being on course with Christianity itself, is rewarding not only to ourselves, but to those we encounter, who will no doubt want to know,” what we are so peaceful and confident about.”

Don’t listen to voices that lack faith. Nor apply principles to those less than pure and obedient, towards God’s providence, significance, Sovereignty, and Omnipotence. To do so would invite unnecessary hardship, and open a door to the noise of the world, inviting in chaos.

With God in our corner, and on our side, all things are possible. To put our trust in God, is to assure passage on tranquil seas, for nothing is impossible for God to handle. Nothing too big, nor too small.

God is phenomenal, all the time.

There isn’t anything He wouldn’t do for His children—Jesus on the cross for us is the biggest example of pure unadulterated love—and He has demonstrated it, over, and over, throughout the course of time.

Remember, we all will go through adversity, at one time or another. But it is through Jesus Christ, that we are able to get through it. He limits the pain, and enables us to seemingly catapult through our trials.

God will allow storms, in order to transform us into His image. (Isa 55:8-11)  But He is at the Helm, in full control of all happenings, and events. Eventually leading us into the port safely, unscathed…however we will be richer in faith, have grown spiritually, be firmly entrenched in Him, more than before the storm.

What a magnificent God we serve!



“Dear Father, thank You for Your Presence in my life, and for Your glory, which is evident in the Universe,  if we just take the time to look, see, and hear Your voice. Thank You for being the Captain of my ship, and keeping me safe. I thank You, for Your love, promises, and patience, to lead, guide, touch, direct, and heal in adversity, and for the joy of loving You, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”