DEAR GOD: Forbearance From You Alone~

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Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

Romans 3:25 KJV


All of us who follow Christ and know His word, realize that God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Amen…

When we hear the word forbearance, which is almost an “outdated word” we immediately think of a Biblical passage.  But let’s look at the meaning of forbearance, and how critical it really is, especially in our “modern” world of today.

Forbearance might be defined as showing “an inordinate amount of patience” even during extreme times, and holding back or restraining oneself.  It’s the ability to control oneself while being heavily provoked, or having been offended. It’s a given grace, that comes from within, and from knowing Christ.  It’s not something that “flesh” can take to very easily.  But it’s certainly an area in which the “Spirit,” will and can respond to promptly, if we have our roots entrenched in our Vine, Christ.

One of the fruits of the Spirit is “forbearance” or “long suffering” which is to equate to “patience.”

If we were to take a deep breath, and step back each time we react to a situation that is unsettling, or disruptive to our daily process of living, and ask for the Spirit’s guidance, we will be able to move forward in a way that is most pleasing to the LORD, and be open and thereby it will be advantageous to gracious Christian living.

In the end, kindness matters, as well as good works.  We therefore should remind ourselves that things of “worth” here, are not followed with us into eternity. Things that rust, decay or prove to be valuable here, in terms of “materialistic items or needs” — will be discarded and left behind, as we enter into our eternal rewards in Paradise.  Again, in the end…kindness and patience, and love matter.

Whatever happens today, tomorrow or the next day, call on God to see you through. Tap into the inner Spirit of Christ, as we call to mind what He accomplished on the cross for us.  Hold onto “forbearance” and strength, that we receive only through our Lord and Savior.  Call on His peace to envelop you, and transcend you from all chaos and anxiety.

And don’t forget another important aspect of being Christian, “Be kind to yourself!”

Don’ beat up on yourself if you fall short.  Or if you backslide, or lose your cool… it’s to be expected,  because you are after all human.  And God knows that. If we were perfect, and didn’t slip up here and there, we wouldn’t be human right?  Nor would there be a need for God’s help or direction.  He knows that, and He is there for us to help us over the rough times. The impatient times.  The restless times. And the uncertain times.  In other words, “ALL THE TIME” He is there!

And thank the LORD He is.  For without Christ’ we are filthy rags, and incapable of cleansing our own self-worth.  But with Christ…we are all beautiful in His eyes, as He washed us clean by  His blood and covered up with His love.  Hallelujah!

“Father, thank You for the ability and gifts you so willingly extend, may we always call upon You, for all areas of our lives, and may we be open to “hearing Your voice,” every single day of our lives, now, and always, for you are not just a part of my life LORD, but in fact, YOU ARE MY LIFE, thank You,  in Jesus name, Amen.”