DEAR GOD: Use Your Words Wisely~



“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence” 

(Proverbs 10:11)



Last week, an Aunt and a niece, due to a misunderstanding, gave way to some “harsh words” which led to a separation and divide in the family.  Unfortunately, I tried to be the “family peacemaker” alas, it was an exercise in futility.  And now a major rift has resulted due to a “poor choice of words.”  Those words and the behavior impulse, to “strike out before thinking,” has severed a relationship, that very well might not be repaired.

It is so important to “think and listen,” before reacting. Words can be damaging on the one hand.  Or, they can be resourceful, and powerful, in uplifting someone, or comforting someone.

The most important “Word” of all is “God’s.”

The entire Bible can be so many things to so many who read it.

It is a blessing to “hear” the Word, and know it is our Father speaking to our hearts, and our souls.  It is His voice, that invariably resonates and reverberates, in our souls.  His Word bears record, and witness of His love, and His plans for us.

When we absorb His Word, on a daily basis, it gets easier to “gain insight” into what we say.  It allows us the vision to see His path, and His will for us.  It opens the right doors, and closes the window, to shield us from the storms, that will inherently rip through out lives.

Words can either be meaningful. Or they can be shallow, and hateful. Ultimately it is up to each of us to demonstrate the love and capacity, of the Spirit dwelling within each of us.  Offering God’s Word, as a daily tool in all we endeavor to accomplish, each day of our lives.

So, before speaking words in anger.  Close the “window” and let the storm pass.  Then when it is clear outside,  so too will be your mind, and spirit, to bring about the “right words” to utter.

Trust me when I say this… the outcome will be quite different than had you lashed out at someone, before “thinking and contemplating,” the repercussions of your words.

My Aunt and her niece can testify to that. Let’s just pray that they will find the road of forgiveness, because as Jesus said, “if you cannot forgive one another, how can the Father forgive you?”

“Father, help us to say the right thing, to listen and wait for Your timing, and to be loving and gentle in our approach to all we encounter in our lives, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”