DEAR GOD: Seeking All Things From Above~

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Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. –

Colossians 3:2-3


We really need to understand that verse.  It means “to seek or in terms to strive for, be intent on,” and suggests that we “must choose” to live in righteousness every single day, not a one time thing and then forget about it. We are called to live in a way that “detaches” us from the things of this world that would otherwise hold us back and keep us down.

To “set your minds on things above” is to “see life from the LORD’s perspective and view. And to seek after what God desires us.

When we are in Christ, we are able to rise above the fear, and any temptations our life may be wrapped around in a given day. We are redeemed only because of Christ Jesus. We are of course a “new creation.”  His workmanship in us becomes apparent when we are able to sustain the Truth of His Word. And to subscribe to His ways, in a unified process while tethered to His doctrine.

There are many verses in the Bible that remind us we are made new in Christ when we accept Him into our lives as Lord and Savior. We’re made new as believers in Him, and then are continually being “made new,” for it’s a constant process until we are in Heaven. It is an ongoing growth in the Spirit and it is what gives us the incentive to continue in His light and ways.

It’s a daily battle and a choice we must make to walk in God’s ways.


In the book of Colossians, Paul reminds us that we have everything we need when we have Christ. He is all-sufficient. He is the head over all, He is supreme.

His Spirit empowers us to walk in freedom and light. That’s the only way to live, is to LIVE with HIM. Because anything less is a cardboard existence.


“Father, may I be ever mindful of knowing what is important, which is Your face and Kingdom, and Your ways, and Your goodness, in all that I endeavor to accomplish, and all that I tend to, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” 

Colossians 3:1-3



DEAR GOD: Forbearance From You Alone~

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Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

Romans 3:25 KJV


All of us who follow Christ and know His word, realize that God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Amen…

When we hear the word forbearance, which is almost an “outdated word” we immediately think of a Biblical passage.  But let’s look at the meaning of forbearance, and how critical it really is, especially in our “modern” world of today.

Forbearance might be defined as showing “an inordinate amount of patience” even during extreme times, and holding back or restraining oneself.  It’s the ability to control oneself while being heavily provoked, or having been offended. It’s a given grace, that comes from within, and from knowing Christ.  It’s not something that “flesh” can take to very easily.  But it’s certainly an area in which the “Spirit,” will and can respond to promptly, if we have our roots entrenched in our Vine, Christ.

One of the fruits of the Spirit is “forbearance” or “long suffering” which is to equate to “patience.”

If we were to take a deep breath, and step back each time we react to a situation that is unsettling, or disruptive to our daily process of living, and ask for the Spirit’s guidance, we will be able to move forward in a way that is most pleasing to the LORD, and be open and thereby it will be advantageous to gracious Christian living.

In the end, kindness matters, as well as good works.  We therefore should remind ourselves that things of “worth” here, are not followed with us into eternity. Things that rust, decay or prove to be valuable here, in terms of “materialistic items or needs” — will be discarded and left behind, as we enter into our eternal rewards in Paradise.  Again, in the end…kindness and patience, and love matter.

Whatever happens today, tomorrow or the next day, call on God to see you through. Tap into the inner Spirit of Christ, as we call to mind what He accomplished on the cross for us.  Hold onto “forbearance” and strength, that we receive only through our Lord and Savior.  Call on His peace to envelop you, and transcend you from all chaos and anxiety.

And don’t forget another important aspect of being Christian, “Be kind to yourself!”

Don’ beat up on yourself if you fall short.  Or if you backslide, or lose your cool… it’s to be expected,  because you are after all human.  And God knows that. If we were perfect, and didn’t slip up here and there, we wouldn’t be human right?  Nor would there be a need for God’s help or direction.  He knows that, and He is there for us to help us over the rough times. The impatient times.  The restless times. And the uncertain times.  In other words, “ALL THE TIME” He is there!

And thank the LORD He is.  For without Christ’ we are filthy rags, and incapable of cleansing our own self-worth.  But with Christ…we are all beautiful in His eyes, as He washed us clean by  His blood and covered up with His love.  Hallelujah!

“Father, thank You for the ability and gifts you so willingly extend, may we always call upon You, for all areas of our lives, and may we be open to “hearing Your voice,” every single day of our lives, now, and always, for you are not just a part of my life LORD, but in fact, YOU ARE MY LIFE, thank You,  in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Mercy & Grace Gifts from Above~




Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;





Grace is truly one of the most important concepts expressed in the Holy Bible. It is clarified in the ultimate promises of God, that is clearly revealed in Scripture. It’s fully embodied in Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior.

Grace is a gift from the “Father of Lights,” high above in the heavens. This love is amply shown to all of His children, irrespective of their appearance, status, or color of their skin.

The peace of God is given to all those who accept it, as it is the unmerited favor of God above.


Did you ever feel a “Tingle” from the Spirit within? Such as when something is unilaterally wrong in a certain situation or circumstance?  It is our inner core being led by the Spirit. It’s the machinations of what’s “right verses wrong.” It is the spark of light pulling and guiding us.

Ostensibly,  it can “Tingle” in a good way as well. It goes both ways, making us know that the connection is apparently from within, that whatever it is we are experiencing, is with favor from above.

This “internal” conscience is our gift from above, it is the ability to ascertain what is right from wrong. The transparency of where to “tread,” versus where we are not to “tread.”

He is constantly guiding our paths, when we trust Him, with all of our heart and soul, and lean not on our own understanding, but His alone,  He will surely guide our paths.   When we love Him, and look to Him for answers, not our “own” but His answers, and keep from evil, we will remain healthy, and safely ensconced in His Grace, and love. (Proverbs 3:5- 8)

The proliferation of His love is explosive, and resounds throughout those we meet, when we are filled with Him, and surrender to His will, and purpose in our lives while being obedient to His ways.

He is the single Being, who is the Herculean force, behind all aspects in which we exist, and ascribe to.

He is the Omnipotent Presence in our lives, and it is His love, that supersedes all else.

And you never know when that “Tingle” from within will happen. Last night while speaking to an “old acquaintance” I got the “Tingle” big time.

The individual was so contemptuous in views of the world, as it stands today, it was so chilling that my “Tingle” was vibrating.  I listened for awhile, and then carefully extricated myself from the diabolical diatribe she expressed over individuals who weren’t “complying” with the mode of thought this person believed they should.  I tell you this my brothers and sisters, it was truly evil talk.  I prayed for this person, but I’ll spare you anything further. However, one thing that was certain, “this is Spiritual warfare.”    My dear Christian friend this morning confirmed it before I said it, and my sister was the third confirmation of the word as well. Amen.

During this derisive dialogue, I was okay, because of God’s light, and promises. This grace is given to all those who follow Him, and surrender to Him, and believe in Jesus Christ.

The guarantee of His promises, and His love, make it easier for  Christians to endure the “slings and arrows” of darkness…while standing in the Light of the One and Only God Almighty, we can therefore take on anything, and everything, but only through Jesus Christ, Amen! We are victorious because of Him!

“Father, thank You for Your Grace, that is an extension of Your prolific love, and thank You for sustaining us through these horrifically dark times, it is only because of Your Love, and gift of Grace, that we are able to stand against the evil one, because You defeated the grave, and You are our Light, and strength, in all things, we give You thanks, and all the Glory in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: My Time With You is Precious~




I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You.”

Psalm 16:2 NASB



The Bible makes clear that the presence of God is a central goal in God’s redemptive mission. God writes Himself into His own story to bring about our salvation. He wants to us to dwell with Him forever, and within that realm comes love, esteem, praise and regard for Him. Amen.

When we read His word and take time to “hear” what He has to say, we’re growing inwardly.  We need to separate from worldly pastimes, and insidious nonsense, that isn’t important here, let alone in Heaven.

We must take the time to seek Him first and foremost, and listen to Him, and submit to His will. Whatever He says, His desire is for us to commit to do it, and follow due course of such.

When we spend with the LORD, He invariably will have something for us to do. Whether it is to “contact” someone, to be a witness for someone, or to do something in which He guides us to do.

It’s so precious our time with Him, more so than anything we can do this day. It’s a vital part of our existence,  our ability to endeavor to do things in a way that is destined to please Him, and therefore bring about the best possible outcome for our lives through Christ.  For He wants us to prosper, and to be successful in all we do. Jeremiah 29:11

When we talk with Him, or sit quietly and “listen” to Him, with hearts yearning, and desiring to do His bidding, and a genuine need to praise, and worship Him…we are working in a capacity, that will ultimately bring about rewards not only here, but most especially in Heaven.

Without Him, in the circle of life, we get stuck in a “rectangular” existence.  His voice lends clarity in all things, in all circumstances, in all areas of life.  His love goes beyond anything that we’ve ever known, or could ever comprehend.  His promises will never be broken. His words will never return to Him void.  Isaiah 55:11

In the center of that circle, is His Sovereign, and Omnipotent power. We are the recipients of His grace, and love. He is the living nucleus of all things important. Our surge of placid peace comes from spending time with Him. Every single day.

Spend time with Him, be patient, and wait upon the LORD, (Psalm 46:10) and understand that in any relationship, communication is “key” to growth.  And growth of the Spirit comes from spending time with our Father, each and every day of our lives, now and always.

Do you know Him?  If not, may I invite you to open His book and spend some precious time with Him?  Because being loved by Him, is the best kind of love of all time. That is a fact!

“Father, thank You for “speaking” with me through Your words, and Your Spirit, I enjoy my precious time with You, may I seek You all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: We know You’re Here~






2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.


So the world seemed to slowly be getting “back on track” in terms of the “pandemic.” But then variants came out that got people nervous again. To further aggravate circumstances, adversarial camping grounds have begun to crop up over “vaccinated versus unvaccinated.”  To add fuel to the incredibly heated debates, here come mandates, and vicious political talk emblazoned all over the media, web, and TV.   All this along with people dying, trying to get away from draconian governments, and the list goes on and on and on!  Yikes!

An uncomfortable darkness seems to be closing in, and the shroud of uncertainty, along with angst, have had an impact on many people’s health, mental status, and their social lives.

But there is hope, look no further!

His light is right there in the midst of the hurricane of adversity!

He is shining through, offering comfort, and strength!

The LORD is a constant surge of energy for all of those who believe.

He is the air we breathe.

He is the heart of all that matters.

He is the Captain of our ship.

And He is the Lasso that reins us in, out of the chaotic uproarious embodiment of consumption of dread and gloom, that is seemingly all around the world.

Look above the crowd of noise, from the shenanigans of the world. Seek instead His face, and the profound powerful joy of His Word, and allow it to ring within your soul.

His grace and love, are the utmost importance in a world that may disappoint and cause harm.

Being engrafted in Him, and waking in His light, can be the difference between “living” or “existing” — to merely exist  is akin to suffocation of the soul.

But to truly “live” is akin to “Exhilaration” and depth of the soul.

Because of faith, and the acknowledgment that He is with those who embrace His promises, His word, and His love, is something that resonates with the blessed who believe.

Amen & Hallelujah!


“Father, I know that You are always there, no matter what is happening, no matter what I may be going through, You are there, and have been since You knitted me in my Mom’s womb, so thank You for loving me enough, to send Your Son to redeem me, and to be a constant in my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Use Your Words Wisely~



“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence” 

(Proverbs 10:11)



Last week, an Aunt and a niece, due to a misunderstanding, gave way to some “harsh words” which led to a separation and divide in the family.  Unfortunately, I tried to be the “family peacemaker” alas, it was an exercise in futility.  And now a major rift has resulted due to a “poor choice of words.”  Those words and the behavior impulse, to “strike out before thinking,” has severed a relationship, that very well might not be repaired.

It is so important to “think and listen,” before reacting. Words can be damaging on the one hand.  Or, they can be resourceful, and powerful, in uplifting someone, or comforting someone.

The most important “Word” of all is “God’s.”

The entire Bible can be so many things to so many who read it.

It is a blessing to “hear” the Word, and know it is our Father speaking to our hearts, and our souls.  It is His voice, that invariably resonates and reverberates, in our souls.  His Word bears record, and witness of His love, and His plans for us.

When we absorb His Word, on a daily basis, it gets easier to “gain insight” into what we say.  It allows us the vision to see His path, and His will for us.  It opens the right doors, and closes the window, to shield us from the storms, that will inherently rip through out lives.

Words can either be meaningful. Or they can be shallow, and hateful. Ultimately it is up to each of us to demonstrate the love and capacity, of the Spirit dwelling within each of us.  Offering God’s Word, as a daily tool in all we endeavor to accomplish, each day of our lives.

So, before speaking words in anger.  Close the “window” and let the storm pass.  Then when it is clear outside,  so too will be your mind, and spirit, to bring about the “right words” to utter.

Trust me when I say this… the outcome will be quite different than had you lashed out at someone, before “thinking and contemplating,” the repercussions of your words.

My Aunt and her niece can testify to that. Let’s just pray that they will find the road of forgiveness, because as Jesus said, “if you cannot forgive one another, how can the Father forgive you?”

“Father, help us to say the right thing, to listen and wait for Your timing, and to be loving and gentle in our approach to all we encounter in our lives, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”