DEAR GOD: Merely Dust in the Wind~


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A person seemingly exalted himself recently to the point of ludicrous heights. Making out to be an “expert” in all things, and all matters on earth, in heaven, and throughout the Universe overall.  The elaborate gestures, and overly confident swagger, left a bitter taste in my mouth, a shiver down my spine, and a sad feeling within my soul, and felt bad for him because of his ornate flamboyant oration. People were rolling eyes and yawning due to his one man show.

It appeared that he thought he was superior to one and all.  However, he failed to recognize; NO ONE is better than another. We are all equal in God’s eyes.

We are all sinners and fall short of perfection. Only God is perfect, and He alone is the profound, infinite Being, that is above all else, and no one can compare to Him or His Sovereign Holy Character.

When another individual boasts, or bloviates, it can become toxic on so many levels. One is it can most certainly deter individuals from responding, finding exasperating.  Another thing that might occur is losing friends or acquaintances, because no one enjoys a “loud-in-your-face- know-it-all.”

To be confident is one thing. After all, God likes His children to be pleasantly “informed,” while shining a light of wisdom, from the Holy Spirit, offering a gentle knowledge, and pathway to what really matters in this world—GOD!

There will be times in which we will flounder,  under circumstances that will far outdo us in ways we will never understand.  And still, there will be moments when we wonder “which way to turn.”

The ability to ascertain when to “speak out” or to “stay quiet” is a gift from above. It is the guidance from within that is the template of our moral compass.  It is the Holy hand from above, that always holds us up, and brings us through things that we normally otherwise, couldn’t do.

We are merely dust in the wind, when it comes to our “own reliance and strength.”  It is God who sustains, and provides the bowels of construction, and it is His foundation on which we stand. He is the Rock that enables us to navigate in all kinds of conditions or situations.

So back to the “obnoxious” individual who was bragging non-stop.  I said a prayer for the person, and knew that only God can gently lead him into a corral of humility.  Neither I, nor his wife, children, or anyone else for that matter, can change him.  Perhaps there will be someone that will be a conduit from God, to show him what’s important in life, and how to achieve it graciously, and with class.

For now, I look to God for all things, all issues, all circumstances, and to Him, I bow and proudly proclaim, “Jesus is LORD, and I am Yours! Amen and Hallulejah!”   

“Father thank You for this day and all the days of my life, may Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven,  may I mindfully approach all things in humility, and realize that it is You, who is control, and You are the only One, that is perfect and Holy, in Jesus name, Amen!”