DEAR GOD: Thank You For All Seasons~



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“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1


 There are many seasons, and journeys in a person’s lifetime.     There can be a time in a Christian’s life when we might go through a “Dry” season, when we aren’t quite “hearing” God, which can leave us anxious and concerned, believing we might have done something wrong.  It can be very unsettling,  bringing various thoughts to our minds;  “did I do something that upset God? Why don’t I feel anything? What’s happening?” 

A dry season brings about a certain behavior that lends way to “doubt.”  This spiritually dry season can bring about scenarios that appear to be never-ending. We may have just come out of a difficult time, or have something within our hearts that we might need to repent about, to get back on track.  We’re all human and can get off track from time to time.  But God is “always there” and never far away. He hears and sees and knows what we are going through.

We have a “Waiting” season, where God tells us “ “Be still and know I am God.” – Psalm 46:10.    

Whatever it is “we are waiting for” can seem an eternity, but God knows what’s best. And the timing is perfect in God’s realm, so we need to be patient and wait according to His will and time.     

Psalm 37:7 — says, “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.”   

This is a season that is exceedingly difficult, we can begin to doubt or grow frustrated with our circumstances. But, this is the time to hang on tenaciously, to our faith. Never doubt God’s plans, or provisions, which are plentiful, and filled with goodness, for His children.

Psalm 5:3,Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait patiently.” 

There are various seasons and journeys:

Trial and Tribulation season“, — where we feel as if we are being tested above endurance. – But God, doesn’t give us more than we can handle, and always shows us a way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

A Taxing season – Where there are so many things to accomplish in a given day, and just can’t manage or take care of the tasks at hand.

In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him,” Psalm 95:4. 

The Universe doesn’t rest in our hands, it rests in God’s. We need to take hold, and gauge ourselves and our tasks. We need to continue to communicate with God, and breathe deeply.  Then carry on through the strength in which Christ alone gives us.

Irrespective of our circumstances, we need to focus, and fix our eyes on Jesus.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal,” 2 Corinthians 4:17-19

We also have a “Peaceful Joyful Season.”

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise,”  James 5:13

Perhaps you just got married to the love of your life.  Maybe you have just had your first precious newborn baby.  Or maybe, you’ve just purchased a house of your dreams. Still others, may have just landed a job, and an opportunity of a lifetime.  Whatever the situation,  you are totally over-the-moon-happy. And so this “happy peaceful” season, is welcome in your life. Obviously we need to  make time to celebrate, and rejoice in the blessings from above.

But here’s the takeaway from all of this.  We as Christians, must recognize that “no matter what season” we are currently in, we truly never stop glorifying God!

It is our Father, who is in control at all times, and in control of all seasons.  These also include seasons that pertain to weather. However, I’m referring to the seasons that pertain to our “Spiritual” emotional growth, and benevolence, and love for God.

So my brothers and sisters, no matter where you are at this moment in time, stop!—right now!—and give the LORD, a shout of thanks!

Tell Him how much you love Him, and how you know He is always there for you.  He is beyond beautiful inside and out, and His love reaches all the corners of the earth, no matter where you live,  or what you look like, or how old you are.  He loves us.  Each and everyone of us.

So during these trying, and tedious days of division, in societal circles, it is so important to remember this:  He is the same today, tomorrow, and always.  He is, in fact, the only unchangeable Season of our life.  He is constant, and sustains every single thing on this earth, and beyond.

As long as God is a part of my season, I am blessed!


“Father, thank You for this particular season in my life, I know You are with me, through all seasons, I know you are with me throughout the journey of my life, and I praise You Father, and adore You Father, and worship You, and You alone Father, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen!”