DEAR GOD: Grafted in Him~

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 Jesus, tells His disciples just before His arrest,

I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5).

If we request His presence, each day and obey Him in faith we will, by His power, produce astonishing spiritual growth.

Being “grafted” unto Christ as in following, and observing all according to His doctrine, and teachings…not only in thoughts, but in actions, we will eventually produce “fruit” in which is sustained through Christ, and Christ alone.


Christ is our Branch, He alone fulfilled all righteousness. He proved His worthiness and unconditional love, by remaining in full accord with His (our) heavenly Father, and bearing spiritual fruit, that makes redemption, and our salvation tangible.

It is again, only by abiding in Him, and our attachment to Him, and our relationship with Him, that we become grafted in Him, by our intimate connection with Him, that we will produce spiritual growth and godly works, through His name, and His power. Amen. (Romans 11:17-24)

Sustained by His Branch, we grow, prosper, and thrive, we live.  If not grafted in Christ, the branches will wither and eventually die. So, keep deeply entrenched in the roots of Christ and your growth will enable you all the days of your life, until we receive our inherent rewards and eternal rewards in the Kingdom of the LORD.

“Lord, thank You for sustaining our needs and nourishing us by feeding us with your Spirit, and love, may we continue to bear fruits and follow You and be forever more attached to you the Vine of life, in Jesus name, Amen.”





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  – Easton’s Bible Dictionary – Graft. Graft. the process of inoculating fruit-trees ( Romans 11:17-24 ). It is peculiarly appropriate to olive-trees. The union thus of branches to a stem is used to illustrate the union of true believers to the true Church, which is to say, Christ the many membered body.