DEAR GOD: Surrendering to Your Love & Will~



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James 4:7 (KJV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Surrendering to the LORD in everything, means we are willing to acknowledge and affirm that He is in control, and that “His will” be done in our lives, according to His purpose, cause and outcome.

It isn’t an easy thing to do.

What is it when we surrender?

It’s giving in, and letting go of issues, or circumstances that we basically truly “have no control of.” Ostensibly, it’s the LORD who is the Sovereign entity, and Being,  thereby knowing He is the Creator of all things, and ultimately when adhering to that  knowledge, we can thereby surrender fully and totally, with  confidence, and recognition, that we are in “good hands.”

When we yield to His will, and accept His terms for our life, we are infinitely blessed.  We know He wants the best for us, and will firmly, and lovingly guide, lead, direct, touch, and protect us, in all things.  We will be encircled with His light, and His love, and the sanctity of peace, will flow endlessly, from within to without.

When we surrender, and say, “Yes LORD —I surrender it all to You” we are fully committed to Him.  We are followers of His doctrine, and plans for our lives.  We become entrenched in the Word, and are able to navigate life, in ways that only those of faith can.

He becomes our “life long compass,” and protractor that completes the blueprints of our souls,  today, tomorrow, and always.

When we are aware that He is in charge, and surrender it all to Him, we are changed emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  He is able to lead us with a force, and empowerment, in the name of Christ. We are victorious through Christ, because of our surrendering to His Omnipotence, and we are rewarded with a fortress of impregnable security and peace,  which only He alone, can provide.

“Surrendering to Christ is like signing your name to a blank check and letting the Lord put in the amount.” ~Billy Graham

One of the hardest words to utter in a Christian’s life may very well be:

“Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done.”

That’s surrendering to God!

“Dear Lord, I surrender today, and everyday to You, Father. May I always follow where You lead, and do Your will, as You reveal it to me. May I live this day to glorify You, and honor You in all things, during the course of my lifetime, in the name of Jesus, Amen.”



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