DEAR GOD: Merely Dust in the Wind~


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A person seemingly exalted himself recently to the point of ludicrous heights. Making out to be an “expert” in all things, and all matters on earth, in heaven, and throughout the Universe overall.  The elaborate gestures, and overly confident swagger, left a bitter taste in my mouth, a shiver down my spine, and a sad feeling within my soul, and felt bad for him because of his ornate flamboyant oration. People were rolling eyes and yawning due to his one man show.

It appeared that he thought he was superior to one and all.  However, he failed to recognize; NO ONE is better than another. We are all equal in God’s eyes.

We are all sinners and fall short of perfection. Only God is perfect, and He alone is the profound, infinite Being, that is above all else, and no one can compare to Him or His Sovereign Holy Character.

When another individual boasts, or bloviates, it can become toxic on so many levels. One is it can most certainly deter individuals from responding, finding exasperating.  Another thing that might occur is losing friends or acquaintances, because no one enjoys a “loud-in-your-face- know-it-all.”

To be confident is one thing. After all, God likes His children to be pleasantly “informed,” while shining a light of wisdom, from the Holy Spirit, offering a gentle knowledge, and pathway to what really matters in this world—GOD!

There will be times in which we will flounder,  under circumstances that will far outdo us in ways we will never understand.  And still, there will be moments when we wonder “which way to turn.”

The ability to ascertain when to “speak out” or to “stay quiet” is a gift from above. It is the guidance from within that is the template of our moral compass.  It is the Holy hand from above, that always holds us up, and brings us through things that we normally otherwise, couldn’t do.

We are merely dust in the wind, when it comes to our “own reliance and strength.”  It is God who sustains, and provides the bowels of construction, and it is His foundation on which we stand. He is the Rock that enables us to navigate in all kinds of conditions or situations.

So back to the “obnoxious” individual who was bragging non-stop.  I said a prayer for the person, and knew that only God can gently lead him into a corral of humility.  Neither I, nor his wife, children, or anyone else for that matter, can change him.  Perhaps there will be someone that will be a conduit from God, to show him what’s important in life, and how to achieve it graciously, and with class.

For now, I look to God for all things, all issues, all circumstances, and to Him, I bow and proudly proclaim, “Jesus is LORD, and I am Yours! Amen and Hallulejah!”   

“Father thank You for this day and all the days of my life, may Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven,  may I mindfully approach all things in humility, and realize that it is You, who is control, and You are the only One, that is perfect and Holy, in Jesus name, Amen!”   





DEAR GOD: Through the Storm~



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“When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves, but He was asleep. And they went and woke Him saying, “Save us, Lord, we are perishing.” And He said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then He rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this that even winds and sea obey Him?”

Matthew 8:23-27



“When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation. For You have been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless Is like a rain storm against a wall.”    Proverbs 10:25


Before Jesus calms the storm in the seas, He wants to calm the storm in our heart. The storms obey when Jesus says “Peace, be still. “ Storm travels are faith-building expeditions. So, when our storms, and chaos in life, come crashing into our existence,  as Christians we must elevate, through Christ’s power, and  His unconditional love, to bring us out of it.

Some people are laboring under a major misapprehension believing; “Christians will not get sick,  nor sustain hardship, or difficult times…”

Not true!

In fact, we will definitely go through many trials, tribulations and adverse circumstances, as we journey through life.  However, we are able to get through it, because of Christ, and His guidance, and Omnipotence.

In the process we will grow Spiritually, and our roots will become deeply entrenched into the very foundation of Christ, and His gospel of truth.

Ostensibly, the real fact of the matter is, when we follow Jesus, we will experience various storms.  However, we therefore shouldn’t doubt God’s love for us, based on our given circumstances. We shouldn’t judge God’s love, based on the winds, floods, or waves. No. Ultimately, we should look at God’s love, based on the cross of Jesus Christ, and what He’s done for us.

Our passage in life, is conceptual in that God created us, and in that creation, we all have a purpose here on earth. We each have a path carved out for us, by the mighty hands of God. We have things to do, people to meet, specific events to get through. With each scenario, we gain aspects into the will of the Master, our Lord and Savior.

It is His proverbial strength, and wisdom that appeals to us in the depths of our very soul. It is His love, and guidance that catapults us, into achieving the impossible.

Because with God everything is possible!

So…walk with confidence. Hold your head high. Seek His face in all you do.  Then, realize that the “Great I AM,”  is with us every step of the way.

Irrespective of our past, or current circumstances, He is the vital part of our existence.  And without Him…we cannot attain the “full wardrobe” of a Christian.  For He covers us with His righteousness, as He covered us with His blood.

So…laugh in the face of the storms.

Be strong, and courageous.

For the sun always comes out after every storm.

And the peace that ensues after a raging storm, will soothe our very souls to heights of tranquility, and growth of spirit.  And love of God…


“Father, thank You for being at the helm of my ship in the storms of life, I know that no matter what I’m going through, You are with me, and will hold my right hand as You bring me safely into port, I give You all the glory, honor and dominion, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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DEAR GOD: Thank You For All Seasons~



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“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1


 There are many seasons, and journeys in a person’s lifetime.     There can be a time in a Christian’s life when we might go through a “Dry” season, when we aren’t quite “hearing” God, which can leave us anxious and concerned, believing we might have done something wrong.  It can be very unsettling,  bringing various thoughts to our minds;  “did I do something that upset God? Why don’t I feel anything? What’s happening?” 

A dry season brings about a certain behavior that lends way to “doubt.”  This spiritually dry season can bring about scenarios that appear to be never-ending. We may have just come out of a difficult time, or have something within our hearts that we might need to repent about, to get back on track.  We’re all human and can get off track from time to time.  But God is “always there” and never far away. He hears and sees and knows what we are going through.

We have a “Waiting” season, where God tells us “ “Be still and know I am God.” – Psalm 46:10.    

Whatever it is “we are waiting for” can seem an eternity, but God knows what’s best. And the timing is perfect in God’s realm, so we need to be patient and wait according to His will and time.     

Psalm 37:7 — says, “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.”   

This is a season that is exceedingly difficult, we can begin to doubt or grow frustrated with our circumstances. But, this is the time to hang on tenaciously, to our faith. Never doubt God’s plans, or provisions, which are plentiful, and filled with goodness, for His children.

Psalm 5:3,Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait patiently.” 

There are various seasons and journeys:

Trial and Tribulation season“, — where we feel as if we are being tested above endurance. – But God, doesn’t give us more than we can handle, and always shows us a way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

A Taxing season – Where there are so many things to accomplish in a given day, and just can’t manage or take care of the tasks at hand.

In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him,” Psalm 95:4. 

The Universe doesn’t rest in our hands, it rests in God’s. We need to take hold, and gauge ourselves and our tasks. We need to continue to communicate with God, and breathe deeply.  Then carry on through the strength in which Christ alone gives us.

Irrespective of our circumstances, we need to focus, and fix our eyes on Jesus.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal,” 2 Corinthians 4:17-19

We also have a “Peaceful Joyful Season.”

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise,”  James 5:13

Perhaps you just got married to the love of your life.  Maybe you have just had your first precious newborn baby.  Or maybe, you’ve just purchased a house of your dreams. Still others, may have just landed a job, and an opportunity of a lifetime.  Whatever the situation,  you are totally over-the-moon-happy. And so this “happy peaceful” season, is welcome in your life. Obviously we need to  make time to celebrate, and rejoice in the blessings from above.

But here’s the takeaway from all of this.  We as Christians, must recognize that “no matter what season” we are currently in, we truly never stop glorifying God!

It is our Father, who is in control at all times, and in control of all seasons.  These also include seasons that pertain to weather. However, I’m referring to the seasons that pertain to our “Spiritual” emotional growth, and benevolence, and love for God.

So my brothers and sisters, no matter where you are at this moment in time, stop!—right now!—and give the LORD, a shout of thanks!

Tell Him how much you love Him, and how you know He is always there for you.  He is beyond beautiful inside and out, and His love reaches all the corners of the earth, no matter where you live,  or what you look like, or how old you are.  He loves us.  Each and everyone of us.

So during these trying, and tedious days of division, in societal circles, it is so important to remember this:  He is the same today, tomorrow, and always.  He is, in fact, the only unchangeable Season of our life.  He is constant, and sustains every single thing on this earth, and beyond.

As long as God is a part of my season, I am blessed!


“Father, thank You for this particular season in my life, I know You are with me, through all seasons, I know you are with me throughout the journey of my life, and I praise You Father, and adore You Father, and worship You, and You alone Father, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen!”


DEAR GOD: Your Word Grows Within~



Ephesians 4:13-15

Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.


Being a Christian brings a certain amount of accountability. It means “continual” growth in spirit. None of us can be so fully informed that we become “laid” back and thereby retard our roots.  As we delve into the Word, and become embroiled further in the doctrine of the LORD, we begin to experience a deeper understanding and fully embrace the embodiment of Christ.

None of us can “arrive” to be all that God intends us to become; every day we are conformed bit by bit, more and more to the image of Christ. He created us to fully enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. He desires a close fellowship with us. Therefore, His Son saved us, and a close knit connection is now available due to our Redeemer!

Walking the narrow path of righteousness, can be difficult. But means we are to live in such a way, that both honors, and pleases our God.

When we’re feeling weak, it’s not due to the lack of available power from above. The might and power of the LORD, that created all things, and raised Jesus from the dead, is available for us at every moment through belief, and prayer. By tapping into that magnificent grace, we are afforded ample opportunity, to live out our lives, according to His will. While aspiring to great heights, and depths in our faith, that we normally couldn’t, or wouldn’t accomplish without Him.

Tapping into His grace, and seeking Him in all we do is the greatest joy, resulting in ultimate peace and confidence every step of the way.

“Father, may I continue to grow spiritually, and tap into your grace and love, while fostering a truly intimate relationship with you, all the days of my life, and beyond,  in Jesus name, Amen.”










DEAR GOD: Grafted in Him~

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 Jesus, tells His disciples just before His arrest,

I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5).

If we request His presence, each day and obey Him in faith we will, by His power, produce astonishing spiritual growth.

Being “grafted” unto Christ as in following, and observing all according to His doctrine, and teachings…not only in thoughts, but in actions, we will eventually produce “fruit” in which is sustained through Christ, and Christ alone.


Christ is our Branch, He alone fulfilled all righteousness. He proved His worthiness and unconditional love, by remaining in full accord with His (our) heavenly Father, and bearing spiritual fruit, that makes redemption, and our salvation tangible.

It is again, only by abiding in Him, and our attachment to Him, and our relationship with Him, that we become grafted in Him, by our intimate connection with Him, that we will produce spiritual growth and godly works, through His name, and His power. Amen. (Romans 11:17-24)

Sustained by His Branch, we grow, prosper, and thrive, we live.  If not grafted in Christ, the branches will wither and eventually die. So, keep deeply entrenched in the roots of Christ and your growth will enable you all the days of your life, until we receive our inherent rewards and eternal rewards in the Kingdom of the LORD.

“Lord, thank You for sustaining our needs and nourishing us by feeding us with your Spirit, and love, may we continue to bear fruits and follow You and be forever more attached to you the Vine of life, in Jesus name, Amen.”





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  – Easton’s Bible Dictionary – Graft. Graft. the process of inoculating fruit-trees ( Romans 11:17-24 ). It is peculiarly appropriate to olive-trees. The union thus of branches to a stem is used to illustrate the union of true believers to the true Church, which is to say, Christ the many membered body.



DEAR GOD: Surrendering to Your Love & Will~



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James 4:7 (KJV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Surrendering to the LORD in everything, means we are willing to acknowledge and affirm that He is in control, and that “His will” be done in our lives, according to His purpose, cause and outcome.

It isn’t an easy thing to do.

What is it when we surrender?

It’s giving in, and letting go of issues, or circumstances that we basically truly “have no control of.” Ostensibly, it’s the LORD who is the Sovereign entity, and Being,  thereby knowing He is the Creator of all things, and ultimately when adhering to that  knowledge, we can thereby surrender fully and totally, with  confidence, and recognition, that we are in “good hands.”

When we yield to His will, and accept His terms for our life, we are infinitely blessed.  We know He wants the best for us, and will firmly, and lovingly guide, lead, direct, touch, and protect us, in all things.  We will be encircled with His light, and His love, and the sanctity of peace, will flow endlessly, from within to without.

When we surrender, and say, “Yes LORD —I surrender it all to You” we are fully committed to Him.  We are followers of His doctrine, and plans for our lives.  We become entrenched in the Word, and are able to navigate life, in ways that only those of faith can.

He becomes our “life long compass,” and protractor that completes the blueprints of our souls,  today, tomorrow, and always.

When we are aware that He is in charge, and surrender it all to Him, we are changed emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  He is able to lead us with a force, and empowerment, in the name of Christ. We are victorious through Christ, because of our surrendering to His Omnipotence, and we are rewarded with a fortress of impregnable security and peace,  which only He alone, can provide.

“Surrendering to Christ is like signing your name to a blank check and letting the Lord put in the amount.” ~Billy Graham

One of the hardest words to utter in a Christian’s life may very well be:

“Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done.”

That’s surrendering to God!

“Dear Lord, I surrender today, and everyday to You, Father. May I always follow where You lead, and do Your will, as You reveal it to me. May I live this day to glorify You, and honor You in all things, during the course of my lifetime, in the name of Jesus, Amen.”



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