DEAR GOD: Eagles Soar High in Your Love~

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Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.



Eagles are magnificent creatures, soaring high above all the rest. Taking time to build their nests high atop mountains, far from the noise and maddening “crowd,” as they sit in perfect peace, and safety, and comfort.

Eagles are strong vibrant creatures, powerful and confident.  They also make healthy choices in their diet.  They eat only fresh items. Their menu is quickly grasped by their talons.  They feast on their delectable finds, varying in entree’s, but always a “fresh item.” They NEVER eat anything that is dead.

Whereas, some of their fellow birds, choose from a menu of “dead” items, carcasses strewn on roads, or in fields, and make nests closer to earth.  The opposite of Eagles, who eat “live” items, and stand by a clean diet. The other birds of prey, choose whatever they can find, and mostly “dead” things.  Ravens can be seen feeding on road kill quite frequently, and at times, in trash bins, going through food. Vultures circle and wait for death before digging into their feasts.  Hawks eat both dead and alive creatures.

So what’s the point?   The reference to Eagles  in Isaiah, is stating we will taken care of like “Eagles.”  The Eagle soars high above the rest. The Eagle eats clean food that is “Alive” when caught.  They nest way above the earth.

God’s children feed on the Word of the LORD.

God’s Word is clean, uplifting and energizes us.

Ostensibly, the world can be referred as “death,” because of the relentless rife and strife that abounds.  The prince of the air swirls about creating chaos and destruction where he can, when he can.

But hang on.  Remember that the LORD, will give us strength, and thereby mounts us up “like Eagles.” 

When we “feed” on His Word, it elicits life.

We soar and are lifted up.

If we “feed” on a different diet,  such as “the world,” we are destined to fail. It’s like eating  sugary snacks and junk food non-stop all day long. Empty calories, that will invariably damage your overall health in the long run.

Flying “high above” the rest, as we seek His face, and His Kingdom, we are provided strength, through Christ.  His promises to take care of us, and protect us, will prevail, no matter what is happening in the world, or around us.

When we consume a daily diet of “Bread” from the Father, we are ensured a passage of generous rewards, here and in the eternity.

When we partake in God’s “food” we are sustained with His grace, love, and providence in all areas of our lives.

We will soar high above the rest, because we are drawing nearer to God.

We will make our nests closer to God, and His Presence will be a constant in our lives.

How would you describe yourself today?  

Are you an Eagle?

Or a Raven?


“Father, thank You for Your wings of protection, as I seek refuge in You, and Your Word, I am protected, and shall not grow weary, nor faint, You lift me daily, I am grateful for Your love, and for Your promises, may I do Your will today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”