DEAR GOD: You’re The Emollient for My Soul~



Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

Psalm 119:2 (KJV)


We are truly blessed, when we keep His testimonies, which is to say,  the whole Word of God.  His scriptures, are life affirming and truth, which is an emollient that truly soothes our souls.

His love, and His grace, through Christ, ( His only begotten Son) our Lord and Savior, is  heir inherent of our faith, and our whole reason for living.

Happiness, peace, and joy, are all  vital components, that we of faith, invariably share, when we live in the shadow of the Almighty.

To Know God, and all of which He is, we need to go beyond His Word.  Knowing His Word, and meditating upon them, is a huge critical aspect of course.  But to be truly intimate, in terms of our relationship with Him, we need to graft onto Him.  Decrease in our own self worth, thereby, allowing Him to “increase” to further substantiate our existence, of who we can be…through Christ, our Lord.

Reaching out and seeking His face, is a natural inclination for the faithful.  Exposing our heart openly, and bowing to Him, while acquiescing to His will, are key to spiritual growth.

When we speak to Him and follow the course in which He intends us to walk, we are experiencing the “truest form” of love, devotion, and intimacy. Which is the equation of “perfection” set off by His hands of glory.

Seek Him daily, love Him unconditionally, and listen to Him, without fail.  After doing this with a contrite and loving heart, be prepared to experience the “greatest love,” that you will ever know!  Amen!


“Father, thank You for loving me, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”