DEAR GOD: Life Changes, You Don’t~





“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint…”

Isaiah 40:31


So a dear good beloved friend of mine, whom I’ve known for over 30 years, is coming to a new chapter in her life.  After years of  physical disabilities, and struggling with those issues, that began shortly after she became a widow—(About 8 years now)— she is moving out of her beautiful house, into a nursing facility.

She is a Christian first, and foremost, and has an outlook of hope, and a heart filled with love, for the LORD.  This unfiltered love, has been an active part of whom she is, from the moment I met her all those years ago.

She shared the Word with me, my hubby, and her hubby,  over dinner at our favorite diner (which no longer is open) and strong bonds were formed.  Impregnable bonds of love, respect, and a mutual admiration society, in the cords that bind us, to Christ our Lord and Savior.

She has lived through so many hardships, and has come out stronger for each one.  The LORD brought all she needed to her door.  Whether it be, care givers, house painters, carpenters, food shoppers, etc.  She has always been held up by God’s strong right hand of righteousness, and He lead he through the rough terrain each and every time.

After years of putting others first, including her husband, mother, father, and family members.  She was on her own, after her husband passed, and parents.  She kept her faith, harnessed to the LORD, and her trust in Him never wavered.

I could go on and on about my beautiful, kind Christian sister, but I’ll stop here.  But I think it’s important to add this part to my story.
She has been struggling recently due to the lack of care she so desperately needs.

Unfortunately, some care givers were unable to attend to her needs, some are retiring, some are going for others issues.  So she looked to God for help, as always.  And He provided. After praying and searching her heart and seeking God.  He answered.

She will be moving, within the next couple of weeks, into her “new home” for possibly, the duration of her life.  Unless, God has other plans.  But, her attitude is positive, her spirit is unmovable, in the LORD, and she knows and accepts, that she needs more help at this time in her life. She is accepting of it and is graciously acquiescing to her current medical status, and knows its time to leave and move on.

In closing, those of us with faith, can be assured that there is a plan for all of us.  There is a clean cut path for us to walk upon, and God is in control of all of it.  Life happens yes…but it happens so much better with God in it.

Because with Him, there is life, hope, light, and truth.

Freedom for our souls.

Redemption, salvation…and eternal rewards.

As my dear friend, always says,  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” 

Psalm 121:1 (KJV)


Pray for my friend, Dee… that she find peace, and all that she needs in her “new home.”

However, she already has a great start.  Because she has the LORD in her heart, and in her corner.  So it doesn’t get any better than that. With God in her corner, who shall be against her?



“Father God, I pray for Dee’s transition to be filled with Your peace, and blessings, that she be taken care of with compassion and respect, and that she want for nothing, all the days of her life, in Jesus name, Amen.”