DEAR GOD: Waiting Upon Your Call~

Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
And in His word do I hope.


There are times when we are searching for answers, that just don’t come. There may be a presumption on our part, believing we “innately know” the answer.  Often, the answer is a self serving response, to our own inner “need.”  Meaning we “receive the answer” we want, by saying we got the answer we need.


Nah, it’s simple really. Upon occasion, we will suffice to accommodate our own reflective thoughts, and manipulate it around scripture.  Then say, “See!  I got my response!”   Think again.  Are you sure it was from the LORD?  And not from your own imagination, or from the “enemy?”

Satan loves to lie, and whisper words of enticement to those who “might listen.”  And there are times, when it might seem very convincing, well at least to some.  But he is a master in scripture, and will twist it just enough, to try and get you believing its from  God.  He is the father of lies and deceit.  A chaotic presence.  But take heart, and be of good cheer, “For the One in us is bigger than the one in the world.” Our Father defeated death, and is the Author of salvation, and He Reigns Victorious! Amen.

God instructs us to “wait upon Him- Psalm 46:10″ and rightfully so. He is in control. He knows what is best, and He is our true undeniable Presence, of “truth, light, and life,”  and our only way of securing Eternal passage into Heaven. (No one gets to the Father but through me  John 14:6)

Be wise as the serpent, and gentle as the dove—(Matthew 10:16.)  But be watchful. Listen. Prepare. Be well armed in verse and scripture.  For the world is a dark and menacing place.  It is filled with the ugly sounds of the enemy, always trying to pull you in.  Trying to trick you.  Or maneuver his way into your head, and steal your soul away. He wants to ensnare you in his stronghold. But when Christ is in us, we are untouchable, we are well versed, and suited up in His name and His power.

So prepare each day by wearing your full Armor of God—(Ephesians 6.)  And when you seek answers, you will ultimately know when you “wait upon God” and realize it is “His voice” you will eventually hear, that will lead you to narrow path, thereby making us victorious through Christ. (John 10:27-30) (Romans 8:37 )

“Father, may I be ever aware of Your Presence in my life, and wait upon You and You alone, in all things, everyday of my life here and always, in Jesus name, Amen.” 

DEAR GOD: Of Whom Shall I Fear?

Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shal I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of who shall I be afraid?




If God is for us, who can be against us? 

Of whom shall we fear?

The Christian’s confidence rests in God Himself.

Not humans!

God is in control of all things.  What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 (KJV)

The anchor of Christianity is Christ Himself.

He is ultimately in control, and our Sovereign Master, and Holy Being of love, and mighty power.

When we are encased in His Word, light, and truth, we are inherently sealed by Him, and we are for Him, and therefore, nothing can separate us from Him. Romans 8:35

His unwavering truth abounds in Christians, and His light leads us through the darkness.  His breath breathes life and gives us strength to endure and explore our journey here on earth, until our race is done.  2 Timothy 4:7-8 

Psalm 46:1-3:11  Once again, in these verses, we are secure in His untethered love and presence, and assured of His enduring promises.

When we believe in Christ, there is no deprivation, in any area of our lives.

God gave His only Son for us (John 3:16) 

When Jesus, drank the cup of bitter agony for us, the greatest gift of our lifetime, it was indeed the greatest love story every told, or accomplished.

In Christ’ torment, we have redemption, and salvation. He resurrected, and we are free. He is the Author of salvation. The procurer of peace. Our LORD and Savior, King of kings, and LORD of lords.

We know that nothing He did, can be “undone.”  For the faithful believer in Christ, there is no accusation, no intimidation, no deprivation, instead in its place… freedom and peace and confidence.

For the believer in Christ there is NO condemnation! (Romans 8:34) Instead we have confirmation of His love.

Christ is our Mediator, Advocate, and Counselor in Heaven, at all times.  He is at the right hand of God, the Father.  He has never lost a case, nor will He ever.  We are protected by His crucifixion, and His resurrection, and His love.

We are subjects to Him and Him alone.

He is the Master and our Father.

No one is in control of us, or our circumstances…other than our LORD.

If God is for us? Whom shall we be afraid?

We are protected by Christ’ intercession. Which we should all rejoice in, knowing He cares for us and is always interceding for us. (Romans 8:34)

Jesus paid it all. 

All to Him we owe.

Have you met and know the LORD and Savior? 

If not…what are you waiting for?



“Father, thank You for being my Life, my Counselor, my Advocate, I know with You I have nothing to fear, no one can ever separate me from You, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Will be Done~

Luke 22:42




“And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”

Matthew 8:2 (KJV)


 “And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.” Matthew 8:3

The leper was cleansed by Christ.

Was it because the “leper” asked?

 Was it because the “leper” believed? 

Was it because the “leper” trusted Christ implicitly?   

Was it because the “leper” knew that Christ was able to cleanse Him? 

Was it because the “leper” knew that Christ’s will be done?”   


All of the above.

As Christians, we know that things are according to our LORD’s will, and it’s His grace, and sovereign power, that ultimately produces results.

As Christians,  vital components of following Christ, are plentiful.  One is our faith.

Along with our trust, our ability to ask, our belief that it can happen, and knowing that if it is the will of the LORD, it can be done.

And we shall get the results, IF the LORD wills it to be so.

Praying, faith, and reading the Holy Word, is the trifecta of Christianity.  Along with a profound unwavering love, for the LORD, which is the foundation of our inner existence, and our lives overall.

When we ask, and seek, and knock.  As Jesus states, “ask and it shall be answered, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened.”  The “leper” asked, he did seek, and he did knock…and he was healed.  Again, according to His will.

It’s very important, that we never forget that it is His will not ours.

Even Jesus stated, “Father, Your will not mine” as He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Luke 22:42

So, if Jesus respected that it is His Father’s will, of course, so too should we follow suit, and recognize that at all times of prayer.

As we go about our day,  praying and meditating, along with all of our everyday routines, realize it’s His will, not ours.  In all of our undertakings, no matter what we endeavor during the course of the day…realize He is with us, listening, watching and loving us, every step of the way.

And when we ask, seek, and knock…it will be done…according to His will and purpose. Amen.




“Father, may I always ask, seek and knock, and realize it’s Your will not mine, as I open the doors of my heart to You, today, and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Here or There You Are With Me~



Psalm 27:5

 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.



My husband and I, have been speaking about, possibly relocating back, to where most of “our family” lives.  So many variables make it difficult to do so at this time.  However, one thing we walked away with after detailed discussions, about whether to make the move or not.  We know, that no matter where we are, the LORD is right there with us!

Sheltering in His love, and knowing He is our Rock, is a comforting piece of knowledge, and a visceral feeling of peace, that is beyond description.  Resting in His love, is the most important place to be.

Whether in New England, or in the Mid-West, or the South.

God is there.  We can talk with Him.  And talk with Him in so many places.  We can carry on a conversation in the privacy of our house.  Or in the car.  Or in the laundry room…anywhere.  He is there. And so is His Word.

He is the most interesting Being to engage in any kind of conversation.  He is the only One that can bring a fountain of wisdom directly to us.  And  answers within seconds, minutes or days.  It’ll just be on His time, as His timing is always perfect. Just as He is perfect.

Speaking of time.  At this time, I know we are where we are supposed to be.  And though family members are grossly disappointed, we know it isn’t time for us to relocate yet.  Perhaps ever.  Only time will tell.  You can’t plan life.  Life plans you.  And in the midst of the plans, is God.

One thing I’m certain of, “God is with us, and will hold us up with His right hand of righteousness, and He will NEVER leave us.”  Amen!

“Father, LORD, thank You for guiding us every step of the way, for giving us clarity in situations that otherwise would be cloudy and vague, and thank You for the love You give us daily, we know You are with us, and always have been since the beginning of time, and will be beyond this time, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Psalm 32:6-8

Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.



DEAR GOD: Eagles Soar High in Your Love~

See the source image



Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.



Eagles are magnificent creatures, soaring high above all the rest. Taking time to build their nests high atop mountains, far from the noise and maddening “crowd,” as they sit in perfect peace, and safety, and comfort.

Eagles are strong vibrant creatures, powerful and confident.  They also make healthy choices in their diet.  They eat only fresh items. Their menu is quickly grasped by their talons.  They feast on their delectable finds, varying in entree’s, but always a “fresh item.” They NEVER eat anything that is dead.

Whereas, some of their fellow birds, choose from a menu of “dead” items, carcasses strewn on roads, or in fields, and make nests closer to earth.  The opposite of Eagles, who eat “live” items, and stand by a clean diet. The other birds of prey, choose whatever they can find, and mostly “dead” things.  Ravens can be seen feeding on road kill quite frequently, and at times, in trash bins, going through food. Vultures circle and wait for death before digging into their feasts.  Hawks eat both dead and alive creatures.

So what’s the point?   The reference to Eagles  in Isaiah, is stating we will taken care of like “Eagles.”  The Eagle soars high above the rest. The Eagle eats clean food that is “Alive” when caught.  They nest way above the earth.

God’s children feed on the Word of the LORD.

God’s Word is clean, uplifting and energizes us.

Ostensibly, the world can be referred as “death,” because of the relentless rife and strife that abounds.  The prince of the air swirls about creating chaos and destruction where he can, when he can.

But hang on.  Remember that the LORD, will give us strength, and thereby mounts us up “like Eagles.” 

When we “feed” on His Word, it elicits life.

We soar and are lifted up.

If we “feed” on a different diet,  such as “the world,” we are destined to fail. It’s like eating  sugary snacks and junk food non-stop all day long. Empty calories, that will invariably damage your overall health in the long run.

Flying “high above” the rest, as we seek His face, and His Kingdom, we are provided strength, through Christ.  His promises to take care of us, and protect us, will prevail, no matter what is happening in the world, or around us.

When we consume a daily diet of “Bread” from the Father, we are ensured a passage of generous rewards, here and in the eternity.

When we partake in God’s “food” we are sustained with His grace, love, and providence in all areas of our lives.

We will soar high above the rest, because we are drawing nearer to God.

We will make our nests closer to God, and His Presence will be a constant in our lives.

How would you describe yourself today?  

Are you an Eagle?

Or a Raven?


“Father, thank You for Your wings of protection, as I seek refuge in You, and Your Word, I am protected, and shall not grow weary, nor faint, You lift me daily, I am grateful for Your love, and for Your promises, may I do Your will today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: We Magnify You LORD~


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Magnify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.

Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.

Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!

Psalm 34:3



The world has been forever changed these past 18 months during the Pandemic.  This malevolent and hideous virus has spread it’s ugliness, and wrapped its way around people, in ways that we could never have imagined. Not just in our neighborhood, but across the ocean. There was, and is no where to “hide” from this.  No where to run.  It showed up uninvited, and pushed its way into our faces,  our routines, and our world.

Many lost loved ones, many have gotten sick, and thankfully a vast majority have recovered.  Some have gotten worse in terms of anxiety,  health, depression, and in uncertainty of life overall.  Some have grown skeptical of others, while harboring resentment and anger towards those with a different perspective, or view of this pandemic or religious views and political assignment.

Although it has been hard, and difficult to watch our world change so rapidly. Because we know that life will never be the same since this showed up unceremoniously, and lingered like a “guest from Hades that  truly doesn’t want to leave.”

There are many scenarios I could mention, but you’ve grasped the gist of my segue into an important message.  Throughout this ordeal, there is only one thing that remained constant, pure, relentless, and never changing. GOD.

GOD and His love.

GOD and His promises.

GOD and His Word.

GOD and His infinite Omnipotent and Sovereign power.

Praise and Glory we sing to Thee O’ LORD and Savior.

It’s a feeling of comfort knowing He is with us. Knowing that His Word resonates throughout the Universe, of those who follow Him.

It’s a feeling of surety, when we follow Him, because our footing is secure in His path.

Our foundation is strong and able to sustain the shaking that surrounds us.

Provisions are within our grasp because He will always “provide,” and offers us gifts from above. That is to say, the “Father of lights” where all good things come down from. (James 1:7)

We can believe and trust in the LORD, for He cares for us and will never leave us, nor forsake us.

He is there for us, always.  We will lack for nothing.

We have nothing to fear.

He is in control, this very moment, and He always will be in control.

No matter what. Just trust Him.

As Jesus said in Matthew 6:

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof…”

Glorify Him, praise Him,  with others, or alone in your room. When ever you can. Where ever you can. Praise and glorify Him, and magnify Him.  For He is worthy, and our one true constant source, of life and peace.

No matter what’s happening around us, or near us, no matter what…please just remember, there is a far Greater One that is in us,  than the one that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

Jesus is victorious, and therefore, so are we through Him. Amen.

(1 Corinthians 15:57)


“Father, thank You for Your constant Presence in my life, help me Father to be ever aware that You are with me through all the days of my life, and You will never forsake nor leave me, thank You for the Victory, in Jesus name, Amen.”

See the source image

DEAR GOD: My Great I AM~




Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)


When we apply the basis of our faith to God, and acknowledge our need, as we praise Him fully, and grasp the reality of His Sovereign Omnipotent nature, He will guard our hearts and mind with His peace.

We need to understand, that by going directly to Him, and “trusting Him,” to take care of what it is we need, He will do just that.

He is our main source of vitality, and energy.

He is our connection to lighting up the world, with His gentle hands of grace, and tolerance that is beyond our comprehension.

Our prayers turn to a different “level” entirely, when we go to Him unconditionally, and run to His throne, while openly submitting to Him.  Then let our requests will be made known to Him—(which He already knows before we even know what we need)— and He will take care of us.

He will bring the peace to our body, heart, mind, and soul, without any doubt.  He will guard our hearts, and mind, through Christ. Evidence of this is apparent, for those of us who truly trust, love and obey Him. I’m quite confident that we all have stories that are a witness to His great glory.

The clear and concise outcome of a session with the LORD, is an immediate sense of peace.  Because when we focus on Him, we receive His peace, just as He promises He’ll do.

His promises are unbreakable, impregnable, and sustainable.  He is the focus of our narrative in all we do, feel, and endeavor to be.  He cares for us in a way that “no one” ever could, or ever will.

When we become anxious, or uncertain about a situation, or circumstance, we should “RUN” not walk…immediately to Him.

Run to Him, with a willingness and openness, that will facilitate the remedy we need.  That is to say “His peace.”

His wisdom, His grace, and His unmoving, and unconditional and everlasting Love will cover us all the days of our time here on earth, and beyond in the eternity.

Make no mistake, we cannot do anything without God.

He is in control at all time.

His grace, His love,  and His intervention are impervious to evil and darkness.

He is the antithesis of “hate” and ” chaos.”

He is “light, love, and peace.”

When we acquiesce to His will, and His magnificence, and offer ourselves in a contrite, and heartfelt fashion, while bringing all of our requests to Him…we will be rewarded by His peace, and He will guard our minds, and hearts forever. Amen!


“Father, thank You for Your love, protection, and guidance in all things, and for listening to me, as I bring my requests, and cast my anxiety before You. I lay them down, and offer my love, and obedience, and trust, to You. I know you will guard my heart, and mind, while offering me Your peace, in all I do, today, tomorrow, and always,  in Jesus name, Amen.”  








Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.[

 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.


Philippians 4:5-9 (NLT)


God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you’”

Exodus 3:14  

DEAR GOD: You’re The Emollient for My Soul~



Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

Psalm 119:2 (KJV)


We are truly blessed, when we keep His testimonies, which is to say,  the whole Word of God.  His scriptures, are life affirming and truth, which is an emollient that truly soothes our souls.

His love, and His grace, through Christ, ( His only begotten Son) our Lord and Savior, is  heir inherent of our faith, and our whole reason for living.

Happiness, peace, and joy, are all  vital components, that we of faith, invariably share, when we live in the shadow of the Almighty.

To Know God, and all of which He is, we need to go beyond His Word.  Knowing His Word, and meditating upon them, is a huge critical aspect of course.  But to be truly intimate, in terms of our relationship with Him, we need to graft onto Him.  Decrease in our own self worth, thereby, allowing Him to “increase” to further substantiate our existence, of who we can be…through Christ, our Lord.

Reaching out and seeking His face, is a natural inclination for the faithful.  Exposing our heart openly, and bowing to Him, while acquiescing to His will, are key to spiritual growth.

When we speak to Him and follow the course in which He intends us to walk, we are experiencing the “truest form” of love, devotion, and intimacy. Which is the equation of “perfection” set off by His hands of glory.

Seek Him daily, love Him unconditionally, and listen to Him, without fail.  After doing this with a contrite and loving heart, be prepared to experience the “greatest love,” that you will ever know!  Amen!


“Father, thank You for loving me, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: With Us Amidst the Chaos, Always~




“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 

John 16:33 


Woke up this morning, said a prayer of thanks, to the LORD, for  another new day, to do His will, and praise Him.  Another day, to “hide under His glorious wings of protection,” and take refuge, in His countenance, and unadulterated, unconditional, never-ending, love.

Settling in my bed at night, I give thanks for my home, for my family, friends, and fur baby.  I take time to realize, that there are so many homeless in the world, and so many who are hungry, hurting, and in the dark.  So many who are not aware of Christ, and His brilliant light, love, compassion, and Sovereign magnificence.

And sadly, so many who live in perpetual agony, with systemic or terminal illnesses, chronic phobias, and an overall disillusionment of life.

If only, those in the dark, knew that God, wants us to speak with Him, about every aspect of our day.  He wants us to speak about our feelings, even though He knows what’s happening in and around us. Irrespective, He still wants to “hear it” from our hearts and mouths.

If only, the “lost” knew, that our ultimate goal, is not to “control or fix everything” around us.  But instead, to keep focusing on Him, and to love Him, with all our heart, mind, body and soul.

The idea of a pleasant, and highly successful day, is one in which we meditate on His Word, and staying in touch with Him.  So even if we don’t get to everything in a 24 hour period, the Holy Spirit, will somehow allow us to get it done, eventually…if it’s His will. Because He knows what’s best!

When we speak with our Father, the King of the Universe, He brings a multitude of goodness, rushing into our very core. He can harness the chaos, and discord, that is in the very air we breathe.  And shine His light, into the darkness, bringing a stillness, and renewal of hope, while silencing the  ugly “noise” and mayhem of the world.

As Jesus, said so eloquently, and lovingly in Matthew 28:20, He wants us to go and teach, all that we have learned, and all that He has commanded us to do. His love, and ultimate sacrifice redeemed us, as  He died for our sins.

My heart aches with love for Him.

However, the parting words of Jesus, to His disciples, before He ascended into heaven, in Matthew 28:20, “… and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Those words never fail to bring tears to my eyes, and joy to my heart…Wow!

Those words, “And lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world”  repeat them out loud!

Jesus…promises to never leave us!

Let me repeat, “Wow!”

It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?

Knowing He is with us always.  That means through good and bad times,  and all the in between times… He is with us and never will leave our side.

Jesus’ light and truth shines on.

So, darkness be gone!

For my LORD and Savior LIVES!

And He conquered the world.

“For greater is the One in me, than he who is in the world.”(1 John 4:4)

We are victorious through Christ…

Hallelujah and Amen!


“Father God, thank You for protecting me and being my guide, my Savior, and my King today, tomorrow and always, whom shall I fear when I have You with me, thank You for Your precious word, promises, and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”


1 John 4:4

You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. But you belong to God, my dear children.

DEAR GOD: Life Changes, You Don’t~





“…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint…”

Isaiah 40:31


So a dear good beloved friend of mine, whom I’ve known for over 30 years, is coming to a new chapter in her life.  After years of  physical disabilities, and struggling with those issues, that began shortly after she became a widow—(About 8 years now)— she is moving out of her beautiful house, into a nursing facility.

She is a Christian first, and foremost, and has an outlook of hope, and a heart filled with love, for the LORD.  This unfiltered love, has been an active part of whom she is, from the moment I met her all those years ago.

She shared the Word with me, my hubby, and her hubby,  over dinner at our favorite diner (which no longer is open) and strong bonds were formed.  Impregnable bonds of love, respect, and a mutual admiration society, in the cords that bind us, to Christ our Lord and Savior.

She has lived through so many hardships, and has come out stronger for each one.  The LORD brought all she needed to her door.  Whether it be, care givers, house painters, carpenters, food shoppers, etc.  She has always been held up by God’s strong right hand of righteousness, and He lead he through the rough terrain each and every time.

After years of putting others first, including her husband, mother, father, and family members.  She was on her own, after her husband passed, and parents.  She kept her faith, harnessed to the LORD, and her trust in Him never wavered.

I could go on and on about my beautiful, kind Christian sister, but I’ll stop here.  But I think it’s important to add this part to my story.
She has been struggling recently due to the lack of care she so desperately needs.

Unfortunately, some care givers were unable to attend to her needs, some are retiring, some are going for others issues.  So she looked to God for help, as always.  And He provided. After praying and searching her heart and seeking God.  He answered.

She will be moving, within the next couple of weeks, into her “new home” for possibly, the duration of her life.  Unless, God has other plans.  But, her attitude is positive, her spirit is unmovable, in the LORD, and she knows and accepts, that she needs more help at this time in her life. She is accepting of it and is graciously acquiescing to her current medical status, and knows its time to leave and move on.

In closing, those of us with faith, can be assured that there is a plan for all of us.  There is a clean cut path for us to walk upon, and God is in control of all of it.  Life happens yes…but it happens so much better with God in it.

Because with Him, there is life, hope, light, and truth.

Freedom for our souls.

Redemption, salvation…and eternal rewards.

As my dear friend, always says,  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” 

Psalm 121:1 (KJV)


Pray for my friend, Dee… that she find peace, and all that she needs in her “new home.”

However, she already has a great start.  Because she has the LORD in her heart, and in her corner.  So it doesn’t get any better than that. With God in her corner, who shall be against her?



“Father God, I pray for Dee’s transition to be filled with Your peace, and blessings, that she be taken care of with compassion and respect, and that she want for nothing, all the days of her life, in Jesus name, Amen.”