DEAR GOD: Forever Yours~


 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,  nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39 (KJV)


We are all conquerors, and thereby victorious through Christ.

This particular passage of Romans Chapter 8,  is concerning our deep and abiding love for Christ. We are trying to express the “inexpressible” depths of pure adulation, and agape love towards Him.  We are thanking Him for the ultimate sacrifice, that God demonstrated, when He sent His only begotten Son, our Savior to save us. (John 3:16)

Our irrefutable, and powerful connection, to Christ, for going to Calvary for us, is beyond understanding of the human mind.  That  a loving, kind and completely unblemished “lamb,” would go willingly to the cross for us, is palpable and overwhelming in terms of love.

When we hold to the facts, in which Christ came down from heaven for us, and embrace the “freedom” that His love brought to us, we are undeniably anchored to Him, in ways that are incomprehensible to anyone but those of faith.

We are tethered to Him, and drink from His living waters, as we assume all aspects of His will, for our lives, while here in the flesh.

Loving Christ, is as easy as a sunny day, with a warm breeze tickling our face.

Loving Christ, is as easy as drinking a cool drink, on a scorching hot August day.

Loving Christ, is as easy as lying down in green pastures, while gazing at the beautiful clouds billowing high above.

Loving Christ, who died for us, who has paid the ultimate price, for our freedom, salvation, and sins, is a gift that keeps on giving.

Following Him, and standing up to  all of the spiritual battles that we will face, may be hard for some.

But for those of us, who’ve accepted Him, as Lord and Savior, and love Him, with a deep and abiding love, is a different thing altogether.

For although it may be tough terrain, at various times in our lives, with Christ in our hearts, and His Spirit guiding us, it’s as easy as floating on a placid lake.

Cling to Him, love Him, and never let Him go.

Because I assure you this, “Christ is with us always and will never let us go, no matter what.” Amen! (Matthew 28:20)

“Father God, thank You for Your Son and Your love, may we always be reminded of His sacrifice, and may we always have Your Spirit guiding us, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”