DEAR GOD: Your Faithful Won’t Be Deceived~




“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them…

Matthew 7:15-16  


As of recently, I’ve seen and heard quite a few of these “false prophets.” And not surprisingly, they’re in a variety of places.  Places that you’d hardly be aware of, like in a “supermarket” or a “gas station.”  They seem to be popping up in areas you’d least expect, and that is where those who don’t know the Word, will get in trouble.

These so called “prophets”  prey on those who don’t “know, or understand” the Word.  Nor have Jesus, firmly planted in their heart and soul.  These individuals, can come forward with a smile, and present with compliments overflowing, and offer unsolicited advice on the merits of life overall.

They might be convincing to some. In fact so much so, that it is enough to bring these unsuspecting individuals into their “way of thinking.” And the lies whispered, may become louder, and more pronounced, to those who are not walking in the light.

Now is the time, more than ever…as Jesus warns us in His own powerful words, “beware of false prophets…”

How do we rec0gnize them?  By our discerning spirit, given to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and by being in touch with the LORD, and garnering a close, and tethered relationship with Him, in all we do, and say.

We will know them by “their fruits.”  Those who are in direct defiance of what Jesus represents, are obvious individuals who don’t bear the fruit of the Spirit, or the heart of a  Christian.

Tolerance, understanding, compassion, love, wisdom, and patience are all fruits of the Spirit.  Kindness, and an ability to walk in the light, and stand against darkness, are those who bear fruit of the Spirit.

And most important, those who love the LORD, with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength…bear witness of the Spirit from within, and shine their light to those in need.  (Mark 12:30 ) 

When we follow the LORD, with love in our hearts, and aspire to do all that is right in His eyes, and in His book…we are therefore bearing fruit, and we won’t, and can’t be fooled, “one second” by a false prophet.  Our Christian radar will be up, and aware, and ten steps ahead of any false prophet or adversary.

So…don’t listen to the “whispers” of those who try to pull you into their web of lies.  Instead, hear the clarity of the voice of “truth, love, light and life” the One and only Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen!


“Father, I thank You for giving me a spirit of discernment, and I gladly follow You today, tomorrow and always, in all I do and say, in Jesus name, Amen.”








And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. Mark 12:30 (KJV)