DEAR GOD: Infused With Your Spirit & Love~

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And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 

Ephesians 5:18-20 (KJV)


When we spend time with the LORD, we become infused and undeniably connected to Him, and therefore become like Him! When Christ returns.  and eventually when we see Him, we will be like Him, as told in the Holy Word. (1 John 3:2)

The Holy Spirit, is always with us,  eagerly, and lovingly, ready to provide insight, and understanding, in all aspects of our lives. He is our Mediator and our Compass, showing the direction in which we should go.  He is the wisdom flowing in our veins, and He is at the seat of our morality and humanity.

Infused by the Spirit, we are able to see things on a level, that would otherwise be impossible to see, or handle by the “flesh eyes” of our body.  Instead, our “Spiritual eyes” are filled with acceptance, and grace, that generates a profusion of love, directly from above, through the Holy Spirit that dwells in each of us, who have accepted Christ as our Savior.

Throughout our years of serving the LORD, our roots become deeper in Him, which then becomes a cohesive and delicate balance in all areas of our lives.  As we become more entrenched in Him, the LORD has full reign and the ability to access our hearts, minds, and souls.  He sees and recognizes our love for Him, through fellowship, worship and actions put forth in our daily lives in all we encounter.

The more time spent with Him, the more we begin to take on the likeness of Him.  Something happens to us organically, the LORD begins to open the “curtains” giving us the gift of seeing more of His activity, thereby allowing us, to be fully involved, in His miraculous work.

Stay in touch with the Spirit from within.

Breathe in His presence.

Accept His wisdom and love.

And focus on the spiritual side of yourself which will enlighten your heart and soul.

Infused by His Spirit is the sweetest gift we could ever receive, and the promise of eternal rewards when we are called home, Amen.


“Father, thank You, for Your presence, and gift of the Holy Spirit, to be infused by Your Spirit, is a gift that is hard to define. May I always be aware of Your Spirit, and Your ways, and may I grow each day, all the days of my life, in my spiritual walk with You, bringing You closer with each step I take, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


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