DEAR GOD: Light Our Paths~

Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105



Did you ever get up in the middle of the night, and walk to the bathroom in darkness? 
Did you notice how tough it is the darker it is for one to navigate with ease?    

Yet when you flip the light switch, it’s much easier to accomplish the task at hand.

So too, is life when you walk in the “Light.”   For those who are in the “dark” spiritually, life will be exceedingly hard to maneuver overall.

Our Father’s Word, is a guide for His children, and when we engage in an active obedient life, in terms of loving Him, along with prayers and daily scripture reading…we are inherently walking in the light.

A friend of mine, just today said, “I don’t know how you do it, go into the Bible everyday, I wish I could do that…”

My response was, “If I don’t pray and talk with God, or read even just a passage, or one chapter of the Bible daily, I feel less than complete.  In fact I feel depleted and unsettled.

Reading the Word, is the opposite of deplete.  I’m replete with peace, and filled with joy.  I’m able to “go through things,” no matter the intensity, or platitude of any given situation.

Armed with His truth, His light, and His daily guidance…I am able to “keep sane” in a world that has seemingly gone “insane.”

May I personally suggest, if you don’t already do so…make time for Him each day.

Put down your cell phone.

Turn off your gadgets.

Take the time to sincerely meet with Him, each and every day of your life.

In time…you will see, that there is no time better spent, than with our Almighty Father, King of kings, and LORD of lords.


“Father, thank You for listening to me, caring about me, and for sharing Your word with me, I am nothing without You, and there is no defeat in my day, because with You, I’m victorious, in Jesus name, Amen.”

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” ( John 1:5 ) 


The LORD is my light and my salvation— Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the refuge and fortress of my life— Whom shall I dread?
(Psalms 27:1)