DEAR GOD: From Birth to Old Age & Beyond~

And even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you. 

Isaiah 46:4 (KJV)


The Prophet Isaiah, and the Book of Isaiah, is powerful, moving, and provides insight into God’s character. Along with His love, His wrath, His forgiveness, and the foretelling of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, (Immanuel—which is to say…God with us).

Isaiah 46:4 — brings an emotional shaking to my very soul, in a great way, every time I read it.  It’s reassuring, because it states so much, in a relatively “small amount of words.” But make no mistake about the meaning, and the vision it conjures up, in ones mind.

For me, it is a promise, and a continuation of God’s providence, and His unparalleled love.  It’s saying, although we ourselves invariably will grow old, ostensibly, our Father never does.

He is the “Ancient of Days” (Dan. 7-9, 13, 22) and He remains as strong to sustain and nourish us this very day, as He was in all the days prior; such as the days of  Adam, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, David, and Joseph. As He was there for those in days of Old, so too He is there for each of us, today, tomorrow, always.

His incomparable fortitude of strength, and unwavering grace, is our fortress, which guides our faith.  It’s the temperance of Christianity, and the depth of our roots, in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Isaiah 46:9, 10—“I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done…”

There have been various guesses, and estimates, that lead us to believe that thirty percent of the Bible, were about future events.

God has repeatedly said to us, through His word, that we should inherently trust, believe in Him, and His Holy Word, the Bible.

Through the course of our acquainting ourselves with His Word, and following His commandments, we can meditate, and live out our lives, according to His will, and purpose.  When we do, peace is surely our neighbor, and love is the threshold of prosperity, as joy embodies our spiritual life.  We build on that foundation, and we stand on the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus Christ.

Do you know the Rock? 

Have you given yourself to Him? 

Do you know the Word? 

Most important, do you know Him and His love?

If not…may I invite you to open His precious and Holy Book, and get to know Him?

Then sit awhile, and chat with Him, it’s the best time you’ll ever spend this day, tomorrow, or ever!

“Father God, thank You for holding me close from conception, when you knit me in my Mother’s womb, at my birth, and all the days since, I thank You for being with me now, tomorrow and always…in Jesus precious name, Amen.”