DEAR GOD: My Cup Runneth Over~


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Psalm 23:5 (KJV)




The LORD, continues to give His people, what they need, and does so in abundance, especially in the midst of trials, and tribulations.

His blessings are throughout the Bible, and not limited to “material” ones.  No, in fact there are a myriad of ways the LORD can bless each of us. These blessings, include the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, of all who ask. (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:1-4)

The Father’s promises, love, blessings, and power, pour over those who reciprocate His love, accept Him, and give witness to His glory.

Many supernatural things were manifested, as told throughout the Bible, when people of faith, were filled with the Holy Spirit.( Luke 1:67; Acts 4:31)

Our cup will overflow, when we are in compliance with the LORD, and are filled with the Spirit, and surrender to Jesus, as our LORD and Savior.  (Psalm 23:5)

But it is vitally important, in fact, critically imperative, that we are not filled with sinful pride, or self-righteous behavior.  Understand that before we can have an overflowing cup, we have to empty ourselves of anything, and everything, that could thwart the Spirit, from working in us.

When our hearts are contrite, and true to the LORD, we then will be able to accomplish what the Father wishes to get done, utilizing us in the process, as His servant, and dedicated follower. Going and doing all things according to His will and plan.

His love has absolutely no limits, its infinite.  His grace is a gift, and ever faithful to those whose hearts, mind, and soul are set wholly on Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

He truly enjoys giving us rewards of being faithful, and obedient to Him, and His word.  He wants to fill our “cups” to overflowing, and He longs to fill us with His Spirit.

In and through Christ. we have joy, love and peace. We begin a growth that will result in fruits, that will extend beyond our time here on earth.

Paul, in Ephesians 3:20, says “God is the One who is able to do so much more that we can possibly realize of begin to imagine.”

And in Romans 8:37, it states, we are “more than conquerors through Him who loves us.”

God’s love, and incomparable Omnipotence, and providence, is reflected in His Word, from Genesis (OT) to  Revelation (NT)  His generosity, along with His unapparelled love, and divine mercy, is echoed over and over throughout His Holy Word.

His blessings aren’t merely confined to the temporal  (2 Corinthians 4:18) but which is not seen…our eternal home.

Have you looked at your cup lately? 

Is it clean inside, as well as out?

Remember that in and through Christ, all of us can experience an overflow of joy, peace, and love.  His grace reaches out to anyone who wants to accept it, and His love is unlimited to all who readily open their hearts to it.

His cup is waiting for you, take it…then get ready to experience the biggest, and most phenomenal gift, you’ll ever receive in your life!

I say, “overflow cup, overflow.  Thank you Jesus!  Amen.”


“Dear Lord, may Your Spirit, fill the hearts of those who don’t know You yet, and continue to fill the cups to overflowing, of those who DO know You, in Jesus name I give You thanks, glory and honor, Amen.”