DEAR GOD: Quiet the Inner Storm~

Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses.

He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.

Then they are glad because they are quiet:  So He guides them to their desired haven.

Psalm 107:28-30 (NKJV)


We all have moments in our life, where we will experience what I term, an “inner storm.”   Storms, like hurricanes for an example…can be categorized as a tropical storm to cataclysmic. Ranging from the least to the most destructive.

Category 1 hurricanes, we all know are considered the least destructive. Obviously with each category going up the scale, from 1 – 5.  And depending on the storm there is some devastation, or a plethora of damage.  While Category 5 hurricanes are rare, damage caused by these winds is often catastrophic.  That being said, let me focus on our amazing LORD.

Based on the scale of hurricanes, we all have “inner storms” and depending on what it is we are experiencing, will factor into what category we fall into.

Someone with a “1” inner storm, might be exhibiting signs of stress, or indecisions, or facing a situation that is distracting and harmful to their daily grind.

Whereas, someone with a “5”  inner story, may be caught in a vortex of irreparable damage that is scathing their very soul, and testing their faith to overwhelming heights.

However through these inner storms. It’s so imperative to push through, and allow the Captain to take the helm.  Our very capable Captain will calm the inner storm.  He will bring the surge down to a trickle, and eventually He will still and quell the inner storm to a tranquil aftermath.

What’s important to hold on to, is that God is with us always. And one of His many heartfelt promises includes to never leave us. His promises are iron-clad, and there isn’t anything He can’t handle, especially for one of His children.

If you’re currently undergoing an “inner storm” as of this moment, and reading, please always remember who is capable of lifting His hands and calming the storm. (Matthew 8:23-27)

No matter which category you’re in, whether a 1, or a top notch perilous 5, no storm is too big for our God!

Take the time to love Him, trust Him, and rely on Him.  He promises to be there every step of the way. From beginning to end, and all the in-betweens.

He will guide, lead, protect and bring you to tranquil haven.

He never said you’d get through life unscathed, because life is unexpected, and can change on a dime.  But, how we endure and get through the storms, is all about our faith, and His supernatural power.

Right now…look to Him for all things.

I assure you, He is our LIFE BOAT in every inner storm.

And He is our port of safety, our idyllic haven, and our LIGHT HOUSE.

See Him?

He is standing with arms open wide!




“Father God, we look to You for all our inner storms, and for guidance and protection, along with answers to all of our pivotal moments in life, may we always reach for You, seek Your face in all we do, and stay within the confines of Your love, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”