DEAR GOD: With Love Now & Always~



For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.   

Hosea 6:6 (NKJV)



Throughout the Bible, there are various verses in the scriptures, that reveal our LORD, has no desire for half-hearted “rituals” — but that He truly wants our love, and a heart on fire for Him.

He wants us to rejoice, and not only fully love Him, but others as well.

He wants us to truly “seek Him” with all of our strength, and to spend precious time alone with Him.  When we do, we are revitalized.

Coming to the LORD with an honest heart, and surrendering to our Father, is the best decision anyone can possibly make.

Did you know that God wants us to seek Him with daily requests, and honest questions? 

He truly wishes to be fully involved with the daily happenings, events, scenarios, and everything pertaining to our lives? If we leave Him out of the equation in our life, we are setting ourselves up for unnecessary “hardship” and “indecision” along with an unsettled soul.

All answers are found from above. 

All requests are validated from above.

All things that are needed are from above.

God is constantly inviting us to “walk with Him.

When we give God total control of our decisions, a burden is  lifted and an influx of peace flows forth.

When we become more acquainted with God, and His love, he takes delight in our actions.  He wants us to know Him.

When we decrease, and pull back, allowing God to be God…He then INCREASES in us.  And we begin to truly learn what LIFE really is.

For Life is Christ, without Him…there isn’t any life at all.

Get to understand and know God, and His love, on every level. When we engage in an active dialogue, and ongoing devotion towards Him, we will fully understand, and actively know the extent of what it means to LIVE!

“Father, You are all I need in all aspects of my life, today, tomorrow and always, may I always put You first, praise You continuously, and give You all the Glory no matter what, in Jesus name, Amen.”