DEAR GOD: Your Power is Life & Light~



Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32: 27 (KJV)




Troubles melt in the Presence of the LORD.

His Holy Presence is powerful, and overwhelming.

It is peaceful, and staggering at once.

There is nothing that is too hard for Him to do, nor anything too small.

He is an appeasement for those in need, and an anchor for those who are drowning.

He is a mollified Presence, in enormous proportions, and the only One capable of all things.

I don’t know how many of you reading this right now, would agree with this statement, “Knowing God is a reinforcement of life itself.”

For me…”knowing Him” is why I live.

I can’t imagine any situation during any given moment in my life, past- present- or- future, without Him in it.  Or without Him giving light to my path. (Psalm 119:105)

If I come across an issue that is pulsating, and ripping across my mind, and heart that is unsettling,  I immediately want my LORD, His love, and His help.

And…that goes for good things as well.  A good report from a doctor’s visit, or a family member doing well, His peace overcomes me,  I rush to thank Him, and Praise Him, for His providence over my life.

Troubles truly seem to “melt” in His Presence.  The ugliness of any given scenario or incident, is “waxed away” and sent to oblivion in the Lord’s presence.

He is my Anchor and my Rock!

It is truly knowing Him, and recognizing Him for what He is, and how Magnificent He really is…that transcends all understanding. I get a visceral reaction due to His ways.  It shakes me to the core, and my spirit is filled with tranquil waters, that proliferates my world.

Knowing Him, loving Him, and wanting Him in my life, is why I am so blessed.

His love is the infinitesimal reason that I  exist.  And why I have the capacity in which to love.  Only because of Him!

Have you experienced that kind of love?

If not, please…open His book, and your heart…and get to know Him.  You won’t be sorry, and your life will change exponentially!


“Father, thank You for Your love, Your Presence, Your ways, Your Word, in Jesus name, Amen and Amen!”





Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: 

Jeremiah 32:17 (KJV)