DEAR GOD: First, Front & Center~

 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  And he said to him,

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all 

your soul and with all your mind.

  Matthew 22:36–37 (ESV)



I’ve had individuals through the years, who call me overly “religious” for loving God, and putting Him first in all of my equations.  I’ve said this before, as some of you who follow my site will recall…when I’m mocked for loving God with the veracity in which I do, I smile!  Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!  He should always be first in all we do, seek, say, and adhere to.
I serve my Savior, Jesus…and only Jesus.
I’m not ashamed to say, unequivocally, emphatically and with full disclosure…I LOVE HIM!
And, what’s more… I run to Him each and every moment I can.
And when I’m not running to Him, I’m sitting alone with Him quietly and enjoying His presence, peace and love.
He is without a doubt the One and Only First and Everything in my life.  He is first!  Front!  And Center in all things I do, say, and think!
God is our One True Mediator and Counsel to everything we need.  He is the powerful alignment we need to keep our Spiritual growth on track.  If we find ourselves off track, we need “an alignment,” and a quick touch of His grace, and immeasurable wisdom, to bring us fully back onto the right path.
Give Him your undivided attention. Tune in to His “voice,” and “His grace,” and begin to swim in the power, and luxury of His love.  You won’t be able to pull yourself away, nor would you want to, once you get fully immersed in His aura, presence, love, and protection.
Have you need of an answer?  Run to Him!


Have you need of love?  Run to Him!
Have you need of healing?  Run to Him!
Have you need of Peace?  Sit with Him!
There is nothing that compares to Him, in this entire world and great expanse of the Universe.
Do you know Him? 
May I introduce you to Jesus Christ, the One and Only forever and Always!
“You are my One and Only always and forever, I love You, today, tomorrow, and all the days of my life and beyond, thank You for allowing me to love You, and spend time with You, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”