DEAR GOD: Blessings in Brokenness~



And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.” 

Daniel 11:35 (NKJV)



A friend of mine,  frequently will start most of our conversations with, “You remember the good old days when we were teenagers?”  Followed by many examples and scenarios of our youth.

And these days, I’d venture to guess, that most people may be wishing for the “good old days?”   The truth may well be, that if we could somehow be transported back in time, there would still be many of the problems that are around today were right there in the midst of our youth.

Oh yes—I know there is a higher degree of “friction” and wide-world unrest these days, that has been exacerbated by the Pandemic…but we would undoubtedly find many issues, and tribulations that face us now, existed back then too.

My friend described her life today, as “a dark void with lack of light and hope,” due to the current climate, and feels increasing pressure to submit to certain views. Including the “vaccination debate.

In the spiritual realm of existence, we don’t have to yield to mounting pressures. We can automatically diffuse all of it, by placing it on the altar of our Almighty LORD, and allowing Him to handle our hurts, problems, and huge mountains that block our paths.

I told my friend that our suffering, is beyond our control, which can also solidify, that we are not the ones who are “Omnipotent.” —We become keenly aware during our adversities of a Higher Authority who Reigns without end.

Let’s face it. No one could possibly enjoy being brought to a level of “brokenness.” After all, being emotionally, physically, and spiritually broken, is painfully draining.  But we can, and should realize, that there are key benefits in the midst of our pain.

No one knew that better than Apostle Paul. He himself faced many trials, and each one more intense than the last. But he knew God, was fully in control, and therefore placed all trust, and faith in the LORD.

“We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed-always carrying about in the body the dying of the LORD Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” (2 Cor 4:8-10)

My friend broke down crying aloud, and realized she is in fact, “human” and that “flesh” can be exhausting, and challenging at best. However, she also noted that the Spirit of the LORD, is stronger than any Herculean task that she has faced, and stronger than any vaccine, virus, storm, cancer, or financial ruins of a marriage…and felt better, and more hopeful than when we first started our conversation.

The LORD was in the midst of our conversation, and He knew what she “needed to hear” and supplied the verses for the duration of the phone call.

When we believe that trials come with a purpose, and use them as tools in the hands of our LORD, who can refine us, according to His plan, and refocus our lives to better reflect Christ, we gain immeasurable rewards, along with a deeper growth in the Spirit.

When we surrender to the LORD, and let go…and let “Him” do it all, knowing He “directs” us to bring us to a better place, than when we started, we begin to live a “free and blessed life.”

“Are you listening?”  God is Bigger than anything or anyone, now and forever…Praise You LORD!”

“Father God, You are in control, I surrender all to You, and know that Your plans, and Your will, and Your purpose, for my life, are always for the benefit of good, I thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”