DEAR GOD: First, Front & Center~

 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  And he said to him,

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all 

your soul and with all your mind.

  Matthew 22:36–37 (ESV)



I’ve had individuals through the years, who call me overly “religious” for loving God, and putting Him first in all of my equations.  I’ve said this before, as some of you who follow my site will recall…when I’m mocked for loving God with the veracity in which I do, I smile!  Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!  He should always be first in all we do, seek, say, and adhere to.
I serve my Savior, Jesus…and only Jesus.
I’m not ashamed to say, unequivocally, emphatically and with full disclosure…I LOVE HIM!
And, what’s more… I run to Him each and every moment I can.
And when I’m not running to Him, I’m sitting alone with Him quietly and enjoying His presence, peace and love.
He is without a doubt the One and Only First and Everything in my life.  He is first!  Front!  And Center in all things I do, say, and think!
God is our One True Mediator and Counsel to everything we need.  He is the powerful alignment we need to keep our Spiritual growth on track.  If we find ourselves off track, we need “an alignment,” and a quick touch of His grace, and immeasurable wisdom, to bring us fully back onto the right path.
Give Him your undivided attention. Tune in to His “voice,” and “His grace,” and begin to swim in the power, and luxury of His love.  You won’t be able to pull yourself away, nor would you want to, once you get fully immersed in His aura, presence, love, and protection.
Have you need of an answer?  Run to Him!


Have you need of love?  Run to Him!
Have you need of healing?  Run to Him!
Have you need of Peace?  Sit with Him!
There is nothing that compares to Him, in this entire world and great expanse of the Universe.
Do you know Him? 
May I introduce you to Jesus Christ, the One and Only forever and Always!
“You are my One and Only always and forever, I love You, today, tomorrow, and all the days of my life and beyond, thank You for allowing me to love You, and spend time with You, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Blessings in Brokenness~



And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.” 

Daniel 11:35 (NKJV)



A friend of mine,  frequently will start most of our conversations with, “You remember the good old days when we were teenagers?”  Followed by many examples and scenarios of our youth.

And these days, I’d venture to guess, that most people may be wishing for the “good old days?”   The truth may well be, that if we could somehow be transported back in time, there would still be many of the problems that are around today were right there in the midst of our youth.

Oh yes—I know there is a higher degree of “friction” and wide-world unrest these days, that has been exacerbated by the Pandemic…but we would undoubtedly find many issues, and tribulations that face us now, existed back then too.

My friend described her life today, as “a dark void with lack of light and hope,” due to the current climate, and feels increasing pressure to submit to certain views. Including the “vaccination debate.

In the spiritual realm of existence, we don’t have to yield to mounting pressures. We can automatically diffuse all of it, by placing it on the altar of our Almighty LORD, and allowing Him to handle our hurts, problems, and huge mountains that block our paths.

I told my friend that our suffering, is beyond our control, which can also solidify, that we are not the ones who are “Omnipotent.” —We become keenly aware during our adversities of a Higher Authority who Reigns without end.

Let’s face it. No one could possibly enjoy being brought to a level of “brokenness.” After all, being emotionally, physically, and spiritually broken, is painfully draining.  But we can, and should realize, that there are key benefits in the midst of our pain.

No one knew that better than Apostle Paul. He himself faced many trials, and each one more intense than the last. But he knew God, was fully in control, and therefore placed all trust, and faith in the LORD.

“We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed-always carrying about in the body the dying of the LORD Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” (2 Cor 4:8-10)

My friend broke down crying aloud, and realized she is in fact, “human” and that “flesh” can be exhausting, and challenging at best. However, she also noted that the Spirit of the LORD, is stronger than any Herculean task that she has faced, and stronger than any vaccine, virus, storm, cancer, or financial ruins of a marriage…and felt better, and more hopeful than when we first started our conversation.

The LORD was in the midst of our conversation, and He knew what she “needed to hear” and supplied the verses for the duration of the phone call.

When we believe that trials come with a purpose, and use them as tools in the hands of our LORD, who can refine us, according to His plan, and refocus our lives to better reflect Christ, we gain immeasurable rewards, along with a deeper growth in the Spirit.

When we surrender to the LORD, and let go…and let “Him” do it all, knowing He “directs” us to bring us to a better place, than when we started, we begin to live a “free and blessed life.”

“Are you listening?”  God is Bigger than anything or anyone, now and forever…Praise You LORD!”

“Father God, You are in control, I surrender all to You, and know that Your plans, and Your will, and Your purpose, for my life, are always for the benefit of good, I thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: What Will You Do?

I know, O Lord, that the way of human beings is not in their control, that mortals as they walk cannot direct their steps.

Jeremiah 10:23 (NRS)


We’ve all had moments in our life where we will ask, “what should I do?”   We must realize that we can’t do anything on our own, nor should we.

The truth is our LORD is mighty and powerful, and it is He whom we should turn to in all matters of our life.  The questions then should be, “LORD, what will You do?  How can You guide me in this situation?

When we fully surrender to the LORD, realizing He is ultimately the One in control over us, and everything in the Universe. When we acquiesce to His will, enormous blessings, and gratification in all matters will flow. All things will be taken care of in due time, and according to His will.

The LORD is unconditional, and He is there for us. He is not a “God who is waiting to punish, nor is He watching with bated breath, waiting to slam you against the wall.”  Instead, He is loving, faithful, consistent, and patiently waiting to guide us, and make our paths straight.  Of course all of that will happen in due course, but only…when and IF we trust Him, and give ourselves to Him fully, as it states so clearly in Proverbs 3:5-8 (NKJV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be health to your flesh,
And strength to your bones.

He will direct, lead, touch and heal us, when we go to Him, and turn our lives over to Him.

It’s there, right in His Word!

His Promise is absolute.

He will never disappoint us, nor deter us from gaining peace and attaining happiness.

Sure, sometimes it may look like He isn’t listening…but when God is “silent”  that is when He is working the hardest for us.  Amen!

Have you turned your life over to the LORD?  

“Father, knowing You are in control of my life, and directing me, brings me peace and joy, for with You in my life, no one can be against me, for You are my Savior, my love, and my everything, thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: You Protect Me Daily~


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Isaiah 54:17 

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.


Isaiah 54:17 is a joyful promise, for those who suffering through some crisis, and/or facing trials, and  tribulations.  “Help comes from the LORD,” and the psalmist is  clearly celebrating the “guardianship” of the LORD, whereas the psalmist then turns to testimony and assurance to those of faith,  while reading verses 3-8.

These promises, serve as a witness to God’s love, and providence over our lives, which inherently lends way to tranquility, and the utmost assurance of the LORD’s Sovereign power, no matter what is happening around us.

When I read the promises and verses in the Bible, it brings perfect peace and harmony to my soul.  It’s truly the greatest gift to have been saved by Christ’ blood, and to have been set free by His love, and resurrection.

Knowing He is my Lord and Savior brings great joy and peace of mind.

Knowing He is watching over me surrounds my soul within a prism of tranquility. 

Knowing He loves me, satiates my entire persona beyond any capacity of human comprehension.

Knowing He is with me always…it doesn’t get any better than that!


“Father, I embrace Your promises and long to please You each day of my life, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, and may I be ever mindful of Your love and protection, in Jesus name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Love Begins Forever— With You~




The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17




Just as the LORD declared in Isaiah 54:10, ” For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you…” So too are the hearts of His children, who love Him right back, unconditionally and with all their might, body, strength, and soul.

The forever aspect of love is heir apparent, when “first we come to Jesus Christ.”  The void is filled to overwhelming capacity, simply overflowing,  and satisfyingly peaceful, when we accept the love of Christ.

It’s a forever love.

It’s a beginning with no ending kind of love.

It’s a true love.

It’s a one of a kind love.

It’s Christ’ love!

Where love is evident in vast aspects of the world, consequently, on the reverse side of the coin is hate.  Hate is the very antithesis of what Christ and His mission represent. And subsequently, contradicts His love letter to us, the Holy Bible…which is God’s voice. The world can “choke the Word” for those who aren’t careful.

A seemingly difficult thing to do can be balancing out our “emotions” on a day to day basis, as we are exposed to so much civil unrest, discord, and polarization today. And sometimes we can feel like we are suffocating inside a cacophony of darkness, encased in abject fear, or anxiety due to the circumstances, or situations that are on the rise swirling about us.

But hang on…don’t despair!  Remember, Jesus own beloved words, after His resurrection, when He told His disciples,   “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:20 NLT)    

So never forget, He not only loves us, but is with us always!

Be strong in Christ, and His unparalleled love,  keep the courage, be of good cheer, and have no fear. Your LORD is near.

For no matter what you are currently witnessing, in  or on the news, no matter the hateful things you may hear, or no matter how you might feel, remember—His love conquered the world!

He conquered the grave!

He is in control!

And most important, and don’t you ever, for one moment, forget this:   He is with us  Always!


“Father, thank You for Your powerful love that refreshes me, that keeps me hydrated and free from thirst, and Your Word, which keeps me satiated and satisfied, I know You are with me, now and always, and I am Yours forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Mind in Perfect Peace Staying on You~

Isaiah 26:3 Inspirational Image



                                       Philippians 4:7 (KJV)

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”


Those of faith, put their unconditional trust in the LORD, and surrender to His will, for all things.  With that complete trust, and ability to yield to His ways, comes a calm heavenly repose.  A tranquility, that only those who experience a relationship with the LORD can speak of.  Ostensibly, those who do not have a relationship with God, can neither comprehend, nor fully believe in such a “feeling.”

The enormity of an intimate relationship with Jesus, supersedes all else. He guides us, leads us, directs us, and teaches us.  The Spirit is wise, and filled with compassion. Without the power, and Spirit of Jesus Christ, we cannot endeavor to accomplish that which we set out to do.  Because through Him we can do all things.

When we set our mind on Him, through prayer, reading His word, and following the Spirit, we are filled with peace. The noise of the world, can be pushed out the back door, while letting all good things from above, into the front door of our minds.

The verses speaking of keeping our minds on Him, is powerful, and resonates with His truth and promises.

Pray, speak to Him. 

Trust Him.

Keep your mind set on Him.

“Where is your mind these days?”

Lord, thank You for keeping me in perfect peace, may my mind be stayed on You, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.



DEAR GOD: Walking Through Your Opened Doors~

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To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.”

Isaiah 61:3 (NKJV)




I began walking through the doors God was opening for me, so many years ago.  And as anyone who is a follower, or filled with unwavering faith, it makes a difference in every single scenario during our lifetime.

When we are well acquainted with the LORD’s promises, and His “voice” we can endeavor to overtake, and undertake, all kinds of circumstances.  That obviously pertains to both good and bad times…and all of those in between times.

Life brings a series of gains, along with the losses.  In the progression of life, we lose loved ones along the way.  There are those we expect to “die before us” and it’s usually our grandparents, or parents, which hits full force in the pit of the stomach.  But those are expected, albeit sad no less.

Some who are reading this at this moment have recently lost their spouses, and are finding themselves in a “new kind of reality.” Life is not the way it was any longer, and they are hurting.

Then there are the unexpected, and totally out of the realm of reality situations, like the loss of a precious child.  Or a young friend, that lost their life by a fatal error in an operating room, and yet another individual being killed by a driver that was under the influence.

All of these situations are horrific, some more shocking than others. I’m sure there are so many others, who have had their hearts slashed to ribbons. No matter the circumstance…Grief is real, it hurts, and it’s exhausting to the mind, heart, body and soul.

This morning when I woke up, and thanked God for another day, I felt that “someone visiting my site” needed to read, and hear this today.

The Spirit within led me to write this, and whomever you are right now, I pray it blessed you. I pray God’s light and comfort wash over you and bring you a semblance of peace and guidance from above.

Through so many “dark times” in which I’ve lost my parents, my best friend, and the loss of our fur baby, whom we adored.  God has been there non-stop.

And…I know He’s there for you right this moment.

He has been with us all along.

His promises are real, secure, and never ending.

Especially His love.

He has given me bouquets upon bouquets of beauty,  for my clenched fists full of ashes.  And He will do the same for you.

Thank God, for the majority of individuals,  life overall can be filled with joy.  However, on the same hand,  it can be blistering painful.

But how we manage to get through it,  is what it’s all about.

When we embrace, and realize that God is ever faithful, the same today, as He was yesterday, or tomorrow—and realize His promises are true—We can certainly get through life as He holds us up with His right hand of righteousness.

He promises us “beauty for our ashes,” as He did with Joseph.  He did so with Ruth, and for Job, and a host of others throughout the ages.

There is always an “open door” that God will guide us through.  Or an open window, to let the fresh air in.  When we recognize that the LORD’s promises, and His unrelenting love are there for us all the time.  We then are able to see potential in every situation we face, because we are NOT ALONE.

Because no matter how we are suffering, He hears and sees us. He counts our tears, and He always has a plan for us…for our betterment, and for our peace.

When we know Him, it gets easier to face our adversities, no one said it’s easy, but it is so much better when the LORD is in the center of our lives, and we understand that He is in control.


Father, thank You for always providing the path and the door for me to walk through, for opening a window for those moments in my life I couldn’t breathe from so much pain and grief, and for always loving me, may I always be mindful of Your grace, and Your gifts from above,  I pray for those who are in need of Your touch, and  for those who are suffering, may they find comfort in You, and seek Your face in all they do, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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DEAR GOD: The Very Air I Breathe~



And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Sharing in All Things.

Acts 4:31-37 (NKJV)




The Holy Spirit’s presence with us assures us that no one can harm us apart from His Sovereign will.  Whenever the Bible speaks of being filled with God’s Holy Spirit, (Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:4, Acts 4:31, etc.), it’s essentially the same as being filled with God’s Holy Breath.

This is the air I breathe, is a song by Michael W. Smith, and one of my contemporary favorites, especially in today’s world and events.

Every time I hear the above song,  by Michael W. Smith, I can’t help but cry.  It’s an overwhelming and powerful piece, that brings me to my knees, in thanks, praise, and humility.  It’s relevant at any time, for anything, and everything going on in my life.

Irrespective, it pertains to all circumstances;  for good and for bad.  For sickness and for health.

But most important…it’s so true.

His Holy Presence, is living inside of me!

His Light. His love. His Presence.

I breathe, because of Him.

I live because of Him.

I love because of Him.

I am because of Him.

I hope because of Him.

And I will live FOREVER, because of Him!

“This is the air I breathe. This is the air I breathe. Your holy presence living in me. This is my daily bread. This is my daily bread. Your very word spoken to me. And I I’m desperate for you. And I I’m I’m lost without you. This is the air I breathe….”  

In this week following Christ’ Miraculous Resurrection this song, is just one way of proclaiming His glory.

His Presence brings me joy!

Loving Him, feeding on His daily bread, and affirming His Glory in worship and praise, while dedicating “alone” time with Him…is my only way of “living.”  It is through Him that I’m able to navigate through turbulence, or tranquility.

It is by Him, I am redeemed, and therefore have been given the ultimate gift of “forgiveness” culminating into salvation, and eternal rewards.

I breathe, I feed, I love, all because of Jesus.

“Do you feel His presence?  Enjoy it, embrace Him, in all that you do, and all that you are. Amen!” 


“LORD, thank You for the air I breathe, for Your Presence in my life, and for being my Kinsman Redeemer, and offering Yourself as a sacrifice for my sins, may I praise You daily, and never forget for one second, I am who I am, and live only because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Thank You!~


“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead; and, behold, He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see Him: lo, I have told you.” 

     Matthew 28:5-7 (KJV)



Jesus Christ’ resurrection WAS and IS  the building blocks of Christianity.   Because, without  Jesus’ resurrection, the belief in our LORD’s saving grace would be nullified.  It would be void.  The foundation of our Christian faith, was “born through Christ Resurrection,” and His mission on earth, for us.

When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He accomplished what He set out to do by the Father’s plan.  He proved His divinity, as the Son of God, and His mission and works; atonement, redemption, reconciliation and salvation, were all done for us!

The resurrection is real, and the physical raising of Jesus body from the dead, is our pathway to salvation, and eternal rewards.  That those who believe in Him, shall not die but live forever.

So today, celebrate the CHRIST, who did it all for us.  Our King of kings, and LORD of  lords. Who was without sin, and took on sin for us.  Who gladly, willingly, and selflessly went to the cross, for us.

His resurrection is not only a witness to the greatest miracle of all times, but an never ending celebration of “life” and what we have been gifted with, by and through Christ.

Eternal rewards, and love from His Son, to us.

It doesn’t get any better than that does it? Have you thanked Him today?  If not, may I ask what are you waiting for?


“Father, thank You for Your Son and for redeeming me, for saving me, and for loving me, I am Yours, now, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus loving name, all glory and honor are Yours, Amen.”