DEAR GOD: Starting the Day With You~




Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Mark 1:35


Jesus started early each day in the early hours of the morning, going off alone, to pray to the Father.  So I ask this: If Jesus knew that praying to the Father was of dire importance, and critically essential to navigating the upcoming hours through any given day, how much more should “you or I do this?”  Think about that for a moment.

Jesus, the Son of God, knew He had to start the day off right, by praying to the Father.  Praying for guidance, light, discernment, and blessings on His day.  Praying for strength and direction, to do all according to His Father’s will, for His mission on earth.   How much more should “you or I do that?”  

Being alone with the LORD, at any time in a particular day, somewhere, or someplace, is crucial to strengthening our roots. Thereby allowing for spiritual growth, is a gift and honor…and a wonderful feeling.

But in the morning, before anything “is up” or “stirring” it is so much more peaceful and tranquil  For me, I can “hear His voice clearer” and more so in the early am.  Before my husband gets up, before my dog is up romping around, before my neighbors are out and about. I seek Him and His love and blessings on my day.  In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3)

Early morning is my “God time” and I love it.  It’s so special.  My connection to Him in the “wee hours” of dawn, is powerfully rejuvenating.  Before the Sun bears its face, and says “hello” is my essence of tranquility.  As the twilight begins to give way to the “light” — for me, is a beacon of joy, interspersed with a powerful feeling of being connected to my Father’s presence, and His love.

When you seek the LORD, you will find Him. He says so throughout the Bible in both New and Old Testament.  It’s reinforced in His words, and inherently available to those of faith.  His love is exponentially available to those who want Him.   And He knows those who “love Him and follow Him.”

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. Proverbs 8:17

Find the time to be “alone with Him.”  Seek Him. Love Him. Desire Him to be in all the equations of your daily life.  When you do, and you take the time to seek Him in solace, your life will take a different direction.  Your paths will be easier to travel.  Your decisions will become fundamentally lighter in due course, and your life will become a genuine opportunity to do all He has set forth for you to endeavor and handle, all the days here on “your mission” for the LORD.

“Father, I seek You early and always, please show me Your ways, teach me, and uphold me in all my paths, guide me, and show me Your will for my life, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”