DEAR GOD: Your Strength Delivers~




And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13 (KJV)


Deliver us O’ LORD, powerful and merciful Father, from all evil.  Past, present and to come. 

Did you ever have one of “those days” where things in the course of your day kept “coming at you fast and furious?”   You know to what I refer, and we all have had them, some more than others. Some not as frequent, however, suffice to say, we all encounter them along the way.

And then you have the current conditions in our world today. It’s hard to escape the breathless voices in the news, who report what seems to be “only bad news.”  Whatever happened to “feel good” stories?  I know that they must still exist. Surely there is still goodness in our world. There has to be!

After all, there is the LORD, and His light, and His protection over us. Keeping those of faith from “evil” which is swirling about in a cyclonic fashion. It’s stench covers the gamut of “death tolls from this hideous Virus” to “hateful acts ” against each other.

Evil seems to be winning at this point in time, does it not?  But, as the LORD says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

You can count of the LORD, and all of His promises, that He will neither leave us, or forsake us.  He is with us always. Through the slings and arrows, through both good times and bad.  He is strongest when we are at our weakest.  And He is mighty, and driven by His love for us.

Don’t lose sight of His Sovereign nature, and powerful omnipotence. During the course of our lifetime, He is standing by us, behind us, in front of us, and in us.

His Spirit leads, guides, directs, protects, delivers…and defends us.

As we enlist His help, and seek His face, let’s not forget we have a warrior who stands by us, all the days of our life.  As we encounter egregious events,  that are barreling down around us, or unseen circumstances, that might knock us to the ground, remember we have a King that Reigns, and is in FULL CONTROL, at all times.

Life can be convoluted in “average times” but, one has to agree this is not the “average times” any longer.  But one thing is certain, and so welcoming and reassuring…and that our LORD never changes.  He is the one constant in our world and in our lives.

Let Him be in control, and plan your steps. Let His will be done, and let Him guide, and direct you, all the days of your life.

When we rely on Him, in all we do, we then acquiesce, and solidify our faith, and it becomes inherently easier, to navigate the rough days.

Hold on to the LORD, and be confident that He, “…will never leave us, and is with us always, even until the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) 

Father, deliver me from evil this day, I look to You, and seek You, and Your Kingdom, my eyes are on You, today, and always, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”