DEAR GOD: Holy Holy Holy is My LORD~


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“And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Isaiah 6:3 (KJV)

The entire earth is fulness of His Glory! 

His Shekinah Glory!

All things He has made on this earth, and in the entire expanse of the Universe, planets, etc., are extensions and expressions of Him, and His magnificence.

His wisdom and goodness are manifold.  In other words, His power and Holiness are seen everywhere.

Huge mountains, seas, babbling brooks, trees, mighty and small, animals of every species, and all of humankind, lay the foundation, and praise to His Glory, and Omnipotence!  Hallelujah!

The holiness of God appears from the positive, uniform, and repeated testimonies, of the sacred writers.

His essence, His presence, and His holiness, are undeniably present in the Bible, and in fact, in all we are today, even in this world, as it currently stands. Yes, through the darkness is His light!

The holiness of the LORD, appears in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, in hearts of believers, allowing us full salvation.

Ostensibly, the Holy Spirit, was appointed with that purpose in mind…To dwell in the believers, accepting Him, and knowing He is our Lord and Savior…this is to recognize eternal life! Romans 8:9;

Holy Holy Holy is He!

For those who recognize, and acknowledge Him, in all they do, it shall be an advantage, and a pathway to eternal bliss. Ephesians 2:18

God loves us, His love is a consuming fire…It goes both ways. Let not anyone expect to live easily, who are living against the grain of morality, and decency, and love…all of which the LORD governs, and all of which Christianity is.

Sin can destroy, weakens the roots of people, it can obliterate beauty, and the soul within.  If God’s word is ignored, and carelessly cast aside, we should expect that the LORD will become disappointed, and perhaps, leave us to our own devices?

Chaos will ensue, along with signs, such as diseases, famine, and so much more.

As God is Holy, so should we try to be so too.

“Be Holy as Your Father in Heaven is Holy!”

Jesus calls each one of us to become like our Father in heaven. He calls us to be holy. Holiness in communion — in a solid and loyal relationship — with God.

Jesus, is the quintessential Being of Holiness.

Jesus is what Holiness comprises. Some of which is: commitment, perseverance, sacrifice, courage, mercy, compassion, wisdom, joy, and above all this, LOVE.

We can never be anywhere near who He is…but, we can strive to do so, in our actions, our thoughts, our deeds, and in our hearts.

Look around and see, sense, taste, hear and feel His Holiness!



“Father, my LORD, and Savior, thank You, for Your Magnificence, Your Holiness abounds throughout the Universe, in all places, and through all things, big and small, all Glory, Honor, and Power and Dominion,  belongs to You, and You alone, in Jesus name, Amen.”