DEAR GOD: Your Living Water Fills my Heart~


I love reading the Bible, it brings inner serenity and my soul is refreshed in every way. It is nothing short of amazing, how His word calls to my heart, and heals me from within to without.

Jesus is truth and the truth is, “He is the Living water” and I am filled with waters pouring from my heart.

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”  John 7:38

It is true, for those of us who believe. It is an energy that bubbles up from the inside and provides a tranquil and satisfying reaction.  The satisfaction of “hearing His words” and meditating on “Him and His love” brings feelings which are hard to describe.

Suffice it to say, I find my answers, almost all of the time when I run to Him.  Sometimes it’s within that moment for the answers I’m seeking.  Ostensibly, it can be hours or days before we “hear and sense” the answer. But it will happen, make no mistake about it. It will, in His time. And His timing is perfect. Not ours, but His!

But truth be told. And the truth is, Jesus is “truth.” He is the “Living water.”  He is all that we need, today, tomorrow and always.

Is your heart heavy with burdens?  Cast it to Him.

Is your mind filled with unrest?  Rest in Him.

Is your life deplete?  With Him you will be replete.

Is your thirst overwhelming?  With Him you will never thirst again.

Go to the One who cares for us more than we can understand, and experience the joy from within.

Experience the vitality of being free, then rejoice in Him.

Open the  best Book in the entire world,  and get to know Him.

It’s a life, and experience like none other.



“Abba Father, thank You for Your promises and fulfilling me in ways that only You can, with Your love I am filled with Joy, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”