DEAR GOD: Starting the Day With You~




Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Mark 1:35


Jesus started early each day in the early hours of the morning, going off alone, to pray to the Father.  So I ask this: If Jesus knew that praying to the Father was of dire importance, and critically essential to navigating the upcoming hours through any given day, how much more should “you or I do this?”  Think about that for a moment.

Jesus, the Son of God, knew He had to start the day off right, by praying to the Father.  Praying for guidance, light, discernment, and blessings on His day.  Praying for strength and direction, to do all according to His Father’s will, for His mission on earth.   How much more should “you or I do that?”  

Being alone with the LORD, at any time in a particular day, somewhere, or someplace, is crucial to strengthening our roots. Thereby allowing for spiritual growth, is a gift and honor…and a wonderful feeling.

But in the morning, before anything “is up” or “stirring” it is so much more peaceful and tranquil  For me, I can “hear His voice clearer” and more so in the early am.  Before my husband gets up, before my dog is up romping around, before my neighbors are out and about. I seek Him and His love and blessings on my day.  In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3)

Early morning is my “God time” and I love it.  It’s so special.  My connection to Him in the “wee hours” of dawn, is powerfully rejuvenating.  Before the Sun bears its face, and says “hello” is my essence of tranquility.  As the twilight begins to give way to the “light” — for me, is a beacon of joy, interspersed with a powerful feeling of being connected to my Father’s presence, and His love.

When you seek the LORD, you will find Him. He says so throughout the Bible in both New and Old Testament.  It’s reinforced in His words, and inherently available to those of faith.  His love is exponentially available to those who want Him.   And He knows those who “love Him and follow Him.”

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. Proverbs 8:17

Find the time to be “alone with Him.”  Seek Him. Love Him. Desire Him to be in all the equations of your daily life.  When you do, and you take the time to seek Him in solace, your life will take a different direction.  Your paths will be easier to travel.  Your decisions will become fundamentally lighter in due course, and your life will become a genuine opportunity to do all He has set forth for you to endeavor and handle, all the days here on “your mission” for the LORD.

“Father, I seek You early and always, please show me Your ways, teach me, and uphold me in all my paths, guide me, and show me Your will for my life, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Strength Delivers~




And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:13 (KJV)


Deliver us O’ LORD, powerful and merciful Father, from all evil.  Past, present and to come. 

Did you ever have one of “those days” where things in the course of your day kept “coming at you fast and furious?”   You know to what I refer, and we all have had them, some more than others. Some not as frequent, however, suffice to say, we all encounter them along the way.

And then you have the current conditions in our world today. It’s hard to escape the breathless voices in the news, who report what seems to be “only bad news.”  Whatever happened to “feel good” stories?  I know that they must still exist. Surely there is still goodness in our world. There has to be!

After all, there is the LORD, and His light, and His protection over us. Keeping those of faith from “evil” which is swirling about in a cyclonic fashion. It’s stench covers the gamut of “death tolls from this hideous Virus” to “hateful acts ” against each other.

Evil seems to be winning at this point in time, does it not?  But, as the LORD says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

You can count of the LORD, and all of His promises, that He will neither leave us, or forsake us.  He is with us always. Through the slings and arrows, through both good times and bad.  He is strongest when we are at our weakest.  And He is mighty, and driven by His love for us.

Don’t lose sight of His Sovereign nature, and powerful omnipotence. During the course of our lifetime, He is standing by us, behind us, in front of us, and in us.

His Spirit leads, guides, directs, protects, delivers…and defends us.

As we enlist His help, and seek His face, let’s not forget we have a warrior who stands by us, all the days of our life.  As we encounter egregious events,  that are barreling down around us, or unseen circumstances, that might knock us to the ground, remember we have a King that Reigns, and is in FULL CONTROL, at all times.

Life can be convoluted in “average times” but, one has to agree this is not the “average times” any longer.  But one thing is certain, and so welcoming and reassuring…and that our LORD never changes.  He is the one constant in our world and in our lives.

Let Him be in control, and plan your steps. Let His will be done, and let Him guide, and direct you, all the days of your life.

When we rely on Him, in all we do, we then acquiesce, and solidify our faith, and it becomes inherently easier, to navigate the rough days.

Hold on to the LORD, and be confident that He, “…will never leave us, and is with us always, even until the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) 

Father, deliver me from evil this day, I look to You, and seek You, and Your Kingdom, my eyes are on You, today, and always, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: You Are Our Light~


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If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1 John 1:6 (KJV )


The light of God, illuminates our path, and we proclaim His glory!

He creates light, or more specifically, His Spiritual light by which, “we” His children can see the truth.  Without His light, we would walk in the darkness, as most of the “world” walks in darkness, and is engulfed by the darkness of evil. (2 Cor 2:14)

To walk in God’s light is to “seek His wisdom, understand His truth” and live in the light of His divine righteousness.

God is light means that He creates spiritual light by which His children can see the truth. Without His illumination, we would walk in darkness as the world walks (2 Corinthians 2:14). To walk in the light means to know God, seek His wisdom, understand His truth, and live in the light of His righteousness.

Those who have entered, and embraced the light of God through Jesus Christ, have a huge responsibility to “shine as lights in the world.”  The light should be a beacon sparkling in the hole of darkness, as it bears witness to the Glory of God.  Jesus instructs us to “shine our lights” to a crooked and twisted generation” of people who live inside the “rim of darkness.” (Philippians 2:15)

Darkness is the emblem of chaos, trouble, perplexity, sorrow, grief, despair.  Conversely, light of course is the antithesis of Darkness.

Being under the auspices of Christ and His light, is a shield against the slings and arrows of evil, it’s our Spiritual armor in the war raging in this world, since the beginning of time. It’s more pronounced now, and it’s going to be quite a ride.

However, let us be clear…Christ is our light, Savior and protector. He is our Rock, and will guide us in all of our ways.  When we walk in the light, we are energized with His Spiritual power. We are harnessed in His love and our faith in Him will galvanize our pathways in life.  He will bring us through all of which we encounter along the way.  And we will be stronger, and shinier than we were prior to the circumstance in which we may be facing.

So walk in the light.

And continue to shine your light, from the Light that is within each of us, as children of God!

“Dear Father of Lights, thank You for the path in which Your glory shines, and for Your protection and love in a world of darkness, may I always walk in the Light of Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: You Are My Vaccination Against Evil & Illness~

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He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

                                        PSALM 91:1-2 (KJV)


Did you get your vaccination? Why? When? I got mine. You should get yours. What are you waiting for? You will die without it.  Are you crazy?  Get it, now.  Why would you even think about it? What are you waiting for?


This is kind of what I’ve been hearing since the vaccination arrived in our State in January, and even months before it got here, there was avid discussions from both sides.  Those who are for it, do not want to hear from those who are going to “wait” before making the decision.

The truth is, I have some underlying conditions that might trigger responses to the vaccinations.  And quite frankly, even after getting the “okay” from doctors.  I am going to wait until early summer, before I make a “permanent decision” about getting the vaccine.  Whether I will, or whether I won’t, remains to be seen.  And that is entirely up to “me” as it well should be for each individual.

Gathering the evidence, and speaking to your health care professionals, and weighing in on the pros and cons, is your decision.

I’m not “against” vaccines per se, or those getting eagerly in line to receive it.  If that is what will give normalcy to these individuals, and protect the vulnerable population…of course that is wonderful!  And if that’s what is going to eradicate this insidious virus from our lives, according to doctors, and the individuals getting them, okay. To each their own, amen.

Personally, my feelings on the whole subject is simple.   God is my vaccination against this Virus.  I trust Him fully on my behalf, and know I am under His wings of protection.

Now. Please don’t misunderstand, or misquote me!

I know there are many who have received the vaccine, or scheduled to get vaccinated, and believe in God.  This isn’t to say I have more faith, than those who already are vaccinated.  NO!  It merely is a testimony on my behalf, that I believe in God and His protection, and that is my spirit speaking from within.  I just really trust God, completely and fully.

I don’t know what I shall do.  However at this point, we both will wait. My husband, and myself, until at least early summer, before we make a conclusive decision. We want to see how things go, and pray about it.  Then we will make the decision with God’s help.

Until then, we hide under His wings of protection, and seek solace and peace in the cleft of the Rock.

My Almighty and forever, LORD!

“To all of my brothers and sisters, no matter about the vaccine, whichever route you choose is your business, may God be with you,  through this turbulent time.  May His light shine upon you, and guide you, direct you, and heal you, in Jesus name, Amen!”


“Father God, You are my Vaccination and my truth, my light and my protection in ALL things, now and always, thank You for all You are and do, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Life is a Loop~





I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Revelation 22:13



If we’re fortunate and blessed, we awaken each morning,  realizing God has granted us another day. With that new day, comes an array of duties,  we all have a routine of sorts…I call it a “Loop.”

We have a designated set of responsibilities.  Those of us who are retired, transport over to a new way of life.  Waking up a little later,  taking our time doing things, because we’re not usually subject to time constraints, as when working, or as when we were younger.

Then there are those in an “empty nest”  who find they may have more time.  Of course some may be enjoying the extra time, still others feeling saddened by the “void.”

Some have lost loved ones, and are adjusting to a different way of “living” without that individual.  The list goes on, and can be quite extensive overall.  But one thing that emerges forward, our life is a “constant Loop” for the most part.

It goes around and around and comes full circle.  And we’re all going to have some sort of “loop” in our days here on earth.  We all share things that others go through, its not uncommon what we are experiencing as God states in His word–(1 Cor. 10:13)– We all share the same temptations at times, we go through trials, we go through triumphs, and we go through losing something, or someone so very important. We lose and gain friends along the way.   Crises, illness, life, death. “Loops.”

The only discernable, and distinctive difference, is how we handle the “loops” — Those of faith know that within that “loop” is the Great I Am, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega...Our Father.

When He, is within our “loop,” there isn’t anything that we can’t handle through His Sovereignty.

There isn’t anything we can’t face through His love.

There isn’t anything we can’t accomplish through His blood.

There isn’t anything that can’t be fulfilled, through His grace and magnificence.

When you find yourself in the loop at the end of the day…look for the One constant in that circle.

Look and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, who brings us peace and understanding, protection and security, and leads us to the green meadows and still waters.

When we do that, and embrace Him,  the “loop” we encounter, becomes an ease of circumference, that is driven by our faith, and by His love.  Amen!


“Father, thank You for Your presence in my life, morning, noon and night, You are my One constant, and the reason I’m able to get through the “loops” of life, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Glory be Praised~





Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.


With thanks, and love, I proclaim His glory, and magnificence.

Daily praise is a habitual addiction of mine.

Let me repeat, “daily praise” is a habitual addiction of mine.

I sing a song aloud, out of nowhere!

At times, my dog jumps up, and stares at me as if to say, “Mommy, are you okay?  Will you be able to still give me my treats, food and hugs?”  LOL

How many of us are guilty of “praising the Lord all day long?”  I’m hoping we are a huge majority, but sadly…I wonder if that is true.

Yes, there are those who faithfully practice praising, and meditation along with Bible reading daily.

But…how many of us follow along those lines of openly, loudly, and purposely bowing down to give worship to the “Greatest of all?”

Naturally, there are times when that might be a little difficult to do. Such as in a store checking out your grocery items. For one to suddenly shout, “Praise to You LORD Jesus Christ!” and then proceed into song, might cause individuals to turn tail and run!  So…not sure if we can do it everywhere.  But, we can do it in our heads, and in our hearts, everywhere!  Right?

Today…as you go through the day, if you aren’t already in the “habit” of doing so, give Him a shout of “Thanks” and proclaim His glory.

He will smile and shower you with thanks. And your spirit will be in accord with His.


“Father God, thank You for everything!  Praise You for all You are, and all You do!  Praise You!  Praise You! Praise You!  In Jesus name, I proclaim Your glory, Amen!”



DEAR GOD: Holy Holy Holy is My LORD~


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“And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Isaiah 6:3 (KJV)

The entire earth is fulness of His Glory! 

His Shekinah Glory!

All things He has made on this earth, and in the entire expanse of the Universe, planets, etc., are extensions and expressions of Him, and His magnificence.

His wisdom and goodness are manifold.  In other words, His power and Holiness are seen everywhere.

Huge mountains, seas, babbling brooks, trees, mighty and small, animals of every species, and all of humankind, lay the foundation, and praise to His Glory, and Omnipotence!  Hallelujah!

The holiness of God appears from the positive, uniform, and repeated testimonies, of the sacred writers.

His essence, His presence, and His holiness, are undeniably present in the Bible, and in fact, in all we are today, even in this world, as it currently stands. Yes, through the darkness is His light!

The holiness of the LORD, appears in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, in hearts of believers, allowing us full salvation.

Ostensibly, the Holy Spirit, was appointed with that purpose in mind…To dwell in the believers, accepting Him, and knowing He is our Lord and Savior…this is to recognize eternal life! Romans 8:9;

Holy Holy Holy is He!

For those who recognize, and acknowledge Him, in all they do, it shall be an advantage, and a pathway to eternal bliss. Ephesians 2:18

God loves us, His love is a consuming fire…It goes both ways. Let not anyone expect to live easily, who are living against the grain of morality, and decency, and love…all of which the LORD governs, and all of which Christianity is.

Sin can destroy, weakens the roots of people, it can obliterate beauty, and the soul within.  If God’s word is ignored, and carelessly cast aside, we should expect that the LORD will become disappointed, and perhaps, leave us to our own devices?

Chaos will ensue, along with signs, such as diseases, famine, and so much more.

As God is Holy, so should we try to be so too.

“Be Holy as Your Father in Heaven is Holy!”

Jesus calls each one of us to become like our Father in heaven. He calls us to be holy. Holiness in communion — in a solid and loyal relationship — with God.

Jesus, is the quintessential Being of Holiness.

Jesus is what Holiness comprises. Some of which is: commitment, perseverance, sacrifice, courage, mercy, compassion, wisdom, joy, and above all this, LOVE.

We can never be anywhere near who He is…but, we can strive to do so, in our actions, our thoughts, our deeds, and in our hearts.

Look around and see, sense, taste, hear and feel His Holiness!



“Father, my LORD, and Savior, thank You, for Your Magnificence, Your Holiness abounds throughout the Universe, in all places, and through all things, big and small, all Glory, Honor, and Power and Dominion,  belongs to You, and You alone, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: My Rock, My Love, My All~

“The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.”

1 Samuel 22:2-3 (KJV)

David’s song of joy, proudly and loudly proclaiming, the LORD is His Rock and Shield, is a common thread to all believers.  Those who are blessed to know Him personally, and intimately, know Christ is our personal Protector, and Champion, in whom we can all take refuge.

As with David, and His lamentations and proclamations, of both troubling times and joyful moments, the LORD wants all of His children to take part in this wonderful, and awesome truth, and in His ever lasting love.

Christ, is our Savior, and well known to those of faith.  We know  that His love, imparts His glory for all of His children.  He does not divide His love, sub-divide His grace, or pick and choose whom He wishes to help, or grant grace and mercy to.

No.  In fact, He wants “all” of us to realize the depth of His power, the impact of His wrath,(should we choose another path) and the reward of obedience, to His Sovereign, and Glorious Omnipotence.

We should rejoice as David did, in full recognition, of His undivided attention; His free flowing, and never ending love; along with His undiluted grace, and merciful salvation.

The full moment of knowing we have a Savior, who cares for us, unconditionally, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, is not only an epiphany of exponential proportions, but also a life defining moment, that transcends throughout this lifetime and beyond.

Our Rock.

Our Refuge.

Our Love.

Our All.



Dear Father, thank You for Your never-ending ongoing protection, for being our Rock, Provider, Protector, and loving us with the capacity of which none other can, may we rejoice in You today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: “No” Means Not Yet~


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“Be still and know that I am God…”

Psalm 46:10


When God doesn’t answer our prayers, or seem to be listening to our requests, it doesn’t mean “NO” — it might mean, “not yet” or, “I love you, so I’m not letting that happen.”

As Christians, we are aware of God’s ultimate grace, and timing in all things.  His wisdom, and knowledge, far exceeds that which we can possibly understand. His untrammeled vision, sees far beyond what our human eye can.  And His enduring love for us, is deep and unfathomable.

I’m sure many of those reading this has at one time or another, prayed to the LORD, with their requests laid out, and their hearts exposed in humility for something, or someone.  As I’m sure many reading this have been impatient at one time or another, and thereby upset, that a request, or prayer went “unanswered.”  

Or so we thought!

Many times God’s silence, is a form “of love” and protection.  After all, parents know what’s best for their children, and wouldn’t meet an unreasonable request that their child was asking.

So too with the LORD.  Only it’s ten thousand times more magnified. It’s unlikely that God will grant a request that might harm us.  Or grant one that is not according to His timing. Because His timing is perfect, as He is perfect in all ways.

Don’t be discouraged, if God isn’t responding in a way that you’d expect, or would want. But instead goes silent, or in another direction. It’s for our own good.

God knows what’s best for us “years before” we even know what we want. He knows what our requests will be way before we utter them in our own minds.

He, after all, is the Creator.  He has the map of our blueprints, in His hands.

He knows what’s to be.

What’s to happen.

What is best.




Know He is God.

His love is at work for us at all times.  The Master never sleeps, and is ever present for all the moments of our life, and beyond into Eternity.

So next time you ask, “God why haven’t you answered me?”   I’d suggest you say, “Thank You” instead.  Because, He will answer, in His time, at the right time, ALL THE TIME.


“Dear God, thank You for Your unifying grace and overall love, we know that all things will come to those who wait patiently, and know that You are at work protecting and guiding us, all the days of our lives, in Jesus name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Heal Our Land O’ LORD~





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To say the world is in need of a healing, is a masterpiece of an understatement.

The horrific, paralyzing killer coronavirus, has been a life altering growth, leaving devastation in its wake.

The evil that is swirling in the Nation has been suffocating to most everyone.  And to top it all, the  civil unrest is despicable.  Sadly it’s become commonplace to “hate” those who don’t agree with their views.

The lack of tolerance and love is disconcerting and the “division” is scary.  The end result is the nation is in need of a  powerful “healing.”

Only the LORD has the power to heal.  Only the LORD has the power to unify, and only the LORD, has the power for change.

Hezekiah, in 2 Kings, was fully healed, though he had been expected to die.  Instead, the LORD extended his life for fifteen more years.

Prayers work.” 

The LORD hears the righteous prayers, and sees their tears. He turns from the wicked, but is close to those who love Him.

“Prayers work.”

As with Hezekiah, who needed a healing…so too does our nation.  We need to pray with a contrite heart.  We need to trust Him with all of our heart and soul and might and mind.  We need to pray for a “healing” in one big accord.

“Prayers work.”

The LORD moved the earth in order to give a sign to Hezekiah.  He can do anything at all. Nothing is too big or too small for the Great I Am. He alone has the power to heal our nation.  We need to have faith, pray and never lose hope or sight of our Sovereign Father, who is in control at all times.

“Prayers work.”

He allows things to happen for reasons, that at times is far outside our human comprehension. But there is an obvious pattern of Christian behavior that reaps vast rewards—Trust—Faith—Love—and Prayers!

“Prayers work.”

Keep praying, keep believing, keep speaking to Him from your heart.  He listens, He hears, and He heals.  Amen!



“Almighty Father in heaven, we know You are ultimately in control at all times, we look to You for all things, for guidance, direction, wisdom, and healing, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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