DEAOR GOD: My Love & Present Help ~





God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1


Valentine’s day, most will agree, was invented for sweethearts, in the hopes of driving up sales for flowers, candy, and cards.  Nothing against it, but it’s a highly promoted “holiday” for lovers, that if nothing else, empties most wallets pretty quickly!    But we can all agree, that “love does make the world go round” and without love, a life can be lonely and clearly desolate.

Love, is essentially what most search for, some all their lives, some finding it early, some later on, and sadly, some “not at all.”

We all have the opportunity to embrace the “greatest love story ever told” should we want it.  And that is the “Love of  Jesus Christ.”

After all, Christ is the quintessential meaning love is He not?

When we come to Jesus Christ, and opt to follow Him, desolation is pushed out, brining joyfulness is in its place.

When we read His Word, our “language is tempered with Wisdom.”

When we are filled with His Holy Spirit, our actions and ways present His Light from within, to “those we encounter.”

The complexities that may fill our day-to-day existence, with Christ in our lives, are chiseled away with brilliance of clarity and tranquility.  Which opens the pathway of our souls to be unified with Christ, hereby entrenched in His love and power.


Valentine’s Day?

You want the “Greatest Love of all time?”   You need not look any further, just look up…and open the Bible…then open your heart to the most fulfilling Love story you will ever experience in your life!


“My Amazing God, You are my forever Valentine, thank You for Your substantial sacrifice,  and enduring love, that holds me up, guides me, and keeps me fulfilled in every aspect of my life, I love You, always and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”