DEAR GOD: Your Love Conquers the World~




These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (KJV)



Today, once again, I awaken to give thanks for another day…and give thanks for “His blood,” and protection, over my life and family.

He told us, “Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world!”  Hallelujah!

We are His, and He is ours.  The world will always offer up a myriad of things. That includes, trouble and hardships. Temptations and envy. Goodness and evil. Light and dark.

But Jesus is with us and tells us “Be of good cheer: I have overcome the world!” 

Isn’t that comforting?

Isn’t that a vast reality of joy?

To know that He is with us always, and that He has overcome the world. Wow!

There isn’t anything better than that or more satisfying for our souls, realizing this. Accepting this truth. And applying it all the days of our lives.

Today, may I invite you to “embrace that scripture,” and all that it encompasses to us, for us, and within us.  Then, “embrace Him,” and His love. To do so is to open the doors to freedom, light, truth, comfort, and life everlasting!  Hallelujah!


“Thank You LORD for deliverance and protection over my life, today, and always, in Jesus powerful name, Amen.”


Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:  because  greater is He that is in you,  than he that is in the world. 

1 John 4:4 (KJV)


DEAR GOD: Willing to do Your Will~





Praise the Lord, you angels,
    you mighty ones who carry out his plans,
    listening for each of his commands.

Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels
    who serve him and do his will!

Psalm 103:20-21



In the Bible,  Jesus says; “not My will, but Your will be done…”and obviously, He’s talking about His Father, the Great I AM.  He’s teaching us that His will be done, and not ours.

But I often wonder, how many Christians follow what Jesus has said?

As we go about our lives any given day, we should always move forward with that notion in mind. That ultimately, it is the LORD’s will, and not ours, that is and should be prevalent at all times.

It’s relatively easy to lose sight of that during our busy encounters, and duties throughout the day. But when we go and pray and meditate that should be on the forefront of our minds.

To pray for God’s will to be done, is to be committed to pursuing the knowledge of God’s will. While getting to know His ways, and His doctrine, and His word.
To pray for God’s will to be done,  is to submit to God’s perfect wisdom, and sovereignty, and power. While trusting in Him, even when going through the harshest of trials.

Praying for God’s will to be done, inherently becomes a comparative basis for Christians to conform to Him, while exploring the world,  believing He will guide us, direct us, and lead us, while honing us into a closer mirror image of Himself, from the inside out.

It can appear as a Herculean task to be disciplined in God’s word, while accepting His will.  But eventually, we will be victorious through Christ, and excel, as we aspire to higher ground in Him, and through Him.

The next time we pray, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come,  Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven…” Stop and really think about those words, and what it means to apply it to our everyday life.  Ask for His guidance, and help, to truly grasp the enormity of that undertaking, with the ease of wisdom, and knowledge ,that only comes from Him, and His grace.

He will show you, His will for your life, you need only ask. Our Father, is a loving and obliging God, today, tomorrow and always.  

“Father God, we thank You for Your word, Your love and Your will in our lives, may we always be obedient to You in prayer, actions, and in our hearts, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: I Wait in Hope of Thee~




And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.

Psalm 39:7 (KJV)
And Now LORD, what wait I for?   
In other words, the “present is so discouraging, and daunting, the world is so unsettling, now what?
What do I wait for? 
What hope have I?
Cutting away from the ugliness of the “world,” while latching on to the LORD, brings hope, encouragement, and an abundance of overflowing satisfaction.
As Christians, we believe in Christ, and His resurrection.
Our Redeemer lives. Amen!
In other words, although we live, we “die” to the “world” and we are born again, the old person dies, and a new one in its place comes. Thanks be to Christ.
Being “born again,” and accepting JESUS, as our LORD and Savior, we are acknowledging Him and what He’s done for us, and therefore become “new creatures,” as the old person dies. In and through our baptism Spiritually it is so, we are born again.
No matter where we are in life, there is always hope, and answers and help come only from Him.
Bathing ourselves with His Word, and His love, catapults us into greater things that we weren’t capable of prior to accepting Him in our heart.
His wisdom, and unmerited grace, is a cloak that protects us in all aspects of our everyday encounters.  We are able to sustain a steady course, while tempering our pace to stay on “course” as we wait for Him.  All hope and help comes from Him, when we allow ourselves to be submerged in His able hands, and magnificence, we don’t have to ask “now what” — because he is our lifelong compass, and He will guide, and bring us, to our destination, today, tomorrow and always.
Have you had an intimate talk today with Him? 
He truly is the best listener you could ever have in your life.
Love Him with all your heart.  And Hope in the LORD, and everything else will take care of itself, as He intends.
“Dear LORD, I look to You for all things, through all things, and for all things, You are my everything and my answer to all I seek, may I find favor in Your sight, in Jesus name, Amen.”  

DEAR GOD: Trust Him!~






Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (KJV)




A friend of mine was really “down” due to the pandemic, and the ongoing conflicts occurring in our world today. So, she was “venting,” and crying out to me.

Me?  Well, that’s okay, after all what are friends for?

We comfort, we uplift, we share burdens, and we offer whatever wisdom we have stored up for such situations.  However, let’s be clear,  “wisdom” is NOT from me.  It’s from God and His Word.

I offered two important words, “Trust Him.”

There was a collective sigh on her end, and then a deep breath, before she said, “Sometimes, it’s just so hard...”

Well, that can be very true for those of faith.  No one said it was ever going to be an easy ride in life.  But Jesus did promise to never leave us, and He sent a “Comforter” to help in the Holy Spirit.  Jesus will never break a promise. Amen.

When we’re hurting, scared, or frustrated, we only have to look to Him, and His Love. That love which will encompass our essence, like a blanket of tranquility, while cohesively strengthening our inner spirit.

Trusting in Him, opens a road that would otherwise have been closed.

Trusting in Him, allows us to disengage from the suffocation of the world, and it’s unrest,  while offering us a “breath of life.”

“My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Offer your ear, and advice to those in need, but never forget where our “help” comes from.

Trusting in Him, makes us infallible in all we do, because through Him, we are able to survive hurdles, and trials that come our way.

We won’t be able to escape life unscathed by times of grief, sorrow, hurt, pain or frustration.  But with Christ, we’re capable of getting through it, and becoming stronger for it.

God is light; God is love; and God is life.

Enjoying fellowship with the LORD, allows us to walk in light. In so doing, we are also being cleansed by the blood of Christ.  Those of us who Trust the LORD, produce fruits of the spirit, thereby bringing spiritual growth, and intimacy with the LORD deep within the confines of our soul.

Faith in Christ infuses us with God’s life—that is to say, Eternal life.

In our life, tests come in all shapes and  sizes.  Some tests we can anticipate, others are not expected. Still some might hit us right between the eyes, knocking us to the ground in humility.

Sometimes the “box” in which the test arrives in, might be falsely wrapped, and not be aware of the contents– (circumstances)– of what’s about to happen.  But its so important to remember God is in control.  And irrespective of the box the “test” arrives in, God helps us unwrap the “box” while helping us out of it.  He implores us to come to Him, trust in Him, and seek His face and instruction in all we go through.

Trust in Him and He will provide the strength you need, and the “answers” you seek.

Along with your trust, offer your  daily Praises.

Plus—never forget—with God, all things are possible, no matter what is happening around you, or within you.

“Father my LORD, I trust You implicitly, fully and undeniably, all things are possible through you, and LORD, I know that even with darkness in the world, Your light overpowers it, and sends it packing, thank You in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”






DEAOR GOD: My Love & Present Help ~





God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1


Valentine’s day, most will agree, was invented for sweethearts, in the hopes of driving up sales for flowers, candy, and cards.  Nothing against it, but it’s a highly promoted “holiday” for lovers, that if nothing else, empties most wallets pretty quickly!    But we can all agree, that “love does make the world go round” and without love, a life can be lonely and clearly desolate.

Love, is essentially what most search for, some all their lives, some finding it early, some later on, and sadly, some “not at all.”

We all have the opportunity to embrace the “greatest love story ever told” should we want it.  And that is the “Love of  Jesus Christ.”

After all, Christ is the quintessential meaning love is He not?

When we come to Jesus Christ, and opt to follow Him, desolation is pushed out, brining joyfulness is in its place.

When we read His Word, our “language is tempered with Wisdom.”

When we are filled with His Holy Spirit, our actions and ways present His Light from within, to “those we encounter.”

The complexities that may fill our day-to-day existence, with Christ in our lives, are chiseled away with brilliance of clarity and tranquility.  Which opens the pathway of our souls to be unified with Christ, hereby entrenched in His love and power.


Valentine’s Day?

You want the “Greatest Love of all time?”   You need not look any further, just look up…and open the Bible…then open your heart to the most fulfilling Love story you will ever experience in your life!


“My Amazing God, You are my forever Valentine, thank You for Your substantial sacrifice,  and enduring love, that holds me up, guides me, and keeps me fulfilled in every aspect of my life, I love You, always and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: I Cherish You~

Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!”


Shut the intrusive noise around you!


Be quiet, be still, listen to the Lord, put your focus on God, and all else will fall into place, with His blessings.

Spending time with God, helps reinforce our ability to cope with “the world,” and the challenging circumstances that we all face, from time to time.

We are strong “through Christ” who leads, directs, guides us, every day.  Although the path and road is “narrow,” if we focus and keep our minds on the LORD, it will get easier each day we spend with Him. Our minds will start to think in spiritual ways, our hearts will grow in spiritual ways, as our love for the LORD, will increase tenfold.

Relying on His power, and  His guidance, becomes our tools of survival in a world of “darkness” —  His light shines, allowing us the wisdom, and ease, to navigate through stormy waters. But only through HIM!

Focusing on Him, and cherishing the time with the LORD, affords us the opportunity for Spiritual discernment, in all we attempt to endeavor, each and every day of our lives.

His light, is a force to be reckoned with, and the darkness won’t be able to stand up to it, so therefore “it’s banished” forever!

Trust Him.

Speak to Him.

Allow His will in your Life.

And most important, LOVE HIM.

The path you walk, and the minutes of each day will be extraordinary, when you give your heart completely, and fully to Him!

“LORD, thank You for Your light, love, and Word, in Jesus name, Amen.”