DEAR GOD: Jesus’ Vision & Love in Our World~

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33 KJV





What is the ultimate goal in my life?” or

“What do I want to do with my life?”

or “Why am I here in this world?

Jesus’ ministry and vision essentially is still “with us today” and is evident in His Word.  His foundation, and teachings, help us to answer these questions…and therefore renew, reinforce, and inherently establish our goals, or “life itself.”

He taught us to “seek first the Kingdom of our Father” and His righteousness.

Jesus came and proclaimed the Kingdom of God in all that He did, and still does to this day. The Kingdom of the LORD, might be depicted as God’s “vision” or His “plan” for His children, for every single one of us.

As our Creator, He envisioned a purpose for all of us, and created each of us from love.

As our redeemer, He healed through His grace and mercy.

As our Lord and sanctifier, He strengthened and purified.

We are loved by God, truly loved, and it has been affirmed through His actions, then and now.  His outstanding love is greater than any love of our lifetime.

When we look at creation, and nature, we see beauty. The birds of the sky, and flowers that grow in the field, are two examples He uses. It’s not so much their “doing something” useful or “providing something” that causes God to care for them…but that He does it for love.

Most of us have been blessed to have experienced the love of “our mothers.” This is a profound love, a great love, a selfless love, powerful and strong. Who can forget their Mom’s love?

Yet…God’s love is far greater, than the love of a mother. His love is so pure, and prolific, that it sustains us, and compels us into a structure of unity through His Spiritual body.

God knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us, and teaches us how to live life to its fullest, to live a life that gives life, and to enter into the divine life of Trinitarian love, through Christ Jesus, His Son.

His vision, and guidance, light up our pathways, as we travel on the highway of life.  From our birth, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, and eventually our death, Jesus’ vision is our constant source of provision and sustenance.  His love is life affirming and never ending.

Life and busy schedules invariably can cause a certain uneasiness, or restlessness.  The Psalmist reminds us that peace, and tranquility that we all desperately seek, only comes from above. Only from the LORD, no one else.  Jesus’ vision overrides the needle and pins of uncertainty, bringing about an ease and goals in which we can attain, through His wisdom, and Word.

Goals is one way in the parlance of the day,  that allows us to manage, and handle our responsibilities, while moving forward.

Jesus, and His untrammeled vision, invites us to look at life with a semblance of scrutiny.  He wants us to recognize that God, has all of the answers we seek.  And that only God, can plan our steps and path, but we have to “seek Him” and “listen” in order to bring it to fruition.

Jesus and His vision…and love…is always with us.  It’s up to us to “see, hear, listen and bring into action” His will for our lives.

God is the “goal keeper” of our lives, as we journey and experience His love and greatness, remember to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be given you besides.”

Only in God can my soul thrive, for from him comes my hope. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not waver, nor flinch, for His Vision promises and Word endure forever!


“Father God, help me to understand Your Vision for my life, and follow Your lead, and seek Your Kingdom every day of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”