DEAR GOD: Power of Jesus Christ & His Name~



There is Power in The Name of JESUS!

Philippians 2:9-10 (NASB)



Jesus Christ, has exhibited His magnificence, in countless and astounding ways throughout the ages.  His omnipotence is never-ending, and He is with us always, even at this very moment in time.

He was present at Creation, shares in the absolute power of the Father (John 1:1-5).  He demonstrated his physical power- and endured 40 days in the desert without eating (Luke 4:2)  Plus Jesus while in His ministry on earth, led a particularly demanding life, as a first century carpenter, and of course, more importantly, as a Preacher/Teacher/Rabbi.  He also traveled, during His miracles and preaching… some believe perhaps the entire circumference of the earth; 24,902 miles!

However, even with all the above being said…one would agree, the most significant account of Jesus’ life, was His sacrifice for us.

How He was crucified for our sins!   He was the perfect Lamb, unblemished, and went willingly—to fulfill the will of His Father—in order to save and redeem us, thereby, offering us eternal salvation.   Does it get any more amazing or powerful than that?  

Well, there is the fact that He rose again on the third day, and conquered death.  He is the sole Author of Peace, the antithesis of His nemesis, the enemy who creates chaos.

Christ triumphed over death through His resurrection. He died and rose again— never to die again—and this is how He truly conquered death. He is alive, forever more.  So too shall we be, when our flesh bodies die…we will be alive forever in our permanent spiritual bodies, through Christ. Jesus grants us that opportunity, as we embrace Him as our LORD and Savior.

Jesus said: “I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades” ( Revelation 1:17–18 ).

Embrace the fact that we are children of light, and that we have the Father of lights to watch over us.  He is shelter and our refuge for all things.  He hears our cries, He sees our tears.  He calms our soul, and soothes our heart, and mind.  He is the Provider of all our needs, and He is the strength, and wisdom guiding our paths.

Never under estimate the power of Jesus Christ’ name.

Do you know Jesus Christ? 

May I invite you to open His Book, and get to know Him?

One can empathically state: It’s a “reality” in which one cannot describe, unless you “subscribe” to it.



“Thank You Father, for gifting us with the power of Your Son Jesus Christ’ name, and His unprecedented love, all glory and honor and power and dominion be Yours, forever more, in Jesus name, Amen.”