DEAR GOD: Nothing Stays the Same—Except YOU!!


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)


Bell bottoms, Go-Go boots, hip-huggers, belly-button tops, actual enclosed telephone booths, an actual person answering any given place of business, Sundays were a day of worship—when all stores  were closed, writing letters, and sending cards through the snail mail, sitting on the porch with family, neighbors, and friends, and so much more.

All so long ago, and all part of the baby boomer generation.  In addition to getting older, much has changed since I was a very young girl in the 70’s.  Sometimes, it can be overwhelming how much and how fast life has changed.

Most of us have lived through a series of losses. Death of loved ones, parents, friends, and extended family members.  A good majority of us have lived through turbulent times, riots, civil unrest, and multiple tragedies throughout our country, and the world overall. Right now this Pandemic and political unrest is causing so much emotional distress.  But the good news, is that we are “here” right now, and “you” are reading this message right now.  Amen?

Don’t get me wrong, because change can be a positive thing, as stagnation is decidedly poor for spiritual growth.  But, nonetheless, everything changes.  That is everything, except the LORD.

He is steadfast, He is the Alpha, and Omega, He is the Creator, He is the Great I Am, He is the Prince of Peace, He is our Redeemer, He is our constant source of energy from within, to without. He is our refuge. He is our shelter. He is our strength. He is our sole purpose, of why we are alive today.  And…most important— He is the same, since the beginning of time. He is, and always was, and always will be.

The comfort of tangible evidence, of the LORD’s existence, in my life, is the reason I’m able to withstand, and prosper through change. Without His Word, His promises, His love…I would cease to be. With Him, I am fulfilled in premise and reality, and in virtually all I do and say.

With Him, I am able to navigate, and be aware of superficial individuals, who might be disguised as “friends.” I am prepared, because I  am armed with a fortress of truth, and artillery of wisdom, and boundless love that clothes my heart, and soul. Thanks to the LORD, and His never changing ways, and His Word.

Don’t be alarmed, or dismayed, have courage and be of good cheer, the LORD will never leave, nor forsake those who believe.

And hold on to this, even when it is the darkest of dark times, it won’t be long before the light shines through.  Because with the LORD…we walk in the light, prepared to do His will, and armed with the truth, able to circumvent any scenario that comes our way!


“LORD, thank You for being the One constant in my life, for never changing and providing peace, comfort and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”