DEAR GOD: Submit to God & He Will Draw Closer~




“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” 

James 4:7-8  (NKJV)


We draw near to God in many ways. One indisputable way is through His “Word”His “Book” —the Bible. Also, through meditation,  spending valuable time with Him. Setting aside an exclusive period of time, to read His Word, listen to His Word.  And of course, “listening to His Voice.” Which is pivotal, and a viable key to those of faith, resulting in  our spiritual growth.

We draw near, and close to God, when we choose to “close off the world,” as we shut ourselves away from all other influences, that might otherwise detract from getting to know Him better. We are becoming stronger in spirit, stronger in our proclamation of our love, and faith in our LORD.

The more we read His word, the better acquainted we get to Him.  We become inherently knitted to Him, and His doctrine, resulting in ripening fruits, of the spirit. When we share an intimate relationship with our LORD, we learn from His vast wisdom, and see His awesome power, manifest in all aspects of our life. That which is dark becomes light and that which is unclear, becomes transparent.

Make no mistake, God will win, every time, in any conflict with the enemy, and He wants us to overcome our adversary, through Christ Jesus.

That is the victory of being one with Christ. Christ overcame the world.

Greater is the One in us, than the one in the world. (1 John 4:4 ) We are victorious through our LORD and Savior.

It’s impossible for us to resist the world for very long, if we don’t put our trust in Christ. Our spiritual growth is heir apparent, by trusting in the LORD, time after time. We reinforce our growth, and faith, with each scenario or circumstance. We develop a deep, and intense history, by submission to Him, and our love becomes even more pronounced.  We then live for Him, and we present to others, the inner light.  Which is exactly what Christ wants us to do. “Shine our light.”

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds” (Matthew 5:16).

Submit all areas of your life to the LORD. If and when we think “we can do it solo” we are therefore saying to God, “Hey I got this, I can handle it alone.”  That is exactly when the enemy will attack!

The fact is… “we can’t do anything without God in the center of our lives.”   He is the nucleus of our being.  Without that nucleus we are nothing. He is our breath of life. He is the air we breathe. And He is the focus of our being.

God gives us the ability to submit, thereby, we  can then resist the enemy, through Christ, and prayers. When we spend time with Him, each day, and believe, trust, confide, and listen…God draws near and closer to us.

What happens then?  The enemy will soon be packing, and taking off for parts unknown!  He will flee before you can say “scram.”

Have you spent time with our LORD today?


“Dear God, I love You, and thank You, for being You, for Your word, for Your love, and for allowing me to be victorious through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and it is in His name, I pray, Amen!”