DEAR GOD: Christ’s Beauty in All Things~

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…but Christ is all, and in all.

Colossians 3:11 (KJV)


A dear friend wrote me a lovely upbeat email today, and she gave me the scripture from Colossians 3:11, and it inspired me to write this love devotional note to Christ. 

It flowed from my heart, hopefully straight to His. 

I thank Jennifer for her love and support, and timely email.

God bless you all this Sunday and always… 


Christ is with us always.

He is with me, in my car as I sing praises.

He is my sanctuary no matter where I go.

In my home, in my closet, or in my laundry room.

The beauty of Christ is prolific and calms my soul.

I can speak to Him no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing.

I don’t need the melodious swell of a choir singing Psalms, accompanied by pulsating notes, coming from the pipes of an oversized organ.

It is His voice that sings to me, both day and night.

There need not be a scenic landscape to appease and tickle my senses, or charm my ears.


I just need Christ.

He is what’s most near, and dear to my heart, mind, body and soul.

Jesus Christ, offers an ornate, and grandiose scale of provincial perfection, and much more than poetry, or music might reward.

My soul needs Him always.

Therefore, any outward materialistic object, that belongs to the “world” is transient, and ever-fleeting.

Christ is forever, and I need not occupy myself with swine, or the tempestuous noise of this world.

For Christ is mine, and I am His.

He is my all.

He is my everything.

He is my melodious song of love.

He is my masterpiece of perfection.

He is my palatial palace of peace.

And He, is my One and only, always, and forever.

I love You Jesus.

I am Yours.



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DEAR GOD: Inordinate Amount of Patience~


What is the Fruit of the Spirit and How Do I Grow It?

Self control, over one’s emotions can be challenging at times, to many individuals. However,  patience is a gift of the Holy Spirit,(Galatians 5:22) and as we develop our relationship with our loving Father, and hone in on our spirituality, we begin to notice a pattern, and a welcoming transformation in terms of our “fruits.”

When the Spirit produces patience in each of us, He is molding us to be more Christlike. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 refers and speaks of “patience of Christ.”  We should be patient, as He is patient.

Ostensibly, the opposite of patience would be agitation, lack of control, discouragement, or perhaps even a desire for making someone unhappy through selfish actions.  Our LORD does not want any of His children to live in such a manner. He wants us to cast away discouragement and in its place cultivate hope, encouragement, and praise.  We shouldn’t wish to seek revenge through hurtful actions, or lack of actions…instead love others and provide examples of Christlike behavior. (Romans 12:19, Leviticus 19:18)

As we grow in Him, we grow in all things related to His Spirit. And patience is a virtue that is most welcome in any environment. A steady hand of love, and a mindful heart, can bring about miraculous changes through Christ and His Spirit and mercy.

Next time you feel like losing your cool, harness that power from above, and ask the Holy Spirit for help.  He listens and is always available from the inside out!

“Lord thank You for Your gifts of the Spirit, may I always be ever mindful of them and Your grace and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Truth & Light = LIFE~



Isaiah 60:19–20 (NASB)

  “No longer will you have the sun for light by day,

Nor for brightness will the moon give you light;

But you will have the Lord for an everlasting light,

And your God for your glory.

  “Your sun will no longer set,

Nor will your moon wane;

For you will have the Lord for an everlasting light,

And the days of your mourning will be over.



Even in perilous times, and the dark of night, those of faith will always see His light.  His truth, and His ways, are impervious to darkness, and lies.  He breathes LIFE into those of faith, and therefore we LIVE, because of Him.

His light is an illumination for our souls, and for the steps we take everyday of our life, here on earth, and eventually into Eternity.

Wisdom stems from knowing Him, intimately, and from a close corroboration, of not only spreading the Gospel, but “living it,” as it were.  It is essential that we share the Word, and be a prime example to those we encounter along the way.

How can we apply the principles of a lifestyle promoting Christ with ease and assurance?  Because, let’s face it, most people whom we encounter along the way, don’t really know Christ as we do. And therefore, seemingly conjure up images of “fanatical religious freaks” when we speak about His truth, light, love and His ways.

I’ll tell you what I do should I encounter a “harsh word” or “judgement” about my faith.  I smile broadly and reply with :

Thank  you so much!  For Jesus said, when we are mocked to rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is my reward in the Father’s Kingdom!” 

Yes,  I have said that countless times, to many individuals, to which there is usually the sound of “crickets,” or a look of total confusion.  I have to confess, I am happy when they say I’m a Jesus nut.  And I love saying it for dramatic and literal purposes as well.

When we walk in His truth, and Light, we are embracing a lifestyle that inherently becomes part of our being.  We are thinking and walking in the Spirit, and demonstrating to others, the prolific joy of knowing Him.

Times change but Jesus doesn’t.  The one and only constant in our life, and in this world, is His Word, His truth, His love and His ways.  Which invariably and ultimately lead the way into eternal rewards, and bliss, as promised.

To realize the depths of His love, makes everything else in life seem superficial, and immaterial. Because to be clothed in His Gospel, and to Have His Word, and truth, as our arsenal… gives us the ability to cope. And get through anything life throws our way.  Yes, we all experience loss—some so horrific it takes one’s breathe away, and knocks us to the ground—but it’s much easier with the LORD on our side.  God didn’t say we wouldn’t go through hardships. In fact, it strengthens and hones us while promoting Spiritual growth.

What can you do today to bring Jesus into focus?   

Smile a little more.

Call someone today, you’ve been meaning to reach out to, but just haven’t had the time.

Drop off a plate of food to someone who lives alone, and can’t get out to the store.

Tell someone you “love them,” and mean it.

In other words…put on your JESUS, and Shine, Shine, Shine.

“LORD, may I be an example to those I encounter, speak with, or see along the way, may Your truth be front and center, in all I do, may Your light shine, from within to without, today and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Jesus’ Vision & Love in Our World~

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33 KJV





What is the ultimate goal in my life?” or

“What do I want to do with my life?”

or “Why am I here in this world?

Jesus’ ministry and vision essentially is still “with us today” and is evident in His Word.  His foundation, and teachings, help us to answer these questions…and therefore renew, reinforce, and inherently establish our goals, or “life itself.”

He taught us to “seek first the Kingdom of our Father” and His righteousness.

Jesus came and proclaimed the Kingdom of God in all that He did, and still does to this day. The Kingdom of the LORD, might be depicted as God’s “vision” or His “plan” for His children, for every single one of us.

As our Creator, He envisioned a purpose for all of us, and created each of us from love.

As our redeemer, He healed through His grace and mercy.

As our Lord and sanctifier, He strengthened and purified.

We are loved by God, truly loved, and it has been affirmed through His actions, then and now.  His outstanding love is greater than any love of our lifetime.

When we look at creation, and nature, we see beauty. The birds of the sky, and flowers that grow in the field, are two examples He uses. It’s not so much their “doing something” useful or “providing something” that causes God to care for them…but that He does it for love.

Most of us have been blessed to have experienced the love of “our mothers.” This is a profound love, a great love, a selfless love, powerful and strong. Who can forget their Mom’s love?

Yet…God’s love is far greater, than the love of a mother. His love is so pure, and prolific, that it sustains us, and compels us into a structure of unity through His Spiritual body.

God knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us, and teaches us how to live life to its fullest, to live a life that gives life, and to enter into the divine life of Trinitarian love, through Christ Jesus, His Son.

His vision, and guidance, light up our pathways, as we travel on the highway of life.  From our birth, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, and eventually our death, Jesus’ vision is our constant source of provision and sustenance.  His love is life affirming and never ending.

Life and busy schedules invariably can cause a certain uneasiness, or restlessness.  The Psalmist reminds us that peace, and tranquility that we all desperately seek, only comes from above. Only from the LORD, no one else.  Jesus’ vision overrides the needle and pins of uncertainty, bringing about an ease and goals in which we can attain, through His wisdom, and Word.

Goals is one way in the parlance of the day,  that allows us to manage, and handle our responsibilities, while moving forward.

Jesus, and His untrammeled vision, invites us to look at life with a semblance of scrutiny.  He wants us to recognize that God, has all of the answers we seek.  And that only God, can plan our steps and path, but we have to “seek Him” and “listen” in order to bring it to fruition.

Jesus and His vision…and love…is always with us.  It’s up to us to “see, hear, listen and bring into action” His will for our lives.

God is the “goal keeper” of our lives, as we journey and experience His love and greatness, remember to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be given you besides.”

Only in God can my soul thrive, for from him comes my hope. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not waver, nor flinch, for His Vision promises and Word endure forever!


“Father God, help me to understand Your Vision for my life, and follow Your lead, and seek Your Kingdom every day of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: The Great ‘I AM’~




But He saith unto them, 

It is I; 

be not afraid

John 6:20 (KJV)


The disciples in their peril at sea needed the great “I AM.” These two words alone should have removed all their fear. But instead they doubted and began to panic, as told in the Gospel of John.

After feeding the multitudes, Jesus told His disciples to head out for the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. And then Jesus went off to pray and to seek the Father, in a quiet and private setting.  Being alone to gather His thoughts, and commune with God, was a common practice during His ministry here on earth.  It was at there that He was able to speak His heart, directly to His Father’s heart.  It was there, He did according to His Father’s will, and it was there he was fully refreshed in the presence of the LORD.

Jesus, clearly had been praying for others, especially His disciples, and watched out for them always.  When He was done with prayer, and meditating, He joined them at sea. However,  the night was extremely black, and they evidently didn’t recognize their Savior.

Three hours after midnight, they were relentlessly straining with the oars against the hideous storm.  Jesus, was fully aware of their circumstances.  They didn’t realize it, but they were about to witness their Savior’s power, sympathy and love, as He quickly came to their aid.

He approached the distressed disciples, in an entirely unexpected way, by walking on the turbulent sea, as if it were stable as rock.

In fact, under the horrific conditions at sea, they thought He was an ominous apparition of some kind, and they were frightened.  Seeing this, He assured them by stating, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”   

I’m sure later  during their lifetime, the disciples remembered Jesus’ words,  and actions clearly…and that lesson was revived in their minds, allowing them to be comforted.

Just as we can to this very day.  We can be comforted by the “Great I Am” and His power and Words.  By His strength, fortitude, and omnipotence.  By His love, for every single one of us.

All things are possible with the Christ, to doubt, is seemingly a betrayal of our faith.  One must trust in God, and believe in His Word.  We should never wonder if He can intervene on our behalf, or wonder at the way it might be carried out.

Remember that God is the same today…as He has been since the beginning of time.  When we are battling storms, and hapless in circumstances that might be surrounding us, feeling threatened, or feel like we are drowning , just think of the “Great I Am” and hear His words of comfort.

He is still with us!

He will walk on water to get to us in any storm, no matter how big or small. He is there, right beside us.

Seek Him.

Love Him.

Revere him.

Trust Him.

He sees our tears, and wipes them away.

He knows what is going on in our life, and is aware of our battles both big and small.

He is our constant source of peace and our Light in the dark.


Today…if you are struggling; “Be of good cheer, Jesus Christ is near” we never have to fear!


“Thank You for guiding us and being our perpetual Light for all the storms in our life, and for loving us no matter what, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Power of Jesus Christ & His Name~



There is Power in The Name of JESUS!

Philippians 2:9-10 (NASB)



Jesus Christ, has exhibited His magnificence, in countless and astounding ways throughout the ages.  His omnipotence is never-ending, and He is with us always, even at this very moment in time.

He was present at Creation, shares in the absolute power of the Father (John 1:1-5).  He demonstrated his physical power- and endured 40 days in the desert without eating (Luke 4:2)  Plus Jesus while in His ministry on earth, led a particularly demanding life, as a first century carpenter, and of course, more importantly, as a Preacher/Teacher/Rabbi.  He also traveled, during His miracles and preaching… some believe perhaps the entire circumference of the earth; 24,902 miles!

However, even with all the above being said…one would agree, the most significant account of Jesus’ life, was His sacrifice for us.

How He was crucified for our sins!   He was the perfect Lamb, unblemished, and went willingly—to fulfill the will of His Father—in order to save and redeem us, thereby, offering us eternal salvation.   Does it get any more amazing or powerful than that?  

Well, there is the fact that He rose again on the third day, and conquered death.  He is the sole Author of Peace, the antithesis of His nemesis, the enemy who creates chaos.

Christ triumphed over death through His resurrection. He died and rose again— never to die again—and this is how He truly conquered death. He is alive, forever more.  So too shall we be, when our flesh bodies die…we will be alive forever in our permanent spiritual bodies, through Christ. Jesus grants us that opportunity, as we embrace Him as our LORD and Savior.

Jesus said: “I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades” ( Revelation 1:17–18 ).

Embrace the fact that we are children of light, and that we have the Father of lights to watch over us.  He is shelter and our refuge for all things.  He hears our cries, He sees our tears.  He calms our soul, and soothes our heart, and mind.  He is the Provider of all our needs, and He is the strength, and wisdom guiding our paths.

Never under estimate the power of Jesus Christ’ name.

Do you know Jesus Christ? 

May I invite you to open His Book, and get to know Him?

One can empathically state: It’s a “reality” in which one cannot describe, unless you “subscribe” to it.



“Thank You Father, for gifting us with the power of Your Son Jesus Christ’ name, and His unprecedented love, all glory and honor and power and dominion be Yours, forever more, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Anticipation & Rewards~





“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith”

 1 John 5:4 


As Christians, we strive to strengthen our faith, and endure all things, because of faith.  Seeking Him, daily in both His Word, and prayer, we are exhibiting, and inherently, solidifying our love, and trust in the LORD.

Together, in accordance to His Word, and fellowship with other believers, we encourage and support each other in our faith.

We invariably will experience trials, and personal discipline, in order to keep our eyes, heart, and mind focused on Christ Jesus.

Being embroiled in His Word, and promises, enables us to be secure in our journey as a Christian.

When we look to Jesus every day, what happens?  Well for one thing, our burdens are both easier and lighter.  And the weight of our sins fall away, thereby freeing us, as we express, and embrace His truth, light and powerful unconditional love.

Each day, as we look to Jesus, we are gaining deeper roots of Christianity, we are filled with joy, knowing He is with us now, and always.  Most important… He waits for us, on the other side, where He has prepared a place for us in His Father’s house.  Our house eventually…for eternity.

All of the pain, suffering, trials of tribulation, that we endure in our lifetime, will ultimately be worth it.  When we endure, all that we experience, as gaining wisdom, and Spiritual growth, it makes it beyond worthwhile.

We can be happy knowing, that when our journey here on earth is over…we will get to the “finish line.”

And Praise the LORD, at the end of the race, Jesus waits with open arms….Hallelujah!


“Dear LORD, thank You for Your promises, rewards, and love, may I run the good race and find favor in Your eyes, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Nothing Stays the Same—Except YOU!!


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)


Bell bottoms, Go-Go boots, hip-huggers, belly-button tops, actual enclosed telephone booths, an actual person answering any given place of business, Sundays were a day of worship—when all stores  were closed, writing letters, and sending cards through the snail mail, sitting on the porch with family, neighbors, and friends, and so much more.

All so long ago, and all part of the baby boomer generation.  In addition to getting older, much has changed since I was a very young girl in the 70’s.  Sometimes, it can be overwhelming how much and how fast life has changed.

Most of us have lived through a series of losses. Death of loved ones, parents, friends, and extended family members.  A good majority of us have lived through turbulent times, riots, civil unrest, and multiple tragedies throughout our country, and the world overall. Right now this Pandemic and political unrest is causing so much emotional distress.  But the good news, is that we are “here” right now, and “you” are reading this message right now.  Amen?

Don’t get me wrong, because change can be a positive thing, as stagnation is decidedly poor for spiritual growth.  But, nonetheless, everything changes.  That is everything, except the LORD.

He is steadfast, He is the Alpha, and Omega, He is the Creator, He is the Great I Am, He is the Prince of Peace, He is our Redeemer, He is our constant source of energy from within, to without. He is our refuge. He is our shelter. He is our strength. He is our sole purpose, of why we are alive today.  And…most important— He is the same, since the beginning of time. He is, and always was, and always will be.

The comfort of tangible evidence, of the LORD’s existence, in my life, is the reason I’m able to withstand, and prosper through change. Without His Word, His promises, His love…I would cease to be. With Him, I am fulfilled in premise and reality, and in virtually all I do and say.

With Him, I am able to navigate, and be aware of superficial individuals, who might be disguised as “friends.” I am prepared, because I  am armed with a fortress of truth, and artillery of wisdom, and boundless love that clothes my heart, and soul. Thanks to the LORD, and His never changing ways, and His Word.

Don’t be alarmed, or dismayed, have courage and be of good cheer, the LORD will never leave, nor forsake those who believe.

And hold on to this, even when it is the darkest of dark times, it won’t be long before the light shines through.  Because with the LORD…we walk in the light, prepared to do His will, and armed with the truth, able to circumvent any scenario that comes our way!


“LORD, thank You for being the One constant in my life, for never changing and providing peace, comfort and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Submit to God & He Will Draw Closer~




“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” 

James 4:7-8  (NKJV)


We draw near to God in many ways. One indisputable way is through His “Word”His “Book” —the Bible. Also, through meditation,  spending valuable time with Him. Setting aside an exclusive period of time, to read His Word, listen to His Word.  And of course, “listening to His Voice.” Which is pivotal, and a viable key to those of faith, resulting in  our spiritual growth.

We draw near, and close to God, when we choose to “close off the world,” as we shut ourselves away from all other influences, that might otherwise detract from getting to know Him better. We are becoming stronger in spirit, stronger in our proclamation of our love, and faith in our LORD.

The more we read His word, the better acquainted we get to Him.  We become inherently knitted to Him, and His doctrine, resulting in ripening fruits, of the spirit. When we share an intimate relationship with our LORD, we learn from His vast wisdom, and see His awesome power, manifest in all aspects of our life. That which is dark becomes light and that which is unclear, becomes transparent.

Make no mistake, God will win, every time, in any conflict with the enemy, and He wants us to overcome our adversary, through Christ Jesus.

That is the victory of being one with Christ. Christ overcame the world.

Greater is the One in us, than the one in the world. (1 John 4:4 ) We are victorious through our LORD and Savior.

It’s impossible for us to resist the world for very long, if we don’t put our trust in Christ. Our spiritual growth is heir apparent, by trusting in the LORD, time after time. We reinforce our growth, and faith, with each scenario or circumstance. We develop a deep, and intense history, by submission to Him, and our love becomes even more pronounced.  We then live for Him, and we present to others, the inner light.  Which is exactly what Christ wants us to do. “Shine our light.”

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds” (Matthew 5:16).

Submit all areas of your life to the LORD. If and when we think “we can do it solo” we are therefore saying to God, “Hey I got this, I can handle it alone.”  That is exactly when the enemy will attack!

The fact is… “we can’t do anything without God in the center of our lives.”   He is the nucleus of our being.  Without that nucleus we are nothing. He is our breath of life. He is the air we breathe. And He is the focus of our being.

God gives us the ability to submit, thereby, we  can then resist the enemy, through Christ, and prayers. When we spend time with Him, each day, and believe, trust, confide, and listen…God draws near and closer to us.

What happens then?  The enemy will soon be packing, and taking off for parts unknown!  He will flee before you can say “scram.”

Have you spent time with our LORD today?


“Dear God, I love You, and thank You, for being You, for Your word, for Your love, and for allowing me to be victorious through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and it is in His name, I pray, Amen!”

DEAR GOD: Impervious to Negativity~

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For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 

Romans 8:18 (KJV)


Isn’t it a comfort, knowing that no matter what is going on within your life circle, or outside the parameters of our neighborhood, or Country, that we are impervious to the “wicked” or “chaotic” manifestations of current times?

When we are filled with earnest faith, and an unwavering trust in our LORD, the actions of others are impregnable to our “inner self” that is to say, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit, our Comforter, and compass of morality, along with wisdom, and strength. We have this blessed Comforter, all because of Christ, and God’s love for His children. (“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Luke 24:49 NLT)

Swirls of discomfort may be present here, and throughout the world,  but the healing balm of the Lamb, brings us joy and hope.

Stay focused on Jesus, during times of discourse and chaos. He is an ever constant Presence in both good times, and bad. His sturdy hands, will shelter us from whatever ails us.  And His light will keep us from the darkness of the world.  ( The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5  NLT)

Have you seen the Light?

“Father, LORD, thank You for all that You are and do, this day, tomorrow and always, You are my hope and my salvation comes from You and Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”