DEAR GOD: Shine Your Light LORD in 2021~



The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)


As 2021 comes into focus, one thing is for certain,  I think we can all collectively say, “good riddance. ” 2020 was a devastating year for so many.

Millions of lives were lost, as the Pandemic pulled us into historical events that were life altering.

Far too many individuals lost loved ones,  and far too many became ill.  And thank God,  so many recovered. However, the repercussions were resounding, and the fall-out is still being felt by the world, as it is still ongoing, with a new strain on the horizon!

But as horrific as the past year was…God helped us through it all. As we face 2021 together, let’s cling tight to His promises, His light, and His love.

As we move forward together, let God plan the steps you will take. Let His will predominately be done.

Let His all powerful brilliant light shine upon the world. And in the process, let His love continue healing, leading, and guiding us all in Jesus name, Amen.

The resilience of our spirit is fortified by our faith and by His strength that is inherent in Christians.  For we fight the good fight, we don’t wrestle again the flesh and blood, but we instead fight against the principality of a higher force.

Only God can guide us into battle and temper our souls with His weapon of defense.  And through the storms, the battles, the tears and the earth shattering sadness…there is always but ONE standing. That is our LORD and Savior who conquered the world.  So long ago, victorious and conquered death, that is to say the devil.  And…so…it goes.  We are victorious only through Jesus Christ!

So…hang on my brothers and sisters. Look to His promises and look to the heavens, for the LORD draws near.

This New Year, may God lead us through whatever He has in place for us.  May His hands hold us up, and may we never lose sight of just how powerful our GOD IS!

I have no doubt that this pandemic WILL END.

I have no doubt that this will be a better year.

And I have no doubt that the LORD loves us with the force of ten thousand suns and more.

And I have absolute trust and faith in His promises, every single one of them.

So with that resume, of just who our Father is, and what He is capable of...that alone, is enough to know we will all be okay.

Because no matter what has happened this past year, we know we are here, right now, and He is with us always. And He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

Now allow me to ask this question…With God in our corner, and His prolific love…does it get any better than that?


Happy New Year my brothers and sisters!


“Father God, thank You for allowing us to see another New Year come in, I thank You for Your love, Your light, and Your guidance, may I always walk according to the steps You alone provide, in Jesus name, Amen.”